
The pharmacy accidentally broke out the two deficiency of qi and yin, qi and blood, and yin and yang

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Jia Xiaolin

Hello everyone, I am Jia Xiaolin, a Chinese medicine practitioner

A collection of Chinese patent medicines that has been urged by fans and friends for a long time, and today I have time, so I will tell you about the manifestations of qi and yin deficiency, qi and blood deficiency, yin and yang deficiency, as well as symptomatic Chinese patent medicines, for your reference Xi learning.

The pharmacy accidentally broke out the two deficiency of qi and yin, qi and blood, and yin and yang

First of all, the deficiency of qi and yin, the cause of which is that the heat evil is in the body, which hurts the qi and yin or consumes the fluid of the body, and the qi is removed with the liquid, and the true yin is damaged, which makes the vitality greatly damaged. The body shows stomach fullness, more serious after meals, loss of appetite, upset, dry mouth and throat, dry eyes without tears, dizziness and drowsiness of limbs, hot hands and feet, pale yellow urine, dry stool, red tongue, less lichen, tooth marks on the tongue can be referred to

The first type: Shengmai drink.

Fangzhong ginseng is a great tonic for vitality, wheat winter is sweet and cold, good at moistening the lungs and nourishing yin, and schisandra chinensis has a sour taste, which can converge and solidify, and firmly hold the qi and yin that are replenished into it for the body's use, so as to achieve the effect of double replenishment of qi and yin.

The pharmacy accidentally broke out the two deficiency of qi and yin, qi and blood, and yin and yang

The second type: Zhenqi Fuzheng granules

The astragalus in the recipe replenishes qi, and the ligustrum nourishes yin, so that qi and yin are supplemented, and the problem is solved!

The pharmacy accidentally broke out the two deficiency of qi and yin, qi and blood, and yin and yang

Next, let's talk about qi and blood deficiency, qi is the handsome of blood, blood is the mother of qi, the two are interdependent, qi and blood can metamorphose each other, so if one of the two is weak or insufficient, the other party may also be implicated, and it is possible to show symptoms of qi and blood deficiency

The body shows dizziness, palpitations, shortness of breath, insomnia, sweating, fatigue, dry skin, pale tongue, thin white moss, etc

If you want to recuperate, you can refer to: Qi and Blood Double Supplement Pills

The pharmacy accidentally broke out the two deficiency of qi and yin, qi and blood, and yin and yang

Codonopsis, Atractylodes macrocephalus, and licorice invigorate the spleen and invigorate qi, and if the spleen and stomach are strong, the qi and blood are biochemically active; Angelica, white peony, and rehman are used to nourish the blood; the shou wu and ligustrum are made to nourish the liver and kidneys, and the essence and blood are nourished; finally, Chuanqiong invigorates blood and qi, drives the blood to flow freely throughout the body, so that the tonic is not stagnant, and the whole formula achieves the effect of both qi and blood.

Finally, the body has both yin deficiency and yang deficiency, and the most typical symptoms are both cold and heat, accompanied by hot flashes, night sweats, dizziness, tinnitus, palpitations, insomnia and other manifestations of yin deficiency, as well as lack of qi and weakness, edema of the lower limbs, frequent urination, urgency, impotence and premature ejaculation and other symptoms of yang deficiency

The pharmacy accidentally broke out the two deficiency of qi and yin, qi and blood, and yin and yang

In the formula, Ziheche is the king, nourishing qi and nourishing blood and nourishing essence: ginseng greatly replenishes vitality, deer horn gum focuses on tonifying the kidney and strengthening yang, and turtle plate, rehman, and wolfberry nourish yin and nourish blood. The combination of 4 flavors and medicines makes the whole formula achieve the effect of yin and yang. Finally, there are astragalus, atractylodes, yam, and poria cocos to replenish qi and strengthen the spleen, and promote better absorption of medicines.

So, the above is the content to share with you today, if you are not clear about your physical condition, the medication should still be used dialectically under the guidance of a professional doctor, we will see you next time!

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