
On Monday's New Year's Day, the old man said, "Eat 1 treasure on New Year's Day, don't run to the hospital", what does it mean?

author:The smell of fireworks

It's New Year's Day soon, and in our family there will be such a tradition as soon as New Year's Day arrives, that is, to make buns, although we are not northerners, not like to eat buns like the north, but on this important day, buns are indeed an indispensable Xi for us.

On Monday's New Year's Day, the old man said, "Eat 1 treasure on New Year's Day, don't run to the hospital", what does it mean?

There are also great benefits to making such buns, in addition to the cultural aspect, more important is the contribution to physical health, we often wrap buns, not only can supplement the protein that our body needs, the vegetables in the buns are also rich in dietary fiber and a variety of vitamins, not only help digestion, but also supplement a variety of nutrients. So some old people said that buns are more nutritious than other dishes, so let's learn how to wrap this bun with me.

On Monday's New Year's Day, the old man said, "Eat 1 treasure on New Year's Day, don't run to the hospital", what does it mean?

【Radish Vegetable Bun】

Ingredients: radish, pork leg, salt, shiitake mushrooms, soy sauce, glutinous rice flour, wheat flour, sugar, pastry paper

Here's how:

1. First prepare a fresh radish, then clean the radish with water, and then use a peeler to peel off the skin of the radish. After peeling, we use a silk cutter to wipe the shreds, and we choose a slightly larger hole in the shredder, so that the cooked radish will not be too soft and rotten. After the shredding is done, we put the shredded radish in a pot, and then add an appropriate amount of salt, which can marinate some of the water in the radish, and at the same time, it will also make the radish a little salty, and can also remove some of the spicy taste of the radish.

On Monday's New Year's Day, the old man said, "Eat 1 treasure on New Year's Day, don't run to the hospital", what does it mean?

2. Take out the prepared pork leg meat, usually the pork leg meat we buy has skin, and in the case of cabbage packs, we try to choose lean meat, so we have to deal with the skin of the pork. Next, we put the rest of the lean meat into a meat grinder and grind the meat. Since I bought a meat grinder at home, I found it really practical, and it can be used for grinding meat, ground vegetables or other things very well. Once you've ground the lean meats into a puree, set them aside.

On Monday's New Year's Day, the old man said, "Eat 1 treasure on New Year's Day, don't run to the hospital", what does it mean?

3. It is best to soak the shiitake mushrooms in advance, because the taste of shiitake mushrooms is very strong, and if they are not soaked and cleaned in advance, the flavor of the boiled shiitake mushrooms will cover other ingredients. After the mushrooms are soaked, we pinch off the water in the mushrooms by hand, and then put the mushrooms in a meat grinder, and also grind the mushrooms into a puree and set them aside for later use. At this time, it is almost time for us to pickle the shredded radish, we take out the shredded radish with our hands, twist it gently, and pinch out the water in the shredded radish, and it is best to wring out the water in the shredded radish as much as possible.

On Monday's New Year's Day, the old man said, "Eat 1 treasure on New Year's Day, don't run to the hospital", what does it mean?

4. Prepare a pan, pour a small amount of oil into the pan, then we put the meat puree in and turn on low heat. Because there is actually a lot of fat in the meat puree, we can slowly stir-fry the fat in the meat puree by turning on low heat, and we can also make the meat more fragrant. Then, we put the prepared shiitake mushroom puree in it and stir-fry it evenly with a spatula, so that the flavor of the shiitake mushroom and the meat puree can be fully integrated.

On Monday's New Year's Day, the old man said, "Eat 1 treasure on New Year's Day, don't run to the hospital", what does it mean?

5. Next, we continue to pour the shredded radish into the pan and stir-fry the shredded radish and other ingredients with a spatula. After stir-frying for a while, we add salt, oyster sauce and some soy sauce to the pan for seasoning and coloring. After adjusting the flavor, we can first try the taste for ourselves to see if we need to adjust it.

On Monday's New Year's Day, the old man said, "Eat 1 treasure on New Year's Day, don't run to the hospital", what does it mean?

6. Next, we are going to prepare the glutinous rice flour and wheat flour, put them in a basin with just the right amount of water and sugar, and knead them into a dough.

On Monday's New Year's Day, the old man said, "Eat 1 treasure on New Year's Day, don't run to the hospital", what does it mean?

After kneading the dough, we knead out a small piece of dough by hand, press it into a dough and put our prepared filling in the middle, and after wrapping all the filling, we put them on the pastry paper.

On Monday's New Year's Day, the old man said, "Eat 1 treasure on New Year's Day, don't run to the hospital", what does it mean?

7. Finally, we put the wrapped buns in the steamer, boil them over the heat, and steam them for about 15 minutes, the buns will be steamed, and they can be eaten out of the pot.

On Monday's New Year's Day, the old man said, "Eat 1 treasure on New Year's Day, don't run to the hospital", what does it mean?

It is best to steam the steamed buns we wrap directly, and put them in the refrigerator if you can't finish them, and it is best to eat them in two or three days.

On Monday's New Year's Day, the old man said, "Eat 1 treasure on New Year's Day, don't run to the hospital", what does it mean?

This is the home-cooked steamed bun method shared with you today, interested friends go and try it.