
The crying scene is hideous, and the expression is distorted, this "hyaluronic acid" beauty, please spare the audience

author:Chen Chen said

From the flashing police lights on the TV screen, followed by the car chase, the protagonist Cheng Bing (played by Qin Hao) and his teammates begin to unfold the plot life. "The Three Teams" is an addictive crime drama that takes the audience inside the police world and gives a glimpse into the excitement of the life and work of the police. In this gripping story, Cheng Bing and his teammates, especially Shi (played by Liu Yitie), devote everything they have to the mission of tracking down a fugitive named Wang Dayong (played by Chen Minghao).

The crying scene is hideous, and the expression is distorted, this "hyaluronic acid" beauty, please spare the audience

In the TV series "The Three Teams", the audience is not only attracted by the tension and excitement of the plot, but also deeply intoxicated by the excellent performances of the actors. However, the problem of integration with the character also often bothers the actor and the director, because there is a delicate balance between the character's character and the actor's own characteristics. This article will explore how the integration of characters and actors in this TV series affects the audience's perception of the plot and characters.

The crying scene is hideous, and the expression is distorted, this "hyaluronic acid" beauty, please spare the audience

Cheng Bing, the protagonist played by Qin Hao in the play, is the heart and soul of the whole story. He is an experienced police officer, but also a character full of humanity. Cheng Bing's tenacity, bravery, and intelligence made him the focus of the audience, and Qin Hao interpreted this role vividly through his excellent acting skills. The audience was able to see the conflict between the professional ethics and family responsibilities of the police from Cheng Bing, which made him even more attractive and resonant.

The crying scene is hideous, and the expression is distorted, this "hyaluronic acid" beauty, please spare the audience

Wang Dayong, who has robbed at gunpoint, not only has superb anti-reconnaissance capabilities, but also has the ability to make the criminal world fearful, making him a very challenging target. The chase in this story is not only physical, but also intellectual, and the battle between justice and crime is full of suspense and uncertainty. Although the members of the three major teams can no longer wear police uniforms, they are still united and relentlessly search for Wang Dayong's traces.

The crying scene is hideous, and the expression is distorted, this "hyaluronic acid" beauty, please spare the audience

In the TV series "The Three Teams", each character has a rich inner world and unique character traits. Cheng Bing is a police officer, but he is also a father, and his heart is full of contradictions about family and duty. Stone is a resilient player, but he also has his own troubles and vulnerabilities. Wang Dayong is a criminal, he is both a villain and a contradictory human nature.

The crying scene is hideous, and the expression is distorted, this "hyaluronic acid" beauty, please spare the audience

In addition to the gripping plot, it is also difficult for the audience to ignore the superb acting skills of the actors. Qin Hao, Liu Yitie, Li Naiwen and others all performed the personalities and emotions of their respective characters to the fullest, leaving a deep impression on the audience. Their performances made the audience more engaged in the plot and felt the inner struggle and determination of the protagonists.

The crying scene is hideous, and the expression is distorted, this "hyaluronic acid" beauty, please spare the audience

The actors have managed to bring these complex characters to life through superb performances. When Qin Hao interprets Cheng Bing, he vividly shows his inner struggle and tenacity, so that the audience can better understand the complexity of this character. Liu Yitie showed the perseverance and bravery of the stone through his performance. When Chen Minghao played Wang Dayong, he successfully combined the evil and humanity of the villain, which made people can't help but have mixed feelings about him.

The crying scene is hideous, and the expression is distorted, this "hyaluronic acid" beauty, please spare the audience

In addition to the protagonist Cheng Bing, the teammates in the play also have their own characteristics, especially Shi (played by Liu Yitie). Stone is a resilient player, and his calmness and bravery in key moments bring stability and confidence to the whole team. The audience can see the tacit understanding and unity between the entire team, and they face the challenge of the fugitive Wang Dayong together, which makes the plot even more fascinating.

The crying scene is hideous, and the expression is distorted, this "hyaluronic acid" beauty, please spare the audience

Inevitably, there is also some controversy in the play. Especially Zhou Zixuan, who played Cheng Bing's daughter Tongtong, her performance was criticized by the audience. Audiences generally felt that her performance seemed unnatural and that her appearance was too mature to believe that she was a high school student. This kind of performance that does not conform to the character setting makes it difficult for the audience to resonate emotionally, which has become a major point of controversy in the play.

The crying scene is hideous, and the expression is distorted, this "hyaluronic acid" beauty, please spare the audience

The characterization in the TV series is not only impressive, but also emotionally resonates with the audience. The audience can find their own shadow in characters such as Cheng Bing, Shi and Wang Dayong, because these characters all have human weaknesses and contradictions. The audience can feel the inner struggle, the moral choice, and the weight of responsibility with them. This emotional resonance allows the audience to be more engaged in the story, experiencing their adventures and challenges with the characters.

The crying scene is hideous, and the expression is distorted, this "hyaluronic acid" beauty, please spare the audience

Despite the controversy over the actors' performances, the value of "The Three Teams" is much more than that. Through a tense chase story, complex character relationships, and superb acting skills of the actors, the drama successfully shows the battle of wits between the police and the criminals, and immerses the audience. At the same time, the play also deeply explores deep themes such as justice, law, and human nature. In the process of chasing criminals, the audience can't help but think about the definition of justice and the binding force of law.

The crying scene is hideous, and the expression is distorted, this "hyaluronic acid" beauty, please spare the audience

The TV series "The Three Teams" is not only a crime story, but also a discussion about the relationship between characters and actors. Through their excellent performances, the actors have succeeded in bringing out the inner world of the characters, allowing the audience to deeply understand and resonate. However, from time to time, the imperfect integration between the actor and the character has also caused questions and controversy among the audience. This question provoked the audience to think deeply about character creation and actor selection, and also reminded the audience that the integration between actors and characters is a key issue in the production of TV dramas.

The crying scene is hideous, and the expression is distorted, this "hyaluronic acid" beauty, please spare the audience

The fugitive Wang Dayong (played by Chen Minghao) in the play is a villain character full of mysteries and challenges. His superb anti-reconnaissance abilities make him a difficult target to catch, and the audience continues to solve his mysteries as the plot unfolds. Wang Dayong's appearance adds more tension and suspense to the whole story, and the audience can't help but follow in the footsteps of the police, trying to get a glimpse of his mind.

The crying scene is hideous, and the expression is distorted, this "hyaluronic acid" beauty, please spare the audience

The balance between actor and character is not easy to achieve. In the play, sometimes the actor's personal characteristics may conflict with the requirements of the character. For example, Zhou Zixuan, who played Cheng Bing's daughter Tongtong in the play, was criticized by the audience because of his appearance and acting skills. Her appearance was too mature and didn't quite match the role of a high school student, which made it difficult for the audience to fully engage in her performance. This situation shows that the integration between the actor and the character requires more careful consideration and adjustment to ensure that the audience is not distracted by the differences between the character and the actor.

The crying scene is hideous, and the expression is distorted, this "hyaluronic acid" beauty, please spare the audience

Just as the characters in the play are faced with moral and ethical choices, the audience is also controversial in the process of watching the movie. Some people believe that the police in the play have adopted some unlawful means in the process of catching criminals, which has raised moral questions. This plot setting sparked a discussion, and the audience had different opinions on the balance between justice and means.