
I partnered with a 65-year-old teacher, who gave me 7,000 a month, but in less than half a year I quietly went home

author:Colorful life

At this moment, I felt as if I saw myself and the 65-year-old teacher who lived with me. Although we live under the same roof, there seems to be an inseparable gap between us.

"Xiaoyu, it looks good here, why don't we go in and have a look. The teacher's voice came from me.

I hesitated, then nodded.

I partnered with a 65-year-old teacher, who gave me 7,000 a month, but in less than half a year I quietly went home

The gallery is quiet and serene, with random paintings glowing in the light. I can't help but think of the time I spent with teachers.

But I often feel that I am too tired to live here, I constantly want to go home, my parents who are away from home are always worried about me, and I always feel a little overwhelmed when I go to see them.

"Xiaoyu, have you been unhappy lately?" the teacher's voice interrupted my thoughts.

I partnered with a 65-year-old teacher, who gave me 7,000 a month, but in less than half a year I quietly went home

I looked up and met the teacher's sighing eyes.

"Lao Zhao, in fact, I'm not happy here. I paused, "I want to go home." ”

Lao Zhao was silent, as if he understood my thoughts, he gently patted me on the shoulder and held me in his arms.

"Xiaoyu, I understand you, but you have to believe that it's all for your good. You are still young, and you have to go through a few more things to grow better.

I nodded slightly, feeling a little reassured.

However, as the days passed, I felt more and more that I could not find my own home here.

I partnered with a 65-year-old teacher, who gave me 7,000 a month, but in less than half a year I quietly went home

Until one day, I quietly packed my bags and left this city that did not belong to me. I didn't say goodbye to Lao Zhao because I knew that it would only make us all more sad.

Back home, I stepped out of the airport and saw my parents' tearful smiles. They hugged me tightly, as if they wanted to melt me into their bodies.

"Xiaoyu, you're finally back. The mother's voice was full of excitement and relief.

I partnered with a 65-year-old teacher, who gave me 7,000 a month, but in less than half a year I quietly went home

I nodded, tears streaming down my face.

Staying behind during this period of time has made me understand the meaning of home even more. No matter how wonderful the outside world is, home is always the warmest harbor.

When I got home, I reintegrated into my family's life. I was warmed by my parents' care and care for me, and even I was touched by the noisy relatives.

I partnered with a 65-year-old teacher, who gave me 7,000 a month, but in less than half a year I quietly went home

My father seemed weak, my mother was busy taking care of others, and my relatives were always distracted.

"Xiaoyu, you're back. A slightly hoarse voice suddenly sounded behind me.

When I looked back, it was my brother, whom I hadn't seen for an unknown amount of time, and he looked a lot haggard.

I partnered with a 65-year-old teacher, who gave me 7,000 a month, but in less than half a year I quietly went home

"Brother, what's the matter with you, why do you look so sick?" I asked with concern.

The younger brother shook his head gloomily and did not speak.

An atmosphere of apathy hung over the house, and I became more and more closed. The atmosphere at home made me feel suffocated, and I couldn't find peace in my heart in the face of my family's nagging and all kinds of conflicts every day.

I partnered with a 65-year-old teacher, who gave me 7,000 a month, but in less than half a year I quietly went home

One day, my brother and I went to the hospital for a detailed examination, and I was shocked by the doctor's words. "Your brother's physical condition is not very good, and he needs to take care of himself, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable.

On the way home, I pondered silently. Everyone in the family has their own difficulties and troubles, and I have also squandered a lot of time outside.

Our family is struggling with contradictions and entanglements. This time, I decided to stay, face everything firmly, and try to ease the conflict at home and help my family get through it together.

I partnered with a 65-year-old teacher, who gave me 7,000 a month, but in less than half a year I quietly went home

When I got home, everything seemed strange. Everything in my home is no longer familiar to me, as if I have lived in a foreign country for a long time.

"Xiaoyu, you're back. The father's voice was slightly embarrassed and detached.

"yes, I'm back. I replied casually.

I partnered with a 65-year-old teacher, who gave me 7,000 a month, but in less than half a year I quietly went home

During my days at home, I watched my parents' every move and gradually noticed the changes in them. His father looked more exertive and senile, his forehead began to be wrinkled, while his mother, who was always cautious in his presence, seemed to have some fear.

By chance, I came across a letter from my parents at home, which described my parents' worries and thoughts about my life away from home, as well as their expectations for my future.

When I asked my parents again about the current situation at home, they always avoided my questions as if they had an unspeakable secret.

I partnered with a 65-year-old teacher, who gave me 7,000 a month, but in less than half a year I quietly went home

"Mom and Dad, what's wrong with you, is there something you're hiding from me?" I asked anxiously.

The parents were silent for a while, and finally, the father spoke: "Xiaoyu, in fact, there have been some troubles at home recently, but you just came back, and we don't want you to be involved."

"What's the trouble? Tell me, maybe I can help you. I said distraughtly.

I partnered with a 65-year-old teacher, who gave me 7,000 a month, but in less than half a year I quietly went home

The father's expression became heavier, and he was silent.

These words made my heart cut like a knife, I didn't expect that I would have such a situation at home after I had been running around for many years.

Family, affection, and practical problems were intertwined, and I began to realize that the alienation and estrangement between me and my parents was not due to their changes, but to changes in my own state of mind.

I partnered with a 65-year-old teacher, who gave me 7,000 a month, but in less than half a year I quietly went home

For a moment, suppressed emotions filled the room. I didn't know what to say, and I didn't know what to do.

A long time passed, and I rediscovered my sense of belonging at home. My parents took extra care of me, preparing my favorite food every day, and everything was full of love and warmth.

However, the long-lost peaceful life did not last long. One day, my uncle came out of the blue, and he thought it was a mistake for me to give up the teacher's aid.

I partnered with a 65-year-old teacher, who gave me 7,000 a month, but in less than half a year I quietly went home

His words plunged my family into silence, and I felt the distractions and contradictions of my family.

"Xiaoyu, you should know that family affection does not mean blind tolerance and dependence. My uncle said to me solemnly.

I know my uncle's intentions, but I don't think he knows my heart. I didn't choose to be dependent, but I was suffering from inner conflicts.

I partnered with a 65-year-old teacher, who gave me 7,000 a month, but in less than half a year I quietly went home

I knew I had to find my own way. Although the arrival of my uncle caused disputes among my family, it also made me more aware of my own heart.