
A drunken affair with a male colleague, but I heard that he had another lover

author:Wonderful orange ccy

Narrator: Yuhan

Photo: Tachibana

I'm Lin Yuhan, an ordinary working woman in this bustling city. I have always been passionate about my work and reserved and cautious about love. My parents always told me to work hard, live seriously, and not let emotions cloud my judgment.

With such an attitude and such a way of life, I have never fallen in the highly competitive city. I strive to make every job perfect, there are no extra papers on my secretary's desk, and my reports are always prepared in advance. Only in the middle of the night, in the quiet of my apartment, in the lonely bed, I occasionally wonder if my life is missing a little color.

At the company's annual meeting that year, I originally planned to drink in moderation and socialize as usual. But all plans collapsed amid the persuasion of colleagues. They laughed and laughed like tireless waves, beating my will wave after wave. I knew that rejection would seem unsociable, so I started responding.

Alcohol swirls in my blood, like a mischievous elf, whispering in my ear, telling me that I can let go of my baggage and forget about the boundaries I have set for myself.

"Lin Yuhan, come, you're welcome! Today is the time to relax!" a colleague laughed loudly, handed over cup after cup, I smiled, and accepted it all.

It was after the third glass of wine that I began to feel the world spinning. The colors become softer, and the sound is filled with warmth. In the crowd, I saw Wang Yang. He wore a dark blue shirt with cuffs casually rolled up and his exposed wrists neat. He's not the kind of person who would naturally be the center of attention in a crowd, but his smile tonight was extraordinarily bright, and there was a comforting glint in his eyes.

We rarely cross paths in busy times, but he is always sharp and attentive in the conference room, and I often catch up on his plans and intentions in the stacks of papers. But the distance between us, just tonight, seems to be narrowed by an invisible thread.

He looked at me, the glint in his eyes and the smile on his lips made my heart beat faster. "Miss Lin, you look very happy today. Wang Yang's slightly drunken voice came, gently breaking my subtle self-protection.

He approached, and we were no longer busy and staggered figures, but could feel the distance of each other's breathing. He handed me a colorful cocktail, I took it, our fingers touched lightly, and at that moment, it was as if electricity was running through my body.

"Thank you," I said, with an unnatural tremor in my voice, trying to maintain the last line of defense of reason, but a warm current began to creep in from within.

We started talking, surrounded by alcohol. He talked about his philosophy on marketing and his plans for the future, while I shared my professional experience and personal growth. The topic extended from work to personal interests. We both love independent films and music, and we talk about our favorite directors and singers, and we find resonance in our drunkenness, which feels like a rain in a long drought, unexpected and surprising.

The atmosphere of the company's annual meeting became more and more enthusiastic, and the songs were one after another, and people continued to come forward to invite dances. When a certain love song was flowing slowly, Wang Yang stretched out his hand to me: "Lin Yuhan, let's dance?" He asked softly and formally, which made me unable to refuse, and more importantly, I found that I didn't want to refuse.

As he leads, we slowly spin around the dance floor. My consciousness was getting more and more blurry, but my heartbeat was unusually clear. There was no hidden appreciation and attention in his gaze, which was the magic of alcohol and the festive atmosphere, which made the usual hard shell begin to loosen, allowing me to allow myself to enjoy the warmth of the unexpected.

When the dance was over, applause erupted, and I returned to my seat, but my heart could not be at peace for a long time. My daily life is like being washed by the torrent of this night, leaving a little bit of brilliance. How do I define this unexpected closeness? I'm not sure. At this moment, I only know Wang Yang's figure, and in the night when my thoughts are chaotic, I have drawn a profound imprint.

A drunken affair with a male colleague, but I heard that he had another lover

The days are like the slowly flowing river, silently changing the scenery on both sides of the river. Since that annual meeting, the relationship between Wang Yang and me has quietly changed, although the outside world has not noticed much. We are still respectful and independent professionals at work, but in private, our emotions are like a trickle, continuous and warm.

Those eye contact in the office became more meaningful. Wang Yang always seems to be there when I need help, and we cover each other and support each other. His little gesture of placing a freshly brewed cup of coffee on my desk at the end of the meeting seemed to be a symbol of the little secret between us. And those nights when no one knew about it, we exchanged stories in the tavern on the corner, honest and authentic.

In his eyes, I forgot the seriousness and tension of everyday life. He encouraged me to try new things and be brave enough to pursue the colors in my life. Although it is a carefully crafted armor for the workplace, in front of him, I am willing to slowly remove the protection, revealing that radiant and unguarded self.

We are not in a hurry to make our relationship public, and this excitement and anticipation belongs only to the world of the two of us. Every physical touch is full of meaning, whether it is an unintentional touch between the back of the hand or a heartbeat between the eyes and eyes, we can read each other's hearts in it.

Wang Yang occasionally sent a late-night text message, a few simple words: "It's hard work today, rest early." "With the dim light of my phone screen, my nights are no longer lonely.

And the reality is always complicated, and we carefully guard this relationship for fear of criticism or misunderstanding. My parents have always been mindful of my personal life, and they always expect me to be a role model for a professional woman and avoid too much emotional distraction. As for my colleagues, although I am good at observing words and feelings, the interaction between Wang Yang and me is just right, neither overly alienated nor affectionate.

But once the flame of emotion is lit, it is an unstoppable force. Gradually, I began to realize that my feelings for Wang Yang were spreading and deepening. That little initial shock had turned into a deep wave in my heart, and my thoughts about him became stronger and stronger, and even began to affect my work and emotions.

On an important project of the team, Wang Yang and I were assigned to the same team. It was originally a great opportunity for me to work together, but it also added pain and challenge to our relationship. The intense pressure at work, as well as the pursuit of results, put our feelings to the test from time to time. The debates in the conference room, and even the occasional disagreement, got me thinking, where can our relationship go?

My inner struggle was not revealed, but in the dead of night, I reflected on it all. Can the emotions between Wang Yang and me withstand the various trials of the reality around them? Can this quiet sweetness and ambiguity be interpreted into an intriguing love story? This is an unknown answer, but I know that I have fallen hopelessly into this romantic game.

A drunken affair with a male colleague, but I heard that he had another lover

In this secret love affair wrapped in joy and sweetness, I always thought I had all the clues. However, just as I was contemplating the prospect of bringing our relationship to the brink of the sun, reality froze my illusions like a cold wind.

When that photo appeared silently in my sight, Wang Yang was smiling, and the picture of a woman I had never met was like an arrow, piercing my heart. I couldn't believe what was happening before me, and I felt a sense of remorse for being deceived and fooled at the same time.

In the midst of vacillation and doubt, I chose to explore in silence. During the day, I pretended to know nothing, keeping the smile and proper distance between colleagues, and at night, my world became a private detective's secret room, using various methods to track down the woman's identity and relationship with Wang Yang. In the corner of the social platform, on the edge of the update of the circle of friends, I looked for the key that locked this mystery.

Finally, on a cool early autumn night, I spotted her, the woman in the photo. Browsing through her profile, it was as if a voice told me that Wang Yang's world was not as simple as I imagined. She, apparently, occupies no small place in his life.

Anger rose up, and I began to doubt all the tenderness and care I had had before. Did the coffee that was especially prepared for me also be prepared for others? Was the goodnight text message between us just his cookie-cutter Xi? My heart began to beat wildly, followed by the urge to question and expose everything.

But mixed emotions held me back. While grieving and angry, I don't want those good memories to come to naught in an instant. I need an explanation, an explanation from Wang Yang.

Finally, on a seemingly ordinary afternoon, I finally couldn't help but turn the hidden pain into words, and asked Wang Yang, who was still gentle and elegant: "Who is that woman? What does everything between us mean?"

Wang Yang's eyes were caught off guard at first, and then a complicated expression appeared on his face. At this moment, the air seemed to freeze, and there seemed to be a shadow beside him that I had never known before.

He took a deep breath, as if preparing to tell a long-standing secret. "She's my sister," Wang Yang said slowly, "and she suffered from a rare disease two years ago that requires long-term treatment." I have been trying my best to help her, both financially and financially. ”

My heart slammed. Judgments that had been overshadowed by doubt and anger began to come back to their senses. "Why didn't you tell me?" I said in a slightly trembling voice.

"Because I don't want my personal problems to be a burden on our relationship," Wang said, with a hint of helplessness and pain in his expression. "I know it may sound a bit selfish, but I'm afraid that bringing my sister's condition in there will be stress and distress for you. ”

Listening to Wang Yang's explanation, all the entanglements and misunderstandings began to unravel. I realized that I had too many associations without knowing the truth, and I almost took the wrong action. Tears rolled in my eyes, and I felt deep guilt and relief.

"I'm sorry," I admitted, "I shouldn't have doubted you, much less jumped to conclusions without knowing the situation." ”

Wang Yang took a step forward and hugged me tightly. "It's okay, it also shows that we still need more trust and communication between us. There was a calmness in his voice, "From now on, no matter what happens, we should be honest with each other and face it together." ”

The moonlight shone on us, and I leaned into his arms, feeling the resonance of each other's heartbeats. At this moment, love no longer seems to be a simple romantic pursuit, but a mutual growth that requires understanding, trust, and support.

Finally, I saw the truth in this reflection clearly, and I also understood that the development of any relationship cannot completely avoid the ups and downs and trials of life. And in the face of these challenges, the most important thing is that we have chosen to walk together.

A drunken affair with a male colleague, but I heard that he had another lover