
Why do some people care about a few dollars?

author:Stick to the little steamed buns


1. More than 100 may not be many people who already have a job, but in fact, for students whose families are not so wealthy, it is actually quite a lot, I went home on vacation, in order to reduce the 40 or so, I would rather take a high-risk bullet train than take a low-risk bus, just to reduce 40 yuan, and it doesn't feel necessary

Why do some people care about a few dollars?

2. When I found a problem, it was when I looked at the bill one day, and it was all a little money in the tens, twenty, and thirty kinds, which was to buy desserts and coffee, and then pulled down more than 1,000 good guys

Why do some people care about a few dollars?

3. My husband and I spent a little money before, and we spent 30w in four years [smile] Really, it's not to show off our wealth, our salary is 5000 a month. Because my husband works for my father-in-law, we live with my in-laws, and even with the children and our food, clothing, housing and transportation are paid by my in-laws, even my gas expenses are paid by my mother-in-law, I don't have an RV loan, and I don't buy luxury goods, and I don't have more than 500 cosmetics in those four years [smile] is to buy two servings of fried yogurt today, buy a chicken steak tomorrow, and eat a meal of KFC the day after tomorrow. At that time, I still felt that 5000 a month was too little for the two of us [smile] (there was a gift money for marriage and a baby in the middle, and the guild would give an extra 1w at the end of each year.) I bought two apples for my mother-in-law in the middle, an expired one for my mother, and one for my husband. Also bought a 3w used Jetta [smile])

Why do some people care about a few dollars?

4. Why don't you care, when I was a student in the past, I spent my parents' money wantonly and spendthriftly. Now that I have worked, I know that it is not easy to make money. I don't take a car when I can walk, and I don't buy unnecessary things anymore.

Why do some people care about a few dollars?

5. My mother would buy a lettuce for her family, which was two yuan more expensive than usual, and she would take it out for five years, and take it out from time to time to nag. But she bought a wig for herself and only wore it twice, and she never mentioned it [laughing and crying] and when we mentioned it, she was furious [laughing and crying]

Why do some people care about a few dollars?

6. I don't understand, I have two tickets for movie tickets, one for 19.9 and one for 29.9, go with friends, and I pay 49.8 together. Why did she give me an average A for me, the key is that she usually counts the money for me to the decimal point [smile] I sometimes invite her to drink milk tea snacks or something, but she doesn't, and the bread she bought is not polite to me, and I don't want to eat it, I don't mind that she doesn't share it with me. [smiles]

Why do some people care about a few dollars?

7. I'm the same way, every time I encounter money, I summed it up, maybe when I was a child, I was particularly short of money because of the lack of money security, I feel powerless that there is no money and no one to help you, so I am particularly careful, I seem to have suddenly thought about it this year, I think it's good to live healthy, don't think so long-term, who knows when you die, you want to spend it

Why do some people care about a few dollars?

8. I don't usually like to go out and there are few thick coats, the family is a few years ago, my mother spent 560 today to buy me a down jacket, I feel that even if she wears it herself, it's a waste to buy it for me, and then I cried angrily and was speechless. 300 is already my upper limit

Why do some people care about a few dollars?

9. I am also reluctant to order 15 takeaways, but I am willing to spend more than 10,000 yuan of insurance every year, I am reluctant to perm my hair with 200 perms, and buy hundreds of Hanfu hard, everyone spends money on different priorities, there is no need to be entangled, even if you don't spend it, it is your own confidence. The clothes and shoes I bought are all dozens of dollars, so it's good to be happy.

Why do some people care about a few dollars?

10. I used to see a father who worked outside, still doing manual work, and after five years outside, he bought a station ticket to go back to his hometown, didn't eat, and said that if he didn't work at night, he could skip dinner, and he was really teary-eyed. Lots of snacks were bought for the children and the neighborhood children. I cried to death, remembering that in 03 my parents provided me with a college meeting, usually only willing to eat turnips, cabbage and potatoes... Give me 1000 pocket money every month

Why do some people care about a few dollars?