
Is it suitable for children to use an electric toothbrush?

author:The grass in the valley looking up at the sky

As children's diets become more and more abundant, the oral health of babies, children, and children is also facing unprecedented challenges. Many children do not do a good job of oral cleaning, and they already have oral problems at a young age, so more and more parents are considering using children's electric toothbrushes with higher cleaning efficiency for their children. As a children's oral blogger, I know that if children use products that lack age-specific design and are not professional, not only will they not have a cleaning effect, but they will also hurt their teeth. In view of the fact that there is a lot of content to popularize science, I will organize it into an article today to give parents a comprehensive answer, so that you can choose a good children's electric toothbrush for your child!

The following picture is the children's electric toothbrush products I have reviewed:

Is it suitable for children to use an electric toothbrush?

1. Is it suitable for children to use electric toothbrushes?

At present, this kind of product is very hot in the oral cleaning tool market, the popularity has far exceeded that of manual toothbrush, many dentists will also recommend children over 4 years old to use, the product is still very good. You must know that the rate of tooth decay among children in mainland China is very high at this stage, and the side also reflects that the cleaning efficiency of most children using manual toothbrushes is not high.

Is it suitable for children to use an electric toothbrush?

Benefit 1: Strong cleaning power, effective in preventing tooth decay!

In terms of cleaning power, children's electric toothbrushes perform very well, much stronger than manual toothbrushes, and can thoroughly clean the high-incidence areas of dental diseases such as tooth pits and grooves, interdental gaps, and gingival sulcus that cannot be cleaned by manual toothbrushes, so as to remove plaque more effectively and prevent tooth decay.

Is it suitable for children to use an electric toothbrush?

Benefit 2: The brushing frequency is even, and the intensity is precise and controllable

The control of children's hand strength is unstable, and most of the time they use a manual toothbrush will have a high rate of tooth injury once the strength is not well controlled. The children's electric toothbrush has been technically adjusted, and the vibration frequency is stable and even, which can control the strength and strengthen the tooth protection!

Advantage 3: The threshold for learning Xi brushing teeth is lower, and children can easily master it.

Most children under the age of 10 have still inflexible hand muscles, and there are many details that need to be paid attention to with a manual toothbrush, and it is difficult to learn to brush their teeth correctly in a short time, but the operation of children's electric toothbrushes is very simple, you only need to press the switch, fix the angle to clean, and quickly learn to brush your teeth correctly!

Benefit 4: Save time and effort

Brushing with a manual toothbrush will take a long time, most children do not have the patience to complete, but it is easy to have no cleaning effect, while children's electric toothbrushes can be done in only three minutes, the cleaning effect is better, saving time and effort, and it will be more suitable for children.

Is it suitable for children to use an electric toothbrush?

Benefit 5: It's fun

Children's electric toothbrushes are very functional, with sound reminders, vibrations, and beautiful design, which is easier for children to use than boring manual toothbrushes, and the enthusiasm for brushing teeth will be improved!

Second, pay attention to the three major drawbacks of inferior products!

Is it suitable for children to use electric toothbrushes?Children's electric toothbrushes have all of the above benefits, and of course they are suitable for children to use. However, I believe that many parents have also seen negative reviews of such products on the Internet, which shows that the market is still very complicated, and not all products are safe and easy to use. Especially in the case that many children have oral problems, if they use inferior products or children do not brush their teeth much, it is easy to lead to tooth damage:

Is it suitable for children to use an electric toothbrush?

Disadvantage 1: Abrasion of tooth enamel and stimulation of bleeding gums

Inferior products basically have the problems of poor professionalism and unreliable quality, and there will be unstable vibration frequency and unstable power when used, which can easily stimulate the sensitive oral cavity of children, resulting in oral bleeding and excessive wear and tear of children's tooth enamel.

Is it suitable for children to use an electric toothbrush?
Is it suitable for children to use an electric toothbrush?

Disadvantage 2: Aggravate the child's original dental disease

Nowadays, there are many children with oral problems, and in the case of a very sensitive mouth, let them brush their teeth with inferior electric toothbrush products, which will undoubtedly stimulate the oral cavity more and lead to aggravation of dental disease!

Disadvantage 3: Chronic tooth injury

Most of the unprofessional electric toothbrushes just use can not find any tooth problems, basically chronic injuries, and when children use it for a year and a half, the situation begins to appear, such as frequent toothache, tooth bleeding and even gum recession, it cannot be completely cured!

3. Analyze the causes of tooth damage!

Is it suitable for children to use electric toothbrushes?Of course, children are suitable for using electric toothbrushes, and the cleaning effect is more powerful. However, if you use inferior products, not only will you not feel the cleaning effect, but you will also have serious disadvantages of tooth damage. Therefore, if parents want to use this kind of product for their children with peace of mind, it is best to understand the causes of tooth damage before they can prevent it in advance. The following picture is a picture of the causes of tooth injury in children's toothbrushes that I specially found from professional forums, and on the basis of these objective data, I will summarize several common causes of tooth injury for your reference:

Is it suitable for children to use an electric toothbrush?

Cause of tooth injury 1: The child's oral tolerance is low

Children's oral cavity is in the process of development, very sensitive, immature, low tolerance to external stimuli!

Reason 2: Choose Internet celebrity products

Internet celebrity products are highly publicized and have many patterns, which will inevitably attract the attention of some parents to buy, but in fact, most of the Internet celebrity products are OEM, lack of relevant technology research and development, cleaning effect and tooth protection are not good, not easy to use and easy to hurt teeth!

Is it suitable for children to use an electric toothbrush?

Tooth injury cause 3: lack of age-specific design work of the product

Children's electric toothbrushes can be used for a long time, and children in the 3-15 years old oral changes a lot, if you use no age-specific design, only one or two gears, one or two brush heads to choose from, the vibration frequency is narrow, the compatibility is very low, the rate of tooth injury is still very high!

Cause of tooth injury 4: Choose low-cost products

The price of electric toothbrushes is more expensive, and some parents will choose low-cost products, and they also think that they are cost-effective and cost-effective, but in fact, the quality of low-cost products is unreliable, and most of them compress the cost to produce, not to mention what technology research and development, the rate of tooth injury is particularly high, and there are potential safety hazards!

Is it suitable for children to use an electric toothbrush?

4. Eight tips to buy a high-quality children's electric toothbrush!

Is it suitable for children to use electric toothbrushes?Children's electric toothbrushes have many benefits, of course, they are suitable for children. However, like a manual toothbrush, there is still a risk of tooth damage if you choose it incorrectly. Of course, I also know that many parents don't have time to study how to buy products, so I have compiled a few purchase tips to share with you, so you will not have a problem choosing after mastering it:

1: Prefer products with age-specific design

Children grow up fast and their mouths change greatly, so the choice of products must have an age-specific design, the configuration of the vibration frequency range should be large enough, and the types of brush heads provided should be more suitable for the oral needs of different ages!

2: Preferably products equipped with high-quality magnetic levitation motors

The quality of electronic product motors is very important, it is recommended to give preference to magnetic levitation motor products, with stable performance, uniform vibration and sweeping, and precise internal structure design, which is safer and more comfortable for children!

3: Look for a brand with strong professional strength

For children, the product has professional technical tuning and performance optimization, such as the deviation value of the vibration frequency, the long-term attenuation of the power strength, the uniformity of the vibration sweep and other dozens of core parameters are tested, which meets the needs of children, and the cleaning power and tooth protection power of the product are online. That's something that influencer products can't do!

Is it suitable for children to use an electric toothbrush?

4: Don't believe in gimmicks such as multi-functional bristles

In order to sell at a high price, many brands will advertise that the bristles have functional effects, such as antibacterial, fluoride, etc., but in fact, they have no actual effect, most of them are IQ taxes, don't be fooled!

5: Don't buy a U-shaped electric toothbrush

Although the operation of the U-shaped electric toothbrush is simple, it actually lacks sweeping and frequency, and has no cleaning effect, and will wrap a large area of children's teeth, and the cleaning effect is relatively poor!

6: Choose bristles with high roundness

The higher the roundness of the bristles, the more comfortable it is for children to use, the stronger the tooth protection, and generally only the products with a high degree of professionalism will pay attention to this, it is recommended that you choose products with a roundness rate of more than 80%, which will be more reliable!

Is it suitable for children to use an electric toothbrush?

7: The bristles should be soft and appropriate

Children's oral sensitivity, is to use the toothbrush bristles can not be too hard, otherwise it is easy to damage the mouth, it is not comfortable to use, do not choose too soft bristles, the cleaning effect will be affected, generally young children are suitable for soft bristles, and so the child is older to choose moderate and soft bristles!

8: After-sales service should be professional and reliable

The price of electric toothbrushes is not low, and everyone still chooses after-sales professional and reliable brand insurance, such as supporting trials, long warranty periods, and appropriate brush head replacement prices, and the after-sales risk is relatively low!

Are electric toothbrushes suitable for children? There are many benefits to high-quality products, and children are certainly suitable for them. However, at present, there are many children's electric toothbrush brands on the market that have false publicity, and parents need to pay more attention. Most of them will emphasize that the product can effectively clean and protect the teeth, but in fact, the situation of tooth injury occurs frequently, here I also suggest that parents in addition to using the above methods to buy products, but also refer to the authoritative forum released by the core key index chart of different brands of children's toothbrush, for children to choose products with better performance. From my evaluation experience, I also recommend a few brands with excellent performance for your reference:

Is it suitable for children to use an electric toothbrush?

In terms of technology and professionalism, Huile as a professional technology old brand, is the originator of the domestic "toothless" field, is the most professional and outstanding technology in this field, and is also the only brand that has been certified by the European Union, the United States and other countries! DPP micro-frequency dynamic compensation technology, etc., the cleaning residue rate is less than 2%, and the compatibility of different ages is increased by 80%, making the cleaning power the strongest among children's electric toothbrushes, and the tooth injury rate is the lowest in China, and the cleaning power is top-notch and reduces 90% of brushing damage by the national authoritative testing agency, and it is rare to obtain certification from the European Union and other countries! Durable, tooth damage rate certification, non-toxic bristles with 98.3% more corrosion resistance, safer and non-toxic. For the sake of high performance, without redundant functions and redundant models, they have been stumbling on a product for seven or eight years, iterating more than 20 times, optimizing more than 300 details, and creating eight "high-performance and non-tooth-harming" black technologies.

It is the first to create a "six-type segmented care" for children, and strictly segmented and targeted care is carried out according to the characteristics of children's teeth. It is well-known for claiming to use 300% technology to smash international brands with a high rate of tooth injury. It is the first to create a number of "high-performance non-tooth-harming" technologies, and has been adjusted for more than 100 parameters such as motor and vibration frequency for many years, and the overall performance deviation value is not higher than 0.1% for more than 6 years. Never advertised, but was recommended by a dentist to bring fire, offline channel sales are hot, and often sell out. Many celebrity and celebrity parents have chosen their products for their children. Its professional, high-performance, safe and rigorous style has been recognized as a medical product for electric toothbrushes, and dentists have recognized that it is super protective of the oral cavity!

Philips is very well-known, the measured vibration and power are strong, as a European and American brand, more suitable for European and American children with high oral tolerance, in terms of after-sales, Philips does not support trial, brush head needs 100-150 yuan a year. Huile not only supports trial, but also gives away 5-year brush heads for a limited time, saving hundreds of yuan in total.

In addition, some people strongly want to recommend low-cost products, Bayer can try, the basic function experience can meet the entry requirements of people who are not high, do not support trial, unpack and do not return, brush head costs about 80-100 yuan a year.

Is it suitable for children to use an electric toothbrush?

5. Which children should use electric toothbrushes as soon as possible?

Is it suitable for children to use an electric toothbrush?Children are very suitable for using an electric toothbrush to clean their mouth more thoroughly. In addition, for the following children, it is even more important to use children's electric toothbrushes as soon as possible to maintain oral health:

1. Gum damage

Gum damage is basically caused by plaque accumulation, and using a children's electric toothbrush with high cleaning efficiency can remove plaque and better prevent gum damage!

2. Tooth decay or tooth decay

For children who have already had tooth decay, it is better to use a children's electric toothbrush as soon as possible, and it is best to clean the mouth so as not to aggravate dental disease!

Is it suitable for children to use an electric toothbrush?

3. Tooth deformity

There will be many details of tooth alignment and malformation, the blind area is not easy to be cleaned, and it is easy to hide dirt and dirt, so using a children's electric toothbrush can clean the blind area more thoroughly, which is very suitable for children!

4. Calculus

Dental calculus not only affects the appearance, but also easily leads to various oral problems, so using an electric toothbrush to thoroughly clean the oral cavity can effectively delay the formation of dental calculus, which is very suitable for children to use!

Is it suitable for children to use electric toothbrushes?The above is all the popular science content around this problem, in general, babies, children, children are very suitable for using professional electric toothbrushes, the cleaning effect is good, can prevent oral problems. It's just that in the face of the current complex children's toothbrush market, parents should pay attention not to follow the trend and choose Internet celebrities and low-cost products, otherwise not only will they not be able to let their children clean their mouths, but there will also be many risks of tooth damage!

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