
Double Hundred Life Entrepreneur Whole Health Brand Strategy Conference was held in Shenzhen

author:South + client

Recently, the Double Hundred Life Brand Strategy Conference and the 2024 Entrepreneur Health Plan with the theme of "Double Hundred Life, Healthy Future" was successfully held in Shenzhen.

Double Hundred Life Entrepreneur Whole Health Brand Strategy Conference was held in Shenzhen

At the press conference, Double Hundred Life released its new brand vision and strategic goals, and launched the entrepreneur health membership model to provide entrepreneurs with health management, service, consulting and communication and other health one-stop service solutions. The event also held an awarding ceremony of the Life Science Industry Association, and Zhang Yunhe, chairman of Double Hundred Life, accepted the award.

Zhang Wenkai, Secretary-General of Shenzhen Life Science Industry Association, said in his speech that the joining of Double Hundred Life is conducive to a win-win situation for members and the association. In the future, the association will work with Double Hundred Life to promote the concept of corporate health management in the field of life sciences, and promote the sustainable development of the big health industry by holding special lectures, workshops and seminars. It is also reported that the Shenzhen Life Science Industry Association was jointly initiated by a number of industry leaders, universities and hospitals such as Beike Biotechnology and BGI in 2016, and is the first life science industry organization in China. The association aims to build a platform for dialogue, exchange and cooperation between enterprises and the government, enterprises and enterprises, and enterprises and individuals for member enterprises through government-enterprise exchanges.

Double Hundred Life Entrepreneur Whole Health Brand Strategy Conference was held in Shenzhen

Zhu Weizhong, General Consultant of Double Hundred Life Business and CEO of Li & Fung Group's Ay Nay Brand Supply Chain, Wu Tianming, Chief Doctor Representative of Double Hundred Life, and Shan Ren, Chairman of Niu Shang Group, General Consultant of Double Hundred Life Strategy, delivered speeches respectively to share topics such as health and life.

At the meeting, Zhang Yunhe, chairman of Double Hundred Life, delivered a speech and shared the topic of "Building a Century-old Enterprise and Enjoying a 100-year-old Life". He said that entrepreneurs are the group that leads the changes of the times and writes the history of business, and entrepreneurs are the new force to promote economic development. The health of entrepreneurs is not only related to individuals and families, but also an important guarantee for the survival and development of enterprises and social and economic prosperity.

Double Hundred Life Entrepreneur Whole Health Brand Strategy Conference was held in Shenzhen

Zhang Yunhe pointed out that from the perspective of whole health, Double Hundred Life provides a 360-degree all-round health tracking service to tailor a health map for entrepreneurs. Double Hundred Life has launched the entrepreneur health membership model and health one-stop service solution, which is committed to the health management of entrepreneurs and management, so that every entrepreneur can manage the health of themselves and their families like managing an enterprise, and help the harmony and health of enterprises, individuals and families.

Double Hundred Life Entrepreneur Whole Health Brand Strategy Conference was held in Shenzhen

At the meeting, Rong Hai, co-founder, chief expert and national senior health manager of Double Hundred Life, shared the theme of "Where to Find Health for Entrepreneurs". He pointed out that health is not a single discipline research, but a comprehensive and systematic project. Double Hundred Life is not limited to a single discipline theory or commercial interests, but from a scientific and comprehensive perspective, combined with Western medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, nutrition, kinesiology, psychology, etc., to conduct a whole-discipline path health assessment for entrepreneurs. He pointed out that health should be a long-term investment, a lifelong benefit, and Double Hundred Life advocates entrepreneurs to operate and manage health as an enterprise, so as to help entrepreneurs continue to create greater value for the society.

Double Hundred Life Entrepreneur Whole Health Brand Strategy Conference was held in Shenzhen

In addition, the signing of the memorandum of strategic cooperation between Double Hundred Life & CCTV brand, the awarding of Double Hundred Winners and the launching ceremony of Double Hundred Life were also held at the press conference. It is reported that Double Hundred Life will actively practice the concept of health priority and scientific development, respond to the Healthy China Initiative, and help the healthy and sustainable development of Chinese enterprises and entrepreneurs.

【Author】Qiu Yongkuan

【Correspondent】Liu Fobao


[Source] Southern Press Media Group Southern + client