
After listening to Lu Binghua for the first time, the 4-year-old baby cried to find his mother

author:Late life

In a family in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, something happened that was both touching and somewhat funny. A 4-year-old girl was watching TV in the living room when suddenly, when she heard the song "Lu Binghua" playing on TV, she began to cry. This scene caught her mother, Ms. Wang, a little off guard.

After listening to Lu Binghua for the first time, the 4-year-old baby cried to find his mother

Ms. Wang said in an interview that it was the first time her child had heard the song at home. When she heard the child's cry, she immediately put down what she was doing and ran over to pick up the child. The child cried and said, "Mommy", apparently moved by the emotion in the song. Ms. Wang gently hugged the child and comforted her, saying, "Baby, don't cry, mom is here." ”

After listening to Lu Binghua for the first time, the 4-year-old baby cried to find his mother

Thankfully, when the song was played, the child's mood gradually stabilized and he stopped crying. Ms. Wang said that the child may have been sad because of the emotional expression in the song, but with the embrace and comfort of her mother, she quickly regained her composure.

This heartwarming family scene was shared online by Ms. Wang, which resonated with netizens. Many netizens left messages saying that they would cry when they heard the song "Lu Binghua" when they were children, and they would still be moved by this song when they grew up. Netizens sighed that this song deserves to be a classic song, and it can touch people's hearts regardless of age.

After listening to Lu Binghua for the first time, the 4-year-old baby cried to find his mother

"Lu Binghua" is a popular song that is widely loved for its soulful melody and touching lyrics. It tells a story about motherhood and innocence, and the emotional expressions in the song often make people cry. This song has become a timeless classic in the hearts of many people, and its charm has endured.

After listening to Lu Binghua for the first time, the 4-year-old baby cried to find his mother

The 4-year-old girl's reaction to "Lu Binghua" shows us the power of music. A song can transcend time and space and touch the softest places in people's hearts. It reminds us of the innocence and warmth of childhood, and also makes us feel the greatness and selflessness of maternal love.

After listening to Lu Binghua for the first time, the 4-year-old baby cried to find his mother

In addition, this incident also reminds us that as parents, we should pay attention to our children's emotional world. Children may not fully understand the deeper meaning of the song, but they can feel the emotional fluctuations in the song. Parents should give their children enough love and comfort to help them understand and process these feelings.

After listening to Lu Binghua for the first time, the 4-year-old baby cried to find his mother

Finally, this incident also makes us think that the impact of classic songs on people is profound and long-lasting. They are not just a combination of melodies and lyrics, but also carriers of our memories and emotions. Let's cherish these classic songs, they are an integral part of our lives.

After listening to Lu Binghua for the first time, the 4-year-old baby cried to find his mother

The reaction of this 4-year-old girl from Zhengzhou, Henan Province to "Lu Binghua" made us feel the charm of classic songs again. It reminds us to pay attention to the emotional world of our children, and at the same time makes us cherish the songs that accompany us as we grow up. Let's surround every child with love and warmth so that they can thrive in happiness.