
Isn't it a good thing for men to be taller?The survey found that short people generally live longer than tall people?

author:Lao Zhang's medical science
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  • In the festive atmosphere of New Year's Day, a warm free clinic was held in the community. Residents have seized the opportunity to consult a doctor and discuss their health concerns. Among them, a middle school math teacher named Zhou Qiang was also in the crowd, he was a little curious and a little apprehensive.

    When it was his turn, he walked to the height measurement area, stood up straight and asked the doctor next to him, "I've always thought height is an advantage, but recently I've heard that taller men are not a good thing, and short people generally live longer than tall people?"

    Isn't it a good thing for men to be taller?The survey found that short people generally live longer than tall people?

    The doctor next to him, Dr. Zheng, a senior internist, smiled slightly and began to explain: "Mr. Zhou, your question is very interesting, in fact, this topic has been discussed in the medical community for many years.

    There are indeed some studies that show that there is a correlation between height and longevity. ”

    Zhou Qiang listened very carefully, and Dr. Zheng continued: "It is a common opinion that the burden on the heart of a short man is relatively small compared to that of a tall man, because the heart needs less force to carry blood throughout the body. In addition, the proportion of short people is indeed higher in some long-lived people. ”

    Isn't it a good thing for men to be taller?The survey found that short people generally live longer than tall people?

    Zhou Qiang nodded in understanding. Dr. Zheng added: "But it should be noted that this does not mean that tall people have a short lifespan. Lifestyle, genetic factors, environmental conditions, etc., are all important factors that affect longevity.

    Moreover, these studies are also controversial and limited, and we cannot draw absolute conclusions just because of this study. ”

    The two chatted for a long time, and Dr. Zheng looked at the time and reminded Zhou Qiang to pay attention to daily health Xi, eat reasonably, and exercise moderately. Before saying goodbye, Zhou Qiang gratefully shook Dr. Zheng's hand and thanked him for his advice.

    Isn't it a good thing for men to be taller?The survey found that short people generally live longer than tall people?

    At this point in the story, you may wonder why short people have a relatively smaller burden on their hearts.

    The answer to this question has to do with the relationship between height and the work of the heart. The higher the height, the greater the gravity that the heart has to overcome to pump blood throughout the body, and the heavier the burden on the heart.

    Whereas, short people have comparatively smaller bodies and less force required for the heart to pump blood throughout the body, so the burden on the heart is comparatively lighter. This is why some studies suggest that short people may have a relatively low incidence of heart disease and thus may have a longer lifespan.

    Isn't it a good thing for men to be taller?The survey found that short people generally live longer than tall people?

    Of course, this is only a relative statistical law and does not apply to every individual, and everyone's health and longevity are affected by a variety of factors.

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    Note: The original debut, plagiarism must be investigated to the end!