
Almost overnight, Christmas seemed to disappear from China

author:Straight Lake Ly2

Title: Christmas in China: The Transformation of Enthusiasm and the Fusion of Cultures

Almost overnight, Christmas seemed to disappear from China

When the cold wind blows in the streets, the warm lights and cheerful bells remind us that Christmas is coming. This festival, which originated in the West, once set off a strong frenzy of celebration in China. But in recent years, that enthusiasm seems to have cooled. What changed the attitude of the Chinese towards this foreign festival? Let's explore the story behind it.

Almost overnight, Christmas seemed to disappear from China

The reporter recently visited a number of schools and business districts to try to find out. By chance, I had an in-depth conversation with Xiao Li, a junior college student. She held an English book in her hand, and her eyes flashed with a thirst for knowledge.

Almost overnight, Christmas seemed to disappear from China

"Do you remember how you spent Christmas last year?" I asked.

Almost overnight, Christmas seemed to disappear from China

She smiled, "Last year, I got together with my friends, exchanged gifts, and sang. But this year it doesn't feel so positive. ”

Almost overnight, Christmas seemed to disappear from China

"Why?" my curiosity was ignited.

Almost overnight, Christmas seemed to disappear from China

Xiao Li thought for a while, "Maybe it's because I pay more attention to traditional festivals now." Family members are also starting to say that we need to pay more attention to our own culture. ”

Almost overnight, Christmas seemed to disappear from China

Through this conversation, I realized that traditional cultural influences can be a key factor. Subsequently, when conducting an online survey, it was found that many netizens expressed similar views. There are fewer and fewer topics about Christmas on social platforms such as Weibo and Douban, and instead there are discussions and expectations for traditional festivals such as the Spring Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival.

In addition, it is also reflected in the economic aspect. A few years ago, merchants used Christmas to create a shopping atmosphere and launch various promotions. Today, although such marketing methods still exist, the intensity and coverage have been significantly weakened.

Almost overnight, Christmas seemed to disappear from China

Experts believe that another reason may be that market saturation leads to consumer aesthetic fatigue. "It's the same way of celebrating and promoting every year, and there's not much new. Mr. Zhang, a market analyst, pointed out that "consumers are beginning to look for innovative ways to celebrate that are closer to their own cultural backgrounds. ”

However, there is no shortage of bright spots in this cooling trend. With the increasing frequency of international exchanges, it is not unproductive for Chinese to remain open to foreign cultures. "Actually, I really like the Christmas atmosphere. Xiao Li added, "It's just that now I choose to celebrate in a more diversified way." ”

As she said, the joy and peace of Christmas can still be felt in some urban youth groups. They may no longer be as blind as they used to be, but they are still happy to enjoy the fun of this global festival in their own unique way.

All in all, the Christmas character and its popularity are changing subtly under the wave of globalization. As a country with a long history and strong tolerance, China has not rejected foreign cultures, respecting and integrating them, and constantly strengthening the self-confidence of local cultures. This change reflects the maturity of Chinese society and the reality of multicultural integration, and the future of Christmas in China will undoubtedly be a more colorful picture.

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