
Would you like to try a gelatinous egg twist? Learn how to make a delicious steamed egg!

author:Advanced Chenxing l0T

Steamed eggs are a simple but charming home-cooked dish with a mouth-watering soft texture and rich egg aroma. But how do you make delicious silky eggs? I'm going to teach you a trick today to make your steamed eggs even more appealing!

First of all, we need to prepare the following ingredients: eggs, water, salt, chicken essence, chopped green onions, and coriander. These materials are available everywhere, and there is no need to look for them.

Would you like to try a gelatinous egg twist? Learn how to make a delicious steamed egg!

First, crack the eggs into a bowl and decide how many eggs you like. The traditional approach is one egg per person, but if you want to feast, you can beat a few more eggs, it doesn't matter!

Then, add an appropriate amount of water. Some people say that adding water is thin, but I tell you that the right amount of water is to increase the fluffiness and make the egg more tender. You can give it a try, add enough water, and you can't go wrong!

Next, add salt and chicken essence to the right amount, which will adjust the taste and make the egg more delicious and tasty. If you don't like being too salty, put less salt, and if you're after the taste, put more chicken bouillon. Cooking is all about being free and eclectic!

Would you like to try a gelatinous egg twist? Learn how to make a delicious steamed egg!

Stir the eggs, water, salt, and chicken essence together to make them a harmonious team. How can there be delicious steamed eggs without teamwork? So, let's work together to build a perfect steamed egg team!

Next, prepare a large or small bowl and decide according to your preference. Pour the egg mixture into a bowl and gently tap the bottom of the bowl to remove air bubbles from the egg mixture. Why do we want to remove the bubbles? Because the bubbles affect the taste of the steamed egg, and we don't want the steamed egg to look like a sponge, right?

Now, put the bowl in the pot and add the appropriate amount of boiling water. Remember, the water level should not exceed the height of the bowl, or it will drown our lovely egg ball when steamed. Be careful not to spoil it!

Next, cover the pot, reduce the heat to medium, and start the steaming process. Don't rush at this point, it takes time for steamed eggs to reach their best taste. Don't forget to follow your favorite shows or check out what's new on your phone, so time flies by.

Would you like to try a gelatinous egg twist? Learn how to make a delicious steamed egg!

After about fifteen minutes or so, remove the lid and gently poke the center of the steamed egg with chopsticks, if there is no egg liquid sticking to the chopsticks, it means that it has been steamed. However, if there is still a little bit of egg liquid sticking to the chopsticks, it doesn't matter, just continue steaming for a few minutes.

The steamed egg liquid turns into a gelatinous cotton egg like a silk cotton egg, giving people a "click" touch, which is simply unstoppable! At this time, sprinkling chopped green onion and coriander not only enhances the appearance, but also increases the layering of deliciousness.

Now, gently scoop up a bite with a spoon and place that gelatinous egg in your mouth. The feeling of softness and deliciousness makes you close your eyes and revel in it. It turns out that a simple steamed egg can be so intoxicating!

So, let's enjoy the delicious taste of this gelatinous egg from today onwards! You can easily make a delicious steamed egg with no chef's skills, just a few simple steps! Give it a try, my friends!

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