
The incident of the three-door malformed child caused concern: the pregnancy test failed, and the treatment cost was as high as 5 million

author:Listen to the hearts of the stars

Since it can't be detected, what is the point of a pregnancy test?

Recently, Mr. Ni from Sanmen, Zhejiang Province encountered an extremely heart-wrenching thing for him, his baby was diagnosed with multiple deformities after birth, which made their family miserable!

When I saw this video, I couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency.

The arrival of a new life should be the most joyful moment in the family, but for Mr. Ni, this expectation is shattered by the cruel reality.

A newborn baby, before he can feel the world well, is troubled by a series of serious illnesses, which is undoubtedly the biggest blow to the family.

But what makes me think more deeply is why there are so many problems after the birth of a child when everything is "normal" in the pregnancy test?

Can we fully rely on those cold machines and data?

Event recap

It is understood that Mr. Ni's second treasure was born on December 12, and as a result, the baby was diagnosed with a variety of diseases shortly after birth, including mild birth asphyxia in newborns, congenital malformations of limbs, patent ductus arteriosus with cleft palate, atrial septal defect, etc., and was even considered to have Apert syndrome.

(Source: Xiaoqiang Hotline)

Such a condition is undoubtedly a heavy burden for a small life that has just come to this world.

The incident of the three-door malformed child caused concern: the pregnancy test failed, and the treatment cost was as high as 5 million

Mr. Ni said that during his wife's pregnancy, they strictly followed the doctor's instructions for various examinations, and every time they asked the doctor about the health of the child, the answer they received was "normal".

The incident of the three-door malformed child caused concern: the pregnancy test failed, and the treatment cost was as high as 5 million

However, when the child is actually born, it is found that there are so many problems. This made Mr. Ni deeply question the meaning of pregnancy tests.

In this regard, the hospital explained that some things may not be able to be detected even if they pass the examination. For example, if you have 4D, 3D, there are other ways. We also checked this problem on the Internet, and it is indeed rare.

The incident of the three-door malformed child caused concern: the pregnancy test failed, and the treatment cost was as high as 5 million

But such an explanation is obviously not satisfactory to Mr. Ni. He believes that the hospital's examination did not work as well as it should, causing the child to suffer so much now, and the hospital should bear the corresponding responsibility.

The incident of the three-door malformed child caused concern: the pregnancy test failed, and the treatment cost was as high as 5 million

Heated discussions among netizens

This incident has aroused the attention and discussion of the majority of netizens.

Some netizens said, this is just too funny! As a doctor, I even said that we looked it up on the Internet!

The incident of the three-door malformed child caused concern: the pregnancy test failed, and the treatment cost was as high as 5 million
The incident of the three-door malformed child caused concern: the pregnancy test failed, and the treatment cost was as high as 5 million
The incident of the three-door malformed child caused concern: the pregnancy test failed, and the treatment cost was as high as 5 million

Some netizens said that the hospital itself has limitations, and it cannot completely rely on one test result, and if one result does not work, then change to another hospital.

The incident of the three-door malformed child caused concern: the pregnancy test failed, and the treatment cost was as high as 5 million

Some netizens said that the hospital must be responsible, let the hospital find a way to treat it, and if it can't be cured, it will be compensated! Since you have made a mistake, you must have a good memory!

The incident of the three-door malformed child caused concern: the pregnancy test failed, and the treatment cost was as high as 5 million

Personal opinion

Hey, this thing sounds bad in people's hearts, and everyone will collapse if they are replaced!

When it comes to pregnancy testing, we all know that it is to detect fetal problems in advance, but it is not a panacea. Some problems just can't be detected in the pregnancy test, which is also quite helpless.

When I heard the doctors say that they looked it up on the Internet, I thought it was a little strange, shouldn't the hospital have its own professional skills?

Mr. Ni must be very uncomfortable right now, and I can understand his feelings. He has to find a way to treat the child quickly, and this money is not a small amount. He can ask the doctor more often to see if there are any good treatment options. If you feel that the hospital is responsible, you can also consider finding a lawyer to help you defend your rights. Of course, you can also ask the society for help to see if you can raise some money for treatment.

In short, it was a tricky matter, but Mr. Ni couldn't give up hope. You have to believe in the power of medicine, and believe that the child will be able to survive this.

This incident is a wake-up call for us. Although medicine is constantly advancing, there are still many unknown and uncontrollable factors. We cannot blindly believe in the power of medicine and ignore its limitations. At the same time, as medical institutions and medical staff, we should also treat every patient and every new life more carefully and responsibly.

In conclusion, I would like to say that life is fragile and precious, and that we should pay more attention to and respect each individual while pursuing medical progress, and hope that in the future we can find better ways to ensure the health and happiness of every new life.


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