
It turns out that I want to have a child because of this! After reading the experience sharing of netizens, I have tears in my eyes



Nowadays, childbirth has become a concern in many people's lives. Many couples experience all kinds of pain and frustration in their quest for a healthy baby. However, people are often confused as to why there is such suffering. However, by sharing my experience with netizens, I deeply felt their feelings and suffering. Below, I will share with you the experience of a netizen through an article to take you to understand why childbirth can be painful.

It turns out that I want to have a child because of this! After reading the experience sharing of netizens, I have tears in my eyes
It turns out that I want to have a child because of this! After reading the experience sharing of netizens, I have tears in my eyes

Pre-pregnancy ideals: what you dream to look like

This netizen mentioned in the sharing that before pregnancy, she was full of beautiful fantasies about childbirth. She imagines her future baby smiling in her arms and growing up healthy and happy in the company of her and her husband. So she and her husband began the process of hard work, anticipation and waiting.

It turns out that I want to have a child because of this! After reading the experience sharing of netizens, I have tears in my eyes
It turns out that I want to have a child because of this! After reading the experience sharing of netizens, I have tears in my eyes
It turns out that I want to have a child because of this! After reading the experience sharing of netizens, I have tears in my eyes

The pains of pregnancy: physical and mental exhaustion

However, during the pregnancy, she experienced a series of physical and mental pains. She mentions the pain of morning sickness, the number of times she bends down in front of the toilet every day almost allows her to build an intimate relationship with the toilet, she describes the exhaustion after pregnancy and feels more and more like a walking corpse, and she mentions stretch marks, hair loss, edema and other changes in appearance that make her uneasy and questioning her body. When she mentioned the pain, I felt her tears also slide down my cheeks.

It turns out that I want to have a child because of this! After reading the experience sharing of netizens, I have tears in my eyes
It turns out that I want to have a child because of this! After reading the experience sharing of netizens, I have tears in my eyes
It turns out that I want to have a child because of this! After reading the experience sharing of netizens, I have tears in my eyes

Helplessness and pain in childbirth: the miracle of life

At the moment she gave birth, she felt the miracle of life. However, as a process of production, it not only gave her the miracle of life, but also made her experience unprecedented pain. She described the pains as sharp knives running through her body, each blow causing her terrible pain. She remembers her nails turning blood-red during labor as she inadvertently pushed too hard and grabbed her husband's hand firmly. In the process, she felt helplessness, fear, and cherishing life.

It turns out that I want to have a child because of this! After reading the experience sharing of netizens, I have tears in my eyes
It turns out that I want to have a child because of this! After reading the experience sharing of netizens, I have tears in my eyes
It turns out that I want to have a child because of this! After reading the experience sharing of netizens, I have tears in my eyes

Postpartum Psychological Stress: The Shadow of Sorrow

After giving birth, she faced new challenges. She mentions postpartum depression as well as round-the-clock fatigue, which has put a heavy burden on her mentally and physically. She felt that her life had changed dramatically, and she was full of various responsibilities and obligations. She described postpartum depression as a dark shadow hanging over her psyche and making her feel overwhelmed.

It turns out that I want to have a child because of this! After reading the experience sharing of netizens, I have tears in my eyes
It turns out that I want to have a child because of this! After reading the experience sharing of netizens, I have tears in my eyes
It turns out that I want to have a child because of this! After reading the experience sharing of netizens, I have tears in my eyes

Reflections and Insights: The Truth About Fertility

Through the experience of this netizen, I deeply reflected on the truth of childbirth. In the pursuit of fertility, people often only see the good side, but pay little attention to the pain and frustration. Childbirth brings not only the joy of the baby, but also the pain of pregnancy and postpartum. It's a process that requires effort and pain, but it's also because of this that we can finally feel the miracle of life and the joy that babies bring.

It turns out that I want to have a child because of this! After reading the experience sharing of netizens, I have tears in my eyes
It turns out that I want to have a child because of this! After reading the experience sharing of netizens, I have tears in my eyes


Through this article, I share with you the experience of a netizen, hoping to let more people understand the pain and frustration caused by childbirth. Fertility is not just a simple process, but a journey that requires effort and suffering. But at the end of this journey, there is that incomparable joy and miracle of life. Let us cherish life together and be grateful for all that childbirth has brought us.
