
Doctor: With these conditions in the hands and feet, the blood clot is not far off!

author:Lao Li Health said

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Liu Qi usually learns Xi hardworking, and often sits for hours at a time.

One day, after Xi an entire afternoon of studying in the library, he suddenly felt numbness in his legs, which he thought was just sitting for too long, but the numbness did not go away with standing.

Doctor: With these conditions in the hands and feet, the blood clot is not far off!

Worried that it was sciatica, he immediately went to a nearby hospital for a check-up. At the hospital, Liu Qi met the doctor Li Hua. Dr. Li Hua carefully inquired about Liu Qi's symptoms and conducted a comprehensive examination.

The results of the examination showed that Liu Qi's symptoms were not sciatica, but poor blood circulation caused by sitting for a long time, and there was a slight risk of blood clots.

Doctor: With these conditions in the hands and feet, the blood clot is not far off!

"Doctor Li, what should I do?" asked Liu Qi anxiously. Dr. Li Hua replied, "Liu Qi, your condition is not very serious, but this is a warning. There are a few things we need to do to improve your circulation. ”

Dr. Li did not give an overly complicated treatment plan, but advised Liu to pay attention to some small details in his daily life.

Doctor: With these conditions in the hands and feet, the blood clot is not far off!

"For students like you who sit for long periods of time to study Xi it's necessary to get up every hour and do some simple stretching," he said. In addition, maintaining adequate water intake can also help promote blood circulation. ”

Liu Qi breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and seriously asked about some specific stretching exercises. Dr. Lee patiently demonstrated a few simple movements, emphasizing that they can be performed anytime, anywhere.

Doctor: With these conditions in the hands and feet, the blood clot is not far off!

According to the data, prolonged sitting is one of the important triggers of thrombosis. Especially for people who need to sit for a long time to work or study Xi, it is very important to move regularly to improve blood circulation.

Simple lifestyle modifications, such as standing up regularly and drinking plenty of fluids, can be effective in reducing the risk of blood clots.

Doctor: With these conditions in the hands and feet, the blood clot is not far off!

A healthy lifestyle doesn't mean a huge sacrifice or change, it can be a little bit of a daily Xi Xi that gathers into a tower of sand to protect our health.

Under the guidance of doctors, Liu Qi began his health journey. Dr. Li Hua also emphasised the importance of maintaining a normal weight. He explained that being overweight or obese increases the risk of blood clots.

Doctor: With these conditions in the hands and feet, the blood clot is not far off!

This is not to say that Liu Qi needs to go on a strict diet, but to maintain a healthy weight through a reasonable diet and daily activities.

"Liu Qi, you don't need to do any strenuous exercise, as long as you maintain a moderate amount of activity in your daily life. Dr. Li Hua said gently.

Doctor: With these conditions in the hands and feet, the blood clot is not far off!

In addition, Dr. Li Hua also advised Liu Qi to pay attention to his sleep quality. "Getting enough sleep is essential for health, and it helps the body recover and regulate various physiological functions," he says. ”

Liu Qi listened carefully, and he realized that he had overlooked many simple but important things before. He started getting enough sleep every night and tried to do some relaxing outdoor activities on his days off, such as walking or cycling.

Doctor: With these conditions in the hands and feet, the blood clot is not far off!

In this process, Liu Qi also gradually realized the big difference brought about by small changes in life. Not only does he feel more relaxed, but he also feels happier. He began to focus more on his health rather than just focusing on his studies.

What do you think about the coming of blood clots? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Doctor: With these conditions in the hands and feet, the blood clot is not far off!