
Seventy-three and eighty-four are two hurdles in life? Doctor: Break these Xi habits, or you can live longer!

author:Lao Li Health said

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The ages of 73 and 84 are often seen as important physical and psychological turning points in life's journey.

Faced with such a turnaround, many people worry about health problems, but in fact, with proper Xi adjustments, we can be healthier and live longer. Today, I'm going to explore how to stay healthy at these ages through a real-life patient story.

Seventy-three and eighty-four are two hurdles in life? Doctor: Break these Xi habits, or you can live longer!

Uncle Li, a 73-year-old man who loves mountain climbing. Once, while climbing a mountain that was not too high, Uncle Li suddenly felt short of breath and hurriedly went down the mountain to the hospital.

Upon arrival at the hospital, he was diagnosed with a mild heart attack. In the process, Uncle Li met the doctor Zhang Wei.

Seventy-three and eighty-four are two hurdles in life? Doctor: Break these Xi habits, or you can live longer!

Dr. Zhang Wei asked Uncle Li about his daily Xi in detail and gave some specific suggestions. He said, "Uncle Li, your heart condition needs some special attention. I recommend adjusting some of your Xi, but that doesn't mean you need to change your lifestyle completely. ”

Uncle Li asked, "Then what should I do?" Dr. Zhang Wei replied, "First of all, it is very important to maintain an optimistic attitude. Second, you can adjust your diet appropriately, such as increasing your intake of vegetables and fruits and reducing your intake of red meat. ”

Seventy-three and eighty-four are two hurdles in life? Doctor: Break these Xi habits, or you can live longer!

"What about my mountain climbing?" Uncle Li asked with concern. "You can continue to climb the mountain, but choose a route of moderate difficulty and avoid overexertion. Dr. Zhang Wei patiently explained.

Dr. Zhang Wei also made some specific health management recommendations. "Actually, it's also important for people in the age group of 73 and 84 to maintain proper social activity," he said. This helps to maintain a good mental state and reduce loneliness. ”

Seventy-three and eighty-four are two hurdles in life? Doctor: Break these Xi habits, or you can live longer!

Through the professional advice of our doctors and the efforts of our patients themselves, we can effectively manage our health and remain energetic and optimistic even at a turning point in our lives.

In this story, Uncle Li not only improved his health by adjusting his life Xi habits, but also maintained his hobbies, which is very important for improving his quality of life.

Seventy-three and eighty-four are two hurdles in life? Doctor: Break these Xi habits, or you can live longer!

Under the guidance of Dr. Zhang Wei, Uncle Li began his own health journey. Dr Teo reminds him that while age is an irresistible factor, we can optimize our health through the small details of our daily lives.

Uncle Li began to pay attention to his eating habits Xi. Instead of suggesting a strict diet, Dr Teo advised him to include more natural foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits in his daily diet.

Seventy-three and eighty-four are two hurdles in life? Doctor: Break these Xi habits, or you can live longer!

It's not just about good health, it's about making every meal in life a treat.

At the same time, Uncle Li also began to pay attention to his emotional management. He learned to tune in to his emotions through reading and relaxing walks when he was frustrated and stressed.

Seventy-three and eighty-four are two hurdles in life? Doctor: Break these Xi habits, or you can live longer!

These simple activities not only make his mood more enjoyable, but also allow his body to be properly relaxed. Dr. Zhang did not ask Uncle Li to give up his beloved mountain climbing, but encouraged him to continue on the premise of ensuring safety.

Seventy-three and eighty-four are two hurdles in life? Doctor: Break these Xi habits, or you can live longer!

No matter how old you are, health can always be maintained and improved with a small effort. Uncle Lee's experience has inspired many people who have come to realize that there are simple ways to stay healthy and energetic, even in the later years of life.

Seventy-three and eighty-four are two hurdles in life? Doctor: Break these Xi habits, or you can live longer!

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Seventy-three and eighty-four are two hurdles in life? Doctor: Break these Xi habits, or you can live longer!