
Ludian County held a symposium on the development of private enterprises

author:Ludian Media
Ludian County held a symposium on the development of private enterprises
Ludian County held a symposium on the development of private enterprises

On December 29, Ludian County held a symposium on the development of private enterprises to discuss development plans with representatives of private entrepreneurs, talk about political and business friendship, exchange heart-to-heart exchanges, study and solve the difficulties and problems existing in the development of private enterprises, promote the high-quality development of the private economy, and contribute more to the accelerated economic and social development of the county.

Ludian County held a symposium on the development of private enterprises

Zhang Hongkun, secretary of the county party committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, and Luo Zhongping, deputy secretary of the county party committee, presided over the meeting.

Ludian County held a symposium on the development of private enterprises

Zhang Hongkun pointed out that the status and role of private enterprises in economic and social development are very important, and there are many difficulties and problems in development, and development is not easy. General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Central Committee, the Provincial Party Committee and the Municipal Party Committee attach great importance to the development of private enterprises, and General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly made instructions and instructions on the development of private enterprises, and all departments at all levels should deeply study and XiXi General Secretary Jinping's important expositions on the development of the private economy, and conscientiously implement the spirit of the relevant meetings of the Central Committee and the provinces and municipalities. Zhang Hongkun stressed that the central government, provinces, and municipalities attach great importance to the development of the private economy and have introduced a series of policies. Ludian has a prominent transportation location, rich in minerals, photovoltaics, wind power and other resources, and has broad development prospects. It is necessary to strengthen confidence, make use of the advantages of resources, earnestly consolidate the traditional industries, and attract other emerging industries; it is necessary to conscientiously solve all kinds of difficulties and problems, do a good job in providing services, establish a communication and dispatch mechanism for solving problems, and unswervingly support the development of the private economy; it is necessary to give full play to the advantages of private entrepreneurs in talent and in attracting investment through business, attract and recommend more enterprises to invest and develop in Ludian, and solidly promote the development and growth of private enterprises. It is necessary to strengthen organizational leadership, strengthen communication, enhance understanding, effectively change the style of work, build a fresh political and business relationship, form a joint force for the development of the private economy, and promote the accelerated economic and social development of the county. Luo Zhongping stressed that departments at all levels should unify their thinking, improve their positions, and do a good job in implementation; they should do a good job in providing service guarantees with heart and affection, be good "mother's family" and "shopkeepers", and create a depression of policy, a highland of service, and a treasure land of the environment. It is hoped that entrepreneurs will boost their confidence, strengthen their determination to grasp development, maintain their concentration, do a good job as entities, concentrate on development, and actively fulfill their social responsibilities. At the meeting, Zhang Huaying, vice chairman of the county CPPCC and chairman of the county federation of industry and commerce, reported on the work of the county federation of industry and commerce, and informed the county that there were problems in the development of private enterprises. Representatives of enterprises and heads of relevant departments directly under the county made exchange speeches. Yu Chaoming, Wang Wenjie, Saifuquan and other leaders attended the meeting.

Ludian County held a symposium on the development of private enterprises

Source丨Ludian County Rong Media Center Zhou Jun Feng Jingyao Editor丨Li Dongmei Ma Wensheng Editor丨Kong Xiangshu Submission Email: [email protected]