
The people's sharp opinion: the key to "banning" or "restricting" fireworks and firecrackers is to follow the rule of law and seek truth from facts

author:Markham Winter

Fireworks are "banned", "limited" or "released"?

## Description:

During the Chinese New Year, fireworks are an indispensable part of our traditional Chinese culture. However, with the development of cities and the awakening of environmental awareness, the restrictions on fireworks have caused widespread discussion. Should we ban fireworks altogether, impose certain restrictions, or continue to let them be used freely? When faced with this problem, how should we seek truth from facts and make decisions in accordance with the principle of the rule of law?

## Body:

### Banning fireworks is a need to protect the environment

As one of the most populous countries in the world, China brings a variety of entertainment activities during the Spring Festival every year, but it also puts great pressure on the environment. The smoke and exhaust gases produced by fireworks pollute air quality, which has a certain impact on the atmospheric environment and health. In addition, fireworks and firecrackers may also cause fire and safety accidents during use, bringing hidden dangers to the safety of people's lives and property. Therefore, a complete ban on fireworks is in line with the principle of the rule of law in order to protect the environment and ensure public safety.

### Limit fireworks and balance traditional and modern needs

However, when it comes to banning fireworks, we can't simply discard traditional culture and people's emotional needs. As a part of traditional Chinese culture, fireworks carry people's yearning and hope for a better life. Therefore, in formulating policies, we should take into account the value of traditional cultures and seek a balanced approach. It is possible to choose to carry out the fireworks at a specific time and place, and at the same time strengthen the supervision and management of the fireworks process to reduce the impact on the environment and safety. This can not only meet people's spiritual needs, but also protect the environment and public safety, and is more in line with the spirit of the rule of law.

### Is it worrying to let it be used freely?

Of course, some people advocate completely letting the use of fireworks and firecrackers go unchecked, believing that this is a respect and protection of traditional culture. However, we cannot ignore the potential harms of laissez-faire use. Random fireworks can cause fires and pose a threat to the safety of buildings and people in the city. At the same time, the emission of fireworks can exacerbate air pollution and cause damage to the environment. If we completely allow the use of fireworks and firecrackers, not only will we not be able to protect the environment and public safety, but it will also be difficult to comply with the principle of the rule of law.

### Seek truth from facts, follow the rule of law, and find a balance

To sum up, regarding the "ban", "limit" and "release" of fireworks, we should make decisions based on facts. We cannot simply deny the existence of fireworks, nor can we completely let the harm caused by their use be completely reckless. Rather, a balanced approach should be sought that respects traditional culture and satisfies people's spiritual needs, while protecting the environment and public safety, in line with the principles of the rule of law.

Therefore, we can carry out fireworks at a specific time and place, and strengthen the supervision and management of the fireworks process to reduce the harm to the environment and safety. In this way, it can not only protect traditional culture, but also protect the environment and public safety, achieve a balance between the interests of all parties, and meet the requirements of the principle of the rule of law.

Let's discuss it with an attitude of seeking truth from facts and abiding by the rule of law

The people's sharp opinion: the key to "banning" or "restricting" fireworks and firecrackers is to follow the rule of law and seek truth from facts
The people's sharp opinion: the key to "banning" or "restricting" fireworks and firecrackers is to follow the rule of law and seek truth from facts
The people's sharp opinion: the key to "banning" or "restricting" fireworks and firecrackers is to follow the rule of law and seek truth from facts

And solve this problem to add more joy and safety to our Spring Festival!