
34+20+30+31! The dark horse is recovering strongly, and the west is adding variables

author:Easy to say basketball

The NBA regular season continues, the Wild West is still fiercely contested, and for now, in addition to the Trail Blazers and Spurs clearly swinging, the likes of the Jazz and Grizzlies are expected to hit the better this season. If the Jazz don't tear down and rebuild, then they are still expected to go further with their current strength, and the Grizzlies have also started their own strong counterattack with the return of Morant. 34+20+30+31! The dark horse is recovering strongly, and the west is adding variables.

34+20+30+31! The dark horse is recovering strongly, and the west is adding variables

The Grizzlies, as the dark horse team in the Western Conference standings in previous seasons, have shown their strength and young talent, and they have also proven themselves in the regular season. But this season, Morant was definitely one of the most disappointing teams before his return, on the one hand, the team's star was suspended, and on the other hand, a number of key players were absent due to injury, which also had a big impact on the strength of their roster. The saying that we have no opponents in the West seems like just yesterday, but this season's West has become a star-studded group, and the traditional powerhouses Lakers, Suns, and Warriors have not achieved satisfactory results so far, which can also reflect the fierce competition in the West.

34+20+30+31! The dark horse is recovering strongly, and the west is adding variables

The lack of an incomplete roster has had a serious impact on the strength of the Grizzlies, who also lost more and won less in the previous wave of games and became the existence of Western movies, but with the return of Morant, they have won a wave of four consecutive wins. The key to the team's ability to win the game is the performance of the star Morant. In the last four games, Morant has 34 points, 6 rebounds and 8 assists, 20 points, 5 rebounds and 8 assists, 30 points, 6 rebounds and 11 assists, and 31 points, 4 rebounds and 7 assists. Helped the team defeat various opponents, including strong opponents such as the Pacers and Pelicans. In the first game of Morant's comeback, he contributed to the stunner, and then won the Western Conference Player of the Week, averaging 29 points, 9 rebounds and 5 assists per game, shooting 50%, and the Grizzlies won a wave of 4 consecutive wins. Morant's comeback has directly improved the overall strength of the Grizzlies by more than one notch, and they are expected to continue to win games in the next step and further attack the standings.

34+20+30+31! The dark horse is recovering strongly, and the west is adding variables

After winning four in a row, the Grizzlies moved to 10-19 and double-digit wins. It is worth mentioning that they are only two wins away from the Jazz in front of them, and the number of wins and losses between the 11th-place Warriors and the Suns in front of them, the 9th-ranked Lakers, and the 8th-ranked Rockets are not too much, after all, the current state of several teams in the play-off area of the standings has fluctuated greatly, which means that the Grizzlies are competing for more games to win, and the battle for the standings has become very likely His strong recovery, which has brought changes to the pattern of the West again.

34+20+30+31! The dark horse is recovering strongly, and the west is adding variables

This means that in addition to the Trail Blazers and Spurs, the other 13 teams in the West are expected to hit the playoff spots this season, and no one dares to say that the playoff spots will be stable for the next few teams, including the Lakers and Warriors. After all, the Lakers, Warriors, Suns and other old powerhouses are currently facing problems to varying degrees, such as the rotation of the Lakers' lineup, the sluggish state of the Warriors' core players, and the lack of strength of the Suns' injured bench lineup.

Of course, injuries still plague them, with injuries to players like Smart Rose, Kennard, Clarke and Adams taking a toll on their squad. The good news is that Clark, according to the previously disclosed information, is expected to be able to make a comeback soon.

34+20+30+31! The dark horse is recovering strongly, and the west is adding variables

If the Grizzlies want to make a difference in the future, they need Morant to step up and lead the team, and other players can help them on the court, what do you think the Grizzlies will achieve in the final regular season this season? Will they be able to advance to the playoffs?