
I discovered the secret of my family's longevity, which can be summarized in three points, genetics are very important

author:Brother Pigtail is here

Title: Behind the Miracle of Longevity: The Longevity Code at the Intersection of Genetics and Positive Mindset

I discovered the secret of my family's longevity, which can be summarized in three points, genetics are very important

Chasing the dream of longevity has always been the wish of modern people, and we strive to improve our physical fitness through health preservation and exercise, hoping to leave a longer footprint in time. However, in my family, 80 and 90-year-old longevity is not a rare sight, and the secret of their longevity seems to be hidden in three key elements, the most remarkable of which is genetics. #揭秘长寿密码#

In the early days of liberation, the living conditions were difficult, food was scarce, and medical conditions were even more rudimentary. My grandfather had been ill for many years and passed away at the age of 83, and his persistence became a miracle. Living in a time when a minor illness could be fatal, he woke up and got better, and finally passed away on my father's birthday. #见证生命百态#

I discovered the secret of my family's longevity, which can be summarized in three points, genetics are very important

In my eldest and fourth aunts, 80 or 90 years old is already commonplace. They are still in the spirit of their 60s and full of vitality. During the Chung Yeung Festival, they walked for more than an hour and walked back to their parents' house to participate in the event, showing extraordinary endurance. My aunt's hair is like a silver waterfall on her head, but she still goes to the fields every day to farm and provide fresh vegetables for our family. The old people in the family, even if they are too old, have a straight waist, which contains the magical power of genetics.

In addition to genetics, the living environment is also an important factor in determining longevity. We have always had the Xi of raising green plants, and the "wind and rain flowers" in the home are like a symbol of the family, although they were once abandoned, but in the end they were reborn with tenacious vitality and became a beautiful scenery in the living room. Human beings, like flowers, the environment is essential to our growth, and a good environment is like sunlight and moisture that allows us to thrive. And even if the harsh environment is provided, it is difficult to survive, as in the case of Uncle Cousin, who suffered a stroke and hemiplegia for more than 30 years.

I discovered the secret of my family's longevity, which can be summarized in three points, genetics are very important

Uncle Cousin's story makes people feel that although his life was not easy, his positive and optimistic attitude made him live a comfortable and happy life. He believes that people should live a fun life without being too rigid about living day after day, which is the secret of his life for so long.

Therefore, longevity is not accidental, its code is hidden in the wonderful intersection of genetics and a positive mindset. These three complement each other and together paint a picture of longevity for us. Do you also think that this password may be quietly around us?

I discovered the secret of my family's longevity, which can be summarized in three points, genetics are very important
I discovered the secret of my family's longevity, which can be summarized in three points, genetics are very important