
Huang Hey: The child was accidentally miscarried, and the appearance was distressing, and everyone bluntly said: It's a pity!

author:A Tao's first-line intelligence

Recently, many netizens have been concerned about a self-media celebrity, that is, Huang Hehe.

Originally, everyone was happy for her, because of the good news of her unexpected pregnancy, but unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, Feeding brought unfortunate news to everyone, her child was unexpectedly miscarried.

When they heard the news, many netizens were distressed, after all, such a thing is definitely a big blow to an expectant mother.

Being able to meet your other half and smoothly enter the palace of marriage is definitely a very happy thing for feeding.

In addition, the two of them have always been very much looking forward to having their own children, so when they realized that they were pregnant, their hearts were of course filled with infinite joy.

Huang Hey: The child was accidentally miscarried, and the appearance was distressing, and everyone bluntly said: It's a pity!

In order to be able to give everyone an explanation, Feeding also specially took out the pregnancy record book, so that fans know the good news, and in the coming days, they will also look forward to the arrival of the child.

After hearing the news, many fans have sent their blessings, after all, such a good thing really makes people feel happy, and it takes a lot of blessings to do it.

However, just when everyone was looking forward to it, Feed Hey came to everyone by surprise, it turned out that her child had an accident, and it was irreparable.

For such an ending, many people feel sorry for it, after all, this is definitely a very big blow to Brother Zhuzi, who has been looking forward to the feeding of the child.

After realizing such an ending, Feeding also chose to adjust her state appropriately, while Brother Zhuzi was more intimate, and had been comforting and encouraging Feeding, hoping that she could get out of the haze as soon as possible.

Huang Hey: The child was accidentally miscarried, and the appearance was distressing, and everyone bluntly said: It's a pity!

In fact, self-media celebrities like Hey, their usual work is indeed very hard, and if they have to take care of work when they are pregnant, it does have a very big impact on their bodies.

It's only because of work that it leads to the child's accident, and for such an ending, in fact, Hehe and Brother Zhuzi's hearts must be very sad and sad.

Moreover, after realizing such an outcome, Hehe also said that he would stop his work and recuperate during this time, after all, the body is the most important thing.

And Brother Zhuzi's words will also give her all kinds of care and concern by her side, hoping that she can come out of the pain as soon as possible.

Huang Hey: The child was accidentally miscarried, and the appearance was distressing, and everyone bluntly said: It's a pity!

For the matter of accidental miscarriage, in fact, there are often such and such things on the Internet, but the objects of everyone's attention are different, and for ordinary people, accidental abortion is indeed a very pity.

However, a public figure like Feed Hey, being able to get everyone's care and comfort is also helpful for her mental illness.

Huang Hey: The child was accidentally miscarried, and the appearance was distressing, and everyone bluntly said: It's a pity!

Moreover, after such a thing, I believe that feeding will also have a deeper understanding, and will have a more cautious attitude towards the protection of the body, hoping that when she encounters feeding in the future, she can have a better ending and be able to meet her baby smoothly.

Huang Hey: The child was accidentally miscarried, and the appearance was distressing, and everyone bluntly said: It's a pity!

In fact, in life, accidents and unsatisfactory things can happen at any time, and no one can avoid these things 100%. For each of us, what we can do is to learn to accept and learn to be brave, after all, life still has to look forward.