
The situation on the peninsula has changed abruptly, the United States, South Korea and the DPRK have shown each other their cards, the East China Sea has welcomed special guests, and the People's Liberation Army has also taken action

author:Strong Martial Arts

Now, the two major regions of the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea are not peaceful, and the United States, North Korea and South Korea have also shown each other's cards, the North Korean leader has ordered preparations for war, and the Chinese side has to be prepared, the East China Sea has ushered in a mysterious and special guest, and the People's Liberation Army has also been dispatched.

On the 28th, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un instructed the country's military department to speed up military preparations in response to the unprecedented "anti-North Korean confrontation conspiracy" of the United States, a move that sent an unprecedentedly strong signal. It is worth noting that among the military departments named by Kim Jong-un, in addition to the Korean People's Army and the military industry, there is also a nuclear weapons department.

The situation on the peninsula has changed abruptly, the United States, South Korea and the DPRK have shown each other their cards, the East China Sea has welcomed special guests, and the People's Liberation Army has also taken action

In mid-December, after deliberations, the United States and the ROK decided to complete the formulation of guidelines for the planning and use of a nuclear strategy by the middle of next year in order to strengthen nuclear deterrence against the DPRK; the next day, the US Navy's Virginia-class nuclear-powered attack submarine USS Missouri arrived at the Busan Naval Base in South Korea.

A spokesman for the DPRK's Ministry of National Defense said in a statement that the United States and South Korea have continued to deploy nuclear weapons against North Korea throughout the year, and at the same time frequently carried out reckless military provocations such as large-scale joint military exercises to demonstrate against North Korea, and North Korea expects the United States and South Korea to conduct a nuclear war "rehearsal" by the end of this year. In response, the North Korean side did not show weakness and responded forcefully, saying that any attempt by a hostile force to use nuclear weapons "will be met with a preemptive and devastating response."

The situation on the peninsula has changed abruptly, the United States, South Korea and the DPRK have shown each other their cards, the East China Sea has welcomed special guests, and the People's Liberation Army has also taken action

Kim Jong-un specially expressed his condolences to the fighters of the Second Red Banner Company of the General Missile Administration, stressing that the DPRK would respond to the nuclear challenge by means of a nuclear attack. In response, South Korea held a defense Xi, the first exercise in which the South Korean military and police participated in a joint Xi to examine the level of preparedness in the security field for crisis situations such as drone intrusions, and to study measures to eliminate deficiencies and deficiencies in defense.

The situation on the peninsula has changed abruptly, the United States, South Korea and the DPRK have shown each other their cards, the East China Sea has welcomed special guests, and the People's Liberation Army has also taken action

Before ordering the military department to prepare for war, Kim Jong-un emphasized that 2023 is a turning point for North Korea to improve its national strength, which reflects North Korea's determination not to back down, but the United States and South Korea have long released harsh words that if North Korea uses nuclear weapons, the United States and South Korea will take all actions "to end the North Korean regime." This sentence fully proves that the situation on the Korean Peninsula has really come to the brink of conflict.

The situation on the peninsula has changed abruptly, the United States, South Korea and the DPRK have shown each other their cards, the East China Sea has welcomed special guests, and the People's Liberation Army has also taken action

As an East Asian country, China also had to prepare for the escalating regional situation, and at this time, the East China Sea welcomed a special guest of the People's Liberation Army. Recently, a video circulated on the Internet showing the Chinese Navy's Type 039C conventional submarine cruising in the East China Sea, speculating that it may be on its way to the exercise. The Type 039C submarine is the latest stealth submarine of the PLA, which can carry torpedoes, as well as YJ-18 supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles with a combat range of up to 550 kilometers.

We don't know whether this submarine is carrying missiles or not, and where it is going, but what we do know is that the PLA will always silently hold all the situation in its hands and ensure our safety at all times. The rest of the contest will depend on how prepared the DPRK is, and which of the three parties, the United States, South Korea, and the DPRK will be more determined.