
A female teller in the bank ran away with 3.98 million yuan, successfully started a business with plastic surgery, and was arrested 25 years later because of her ID card

author:Gao Lingqing


At the crossroads of life, there are always some choices that seem right but hide the abyss.

Other wrong choices, even if they succeed temporarily, will eventually sow the seeds of destruction.

A female teller in the bank ran away with 3.98 million yuan, successfully started a business with plastic surgery, and was arrested 25 years later because of her ID card

So, how long can an ordinary person who chooses to break the law and commit crimes in order to satisfy his selfish desires escape legal punishment and just trial?

Vulnerabilities in the system are discovered, and greed sprouts

In 1997, a 26-year-old female bank clerk, Chen Yile (pseudonym), worked at the Beibaixiang office of the Yueqing branch of the China Construction Bank.

Even though he only had a high school degree, it was very good to be a bank clerk in those days.

Eile Chen's main job is to handle various businesses for clients, and he needs to use the bank's internal systems frequently.

Over time, she stumbled upon a huge loophole in the system - she could modify the deposit balance in the client's account at will, and she could withdraw the amount of the virtual holdings.

For a young woman in her early twenties, the discovery was unusually alluring.

Faced with millions of dollars that can be withdrawn at will, it is difficult for anyone to resist the greed in their hearts.

A female teller in the bank ran away with 3.98 million yuan, successfully started a business with plastic surgery, and was arrested 25 years later because of her ID card

Chen Yile was no exception, and she soon began to figure out how to exploit the system's loophole and withdraw large sums of money for her own use.

At first, Chen Yile also hesitated.

She understands that this is absolutely illegal, and if it is discovered, the consequences will be unimaginable.

However, in the face of such an attractive amount of money and the possibility of successfully realizing her dreams, her moral bottom line is gradually corroded.

As long as she is careful, she believes that she will succeed and change her fate.

So, Chen Yile began to develop a meticulous and thoughtful plan for the theft.

She has to find ways to avoid the surveillance of her colleagues and superiors, choosing to strike when others don't expect her.

After obtaining a huge amount of money, she also had to forge her identity, hide the stolen money, and finally leave a foreign country to start a new life.

Everything has to be seamless, without the slightest flaws.

A female teller in the bank ran away with 3.98 million yuan, successfully started a business with plastic surgery, and was arrested 25 years later because of her ID card

Transfer to a savings bank and implement a theft plan

In order to be able to smoothly transfer to work in the savings bank, Chen Yile took the initiative to apply for assignment.

Soon, she was transferred out of her original post and came to a remote rural area of Guantou Savings Bank.

After working here for more than two months, on Saturday, April 12, 1997, Eile Chen finally carried out her long-planned theft plan.

She quietly went to the empty savings bank, used the back door of the system to log in, selected several passbooks and began to fill them with water - hundreds of thousands of yuan each, a total of 5.66 million yuan! The amount was far greater than she imagined.

After successfully inflating the accounts, Chen Yile looked around nervously, for fear that someone would suddenly come back at this time and find that she was operating.

When everything was finally done, she breathed a sigh of relief, and the tension she had felt for a long time was finally released.

At this moment, Chen Yile was extremely excited and excited, and even a little ecstatic.

She kept stroking the keyboard and monitor with both hands, as if to confirm the reality of all this.

Years of hard work have finally turned into money at this moment.

A female teller in the bank ran away with 3.98 million yuan, successfully started a business with plastic surgery, and was arrested 25 years later because of her ID card

She has seen a bright future for herself, and she has seen the huge wealth that is about to come.

Withdrawn in batches and successfully obtained a huge sum of 3.98 million yuan

Next, Chen Yile needs to find a way to get the money out.

But withdrawing so much cash from one bank at once is bound to attract attention and suspicion.

For this reason, she was smart enough to prepare a coping strategy in advance.

On April 13, Chen Yile prepared a large suitcase in advance and came to Wenzhou City to start the implementation of the withdrawal plan.

Putting on a mask and sunglasses, she went to different bank outlets, taking only a small portion at a time, and then quickly left, quickly changing to the next place to withdraw money.

This process lasted all day.

When the sun went down and night fell, a figure hurried out of the last bank.

A female teller in the bank ran away with 3.98 million yuan, successfully started a business with plastic surgery, and was arrested 25 years later because of her ID card

At this time, Chen Yile has successfully withdrawn a huge sum of 3.98 million yuan!

Although it did not achieve the initial expected target of 5.66 million, it was far beyond her imagination.

Carrying a heavy suitcase and getting into a taxi, Chen Yile finally breathed a sigh of relief when the car started.

Sitting in the back seat of the car, Chen Yile looked at the rapidly regressing street scene outside the window, and her heart swelled with extremely excited emotions.

Plastic surgery to hide and start a new life plan

After obtaining a huge amount of black gold, Chen Yile understands that he has committed a great sin and must leave here as soon as possible.

That night, she came to a plastic surgery hospital for the first time and underwent an operation to change her appearance.

She believes that new faces reduce the risk of being recognized.

After that, she returned to her hometown and hid 1.43 million yuan in hidden places such as yards and pits.

Before setting off again, Chen Yile's father noticed his daughter's unusual behavior and persuaded her to turn herself in, but was quickly refused.

Facing her father's disappointed eyes, Chen Yile felt very uncomfortable, but at this moment she had no way out and could only run away from home.

A female teller in the bank ran away with 3.98 million yuan, successfully started a business with plastic surgery, and was arrested 25 years later because of her ID card

After arriving in Fujian, Chen Yile opened four accounts in the bank in the name of his relatives and deposited 2.1 million yuan.

Of the remaining more than 400,000, she decided to continue to carry it with her.

After a few days of traveling, the exhausted Chen finally arrived in the metropolis of Shanghai, which would be the starting point for her to realize her dream and start a new life.

Fake identity, successful entrepreneurship and whitewashing for many years

In order to completely whitewash his identity, Chen Yile spent money to make a set of fake identity documents, and successfully whitewashed as a "Jiang Mouhong".

In Shanghai, she soon started a successful business with the start-up capital she brought out and opened a cleaning supplies company.

At first, business was sluggish, and Chen Yile also experienced ups and downs.

But with perseverance and wisdom, she gradually opened up the market, and her business became more and more prosperous.

Today, she is a successful person in the field, praised by employees and business friends.

A female teller in the bank ran away with 3.98 million yuan, successfully started a business with plastic surgery, and was arrested 25 years later because of her ID card

The love life was also very smooth, Chen Yile re-established a small family, and gave birth to a beautiful daughter.

Now she has a successful career, a happy marriage, and an enviable life.

In the past 25 years, no one knows her true identity, and she used her first pot of gold of 400,000 yuan to successfully clear her identity and criminal record.

The father reported the crime, and the police worked hard to investigate

However, this seamless theft was discovered and reported shortly after the crime.

Just one day after Chen Yile committed the crime, the Yueqing City Procuratorate opened a case and began an investigation.

However, due to her full preparation for disguise and escape in advance, coupled with the limited technical means at that time, the police have not found any effective clues.

The most dramatic thing is that Chen Yile's father took the lead in contacting the police and disclosed the facts of his daughter's crime.

Still, with the father also unable to do anything, the police still have no clue.

A female teller in the bank ran away with 3.98 million yuan, successfully started a business with plastic surgery, and was arrested 25 years later because of her ID card

In the past 25 years, the Yueqing Public Security has been increasing the manpower and material resources to hunt down Chen Yile, just waiting for the day when he will lose his footing.

After 25 years, he was arrested, and his new life collapsed in an instant

Twenty-five years have passed.

During this period, Chen Yile spent her middle age peacefully, enjoying the prosperity and wealth of successful people in the business world.

Her company's performance is thriving, and her business has completed industrial upgrading and become an industry leader.

The love life is harmonious, and the daughter starts a family.

Everything seemed so flawless.

Until the end of 2022, with the assistance of the police intensifying the pursuit of fugitives and using big data technology, the 51-year-old Chen Yile was finally arrested and brought to justice! The 25-year pursuit career has come to an end.

At this moment, Chen Yile's ink has been decided, and her new life and identity have fallen apart in an instant.

The business empire she built was on the verge of collapse, and her loved ones recognized her true colors at this moment.

A female teller in the bank ran away with 3.98 million yuan, successfully started a business with plastic surgery, and was arrested 25 years later because of her ID card

In January 2023, the Yueqing Municipal Procuratorate officially prosecuted Chen Yile for embezzlement.

Everything fell apart in such a quick time.

The French Open is magnificent, and the wind knows the grass

The seemingly perfect life cannot withstand the ravages of time and fate.

Chen Yile is one such example.

Although she deceived and disguised herself with her natural intelligence and willpower, and successfully cleared her name for 25 years, the sin in her bones was finally awakened by the power of justice at the last moment.

It is valuable to be born intelligent, but if there is no moral restraint, it will be difficult to escape the punishment of heaven after all.

If she is on the right path, she can rely on her own ability to become a truly successful business woman; But for a moment of selfishness, he brought destruction for himself.

The joy of love life cannot compensate for the cruel tricks of fate.

A female teller in the bank ran away with 3.98 million yuan, successfully started a business with plastic surgery, and was arrested 25 years later because of her ID card

All the questions seem irrelevant now.

More than 20 years ago, fate gave Chen Yile the opportunity to change her fate, but she finally chose the wrong path.

Today, she can only stand her own trial in 25 years.

Only time will tell what she will pay for the wrong decisions she made when she was younger.


The seemingly perfect life cannot withstand the ravages of time and fate.

Chen Yile is one such example.

Although she deceived and disguised herself with her natural intelligence and willpower, and successfully cleared her name for 25 years, the sin in her bones was finally awakened by the power of justice at the last moment.

It is true that it is valuable to be born intelligent, but if there is no moral restraint, it will be difficult to escape the punishment of heaven after all.

She could have been on the right track and relied on her own ability to become a real strong woman in the business world; But for a moment of selfish desire, he brought destruction upon himself.

Now, 25 years later, she can only accept her own judgment at the end.

On the road of life, maybe everyone will have a moment when they choose the wrong path; But mistakes should never be a reason to continue to fall.

The boat will naturally go straight to the bridge, and don't give up when you turn back to the shore.

Only by facing your heart can you overcome all the suffering ends in life.

A female teller in the bank ran away with 3.98 million yuan, successfully started a business with plastic surgery, and was arrested 25 years later because of her ID card

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