
When traveling in winter, have you done it safely for your children to ride in the car?

author:Entertainment headlines

Recently, the National Health Commission held a press conference on the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases in winter. At the meeting, Wang Quan, chief physician of Beijing Children's Hospital, put forward some safety precautions for winter travel. She said that with the arrival of the New Year's holiday, parents may choose to travel with their children by car, so it is more important to strictly follow the traffic rules, especially on ice and snow roads, pay more attention to safety, and control the speed. In addition, Dr. Wang also emphasized the importance of children's safety in the car, reminding parents not to let children under the age of 12 sit in the passenger seat, and to correctly choose to use child safety seats, seat belts, and safety booster cushions. In addition, she reminded the children not to stick out their heads, hands or eat while riding in the car, not to make a fuss in the car or in the blind spot of the vehicle, and not to chase and fight on the ice and snow.

When traveling in winter, have you done it safely for your children to ride in the car?

We can think about this topic from the perspective of parents and children. First of all, parents need to pay full attention to their children's safety when traveling, correctly use child safety seats or seat belts and other facilities, and also strengthen the safety education of their children to enhance their ability to recognize danger and avoid danger. Secondly, children should also develop good Xi of riding in the car, do not make a fuss in the car or walk on the road at will, and pay attention to traffic safety.

When traveling in winter, have you done it safely for your children to ride in the car?

Behind this question, we can see the importance of parents and children's awareness of traffic safety when traveling, as well as the importance of children's car safety. In 2019, more than 10% of road traffic accidents in China were injured by children, which is quite high. Therefore, strengthening the awareness and knowledge of traffic safety among parents and children is crucial to prevent traffic accidents and ensure the safety of children.

When traveling in winter, have you done it safely for your children to ride in the car?

In terms of laws and policies, the government can introduce stricter traffic safety regulations through legislation, and make clearer provisions on the safety of children and the guardianship responsibilities of parents. In addition, the public security department should also increase the supervision and punishment of traffic safety, so that parents and children understand the importance of traffic safety for everyone.

When traveling in winter, have you done it safely for your children to ride in the car?

Internationally, some countries are doing a good job in traffic safety education. In Japan, for example, children's traffic safety education courses have been incorporated into school education, and traffic safety promotions and drills are regularly conducted. This provides us with a good reference. Therefore, we can also strengthen the education of traffic safety in schools, so that children can develop good traffic safety Xi earlier.

In general, for winter travel and children's car safety, we need to strengthen the traffic safety awareness and knowledge of parents and children, strengthen the compliance with traffic safety regulations, and also need to carry out comprehensive management from education, law and international experience to ensure children's safety.

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