
"1000 Days of Reading Effect": Books are toys, books are the world, and books are infants' best friends

author:Chongqing Guoma Maternal and Child Products Group Co., Ltd

Today's parents are paying more and more attention to the cultivation of children's "reading ability", because reading literacy is not only closely related to curiosity, concentration, thinking, imagination and other abilities, but also the cornerstone of life happiness.

Therefore, how to start reading enlightenment from the age of "0" has increasingly become an educational topic that the new generation of parents pay special attention to. This book is the answer to that.

This book divides the 1000 days of hours at the age of 0~3 into 5 stages, and analyzes in detail the developmental characteristics, reading needs, optional book lists and reading guidance methods of each month age group on the basis of in-depth research on early reading methodology.

The educational misunderstandings pointed out in the book and the suggestions for parents are the author's extensive practical experience in education and teaching.

In addition, this book gives answers from shallow to deep answers to the two major themes that cannot be avoided in early reading enlightenment - "how to choose books for children?" and "how to read together".

With the help of the research results in brain science, information and communication, psychology, children's literature, children's book publishing and other disciplines, the author allows parents to know the optional book list and reading guidance methods and know why they are so.

"1000 Days of Reading Effect": Books are toys, books are the world, and books are infants' best friends
"1000 Days of Reading Effect": Books are toys, books are the world, and books are infants' best friends

Rich cognitive stimulation to make children smarter

A little girl named Cazorla was born with chromosomal damage and was diagnosed by doctors as having "mental and physical growth retardation".

When she was 4 months old, her parents read to her, and insisted on reading 14 stories to their children every day, and by the time the child was 5 years old, the child's IQ was already higher than the average of children of the same age!

The brain weight of newborns is 25% of that of an adult's, 85% of an adult at age 3, and 95% of an adult at age 5.

The acquired environment and parenting have shaped the baby's brain and affected the acquired development of the baby's brain.

When reading, every straight or diagonal line, circle or arc that the baby's eyes see activates a specific part of the occipital lobe area of the baby's brain (i.e., where the visual function area is located) in a split second.

Rich cognitive stimulation to make children smarter.

We know that in order to improve children's cognitive ability, we must start from the five natural sensory channels of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste to help children understand the world.

Early children's books are designed to serve the baby's sense of perception, such as touch books, cave books, sound books...

When children are reading, they clasp and touch their little hands, and if they want to understand the picture, they should also mobilize the brain's intentional and unintentional attention to think, and their observation ability, imagination, and muscles of their little hands can be developed.

When babies come into the world, they begin to continue to cognitive, and developmental psychologist Vygotsky said: "Complex linguistic concepts are relegated to the symbol of pictures." ”

This is also why babies who love to read have strong cognitive ability, because of reading, the baby's vision is wider and the pace is farther.

"1000 Days of Reading Effect": Books are toys, books are the world, and books are infants' best friends
"1000 Days of Reading Effect": Books are toys, books are the world, and books are infants' best friends

The early language environment affects a child's ability to eventually learn and Xi

Parents who have read the book "The Language of Parents" should know the great power of 30 million words, and two scholars in the United States have done a long-term follow-up study.

It turns out that the gap between children is formed before entering kindergarten, and this gap determines the child's academic Xi ability, expression ability, and even IQ level after entering school!

The difference between the vocabulary heard by children from high-income families before the age of 0-3 and the vocabulary heard by children from poor families is 30 million.

The decisive role is the language used by parents and children to communicate, that is, the early language environment is the key to the child's ability to learn Xi!

The researchers found that the quality of parent-child conversations between mothers and babies around children's books at 15 months of age predicted the baby's performance on emotional comprehension tasks at 24 months.

Babies are enjoying books in our warm arms while listening to our interesting explanations, which is a positive emotional exchange.

It is a great impetus for the baby's psychological and physical growth, and the baby can feel concerned, valued, accepted and understood.

That kind of comfort is difficult to replace with other toys, which can establish a closer and stronger parent-child relationship, and is also helpful for emotional management.

"1000 Days of Reading Effect": Books are toys, books are the world, and books are infants' best friends
"1000 Days of Reading Effect": Books are toys, books are the world, and books are infants' best friends

Participate in the child's growth and give him the most important thing

Parenting comes first, we didn't have so many colorful books at that time, but through parent-child reading.

We will immerse ourselves in it, bring ourselves back to our childhood, and grow together with our children.

The book opens another door for them, and the book also allows us to see that she is a toddler, not an adult.

Don't look at your child through the eyes of an adult, such as things that many of us adults tend to do, dressing and undressing, how to go to the toilet, how to eat, etc.

Parent-child picture books will remind us that these children can't do it, and we need to be patient to teach them step by step.

With the rapid development of society, specialization is getting stronger and stronger. It is no longer to make up for the shortcomings of the past, but to cultivate excellence.

In the process of cultivating strengths, we must be good at discovering children's strengths, how can we discover children's strengths?

In parent-child reading, you will find out which aspects the child prefers, be good at discovering it, and you will find the child's advantages in the exploration, and you will pay attention to the development of the child's advantages in the future process.

This is in the process of reading with children, and I slowly discovered that this is a long-term and long-lasting process.

"1000 Days of Reading Effect": Books are toys, books are the world, and books are infants' best friends
"1000 Days of Reading Effect": Books are toys, books are the world, and books are infants' best friends

Write at the end

Reading has a high ROI and the sooner the better, so when you talk about this topic, please count how many books are dedicated to babies.

A study in the United States showed that having a collection of more than 500 books at home can advance a child's school Xi by 3.2 years.

So what influences the volume of books, the household income? Yes and no.

The key is how much parents attach importance to their children's education.

A lot of people say that early reading doesn't make sense; Children will bite picture books, and buying books is a waste.

Early reading refers to all activities in which infants and toddlers use all their senses, such as sight, hearing, touching, smelling, and licking, to understand various symbols such as colors, images, sounds, and words.

In terms of effect, it may not be obvious at the moment, but persistence will make you exceed expectations, and it can also create a safe growth environment for children physiologically and psychologically, and cultivate a sense of security for your baby.

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