
Persist for two months, my stomach has improved, and I am in a good mood - my magic weapon to nourish my stomach for 80 days

author:The stomach diary began
Saturday, December 30, 2023 Day 80 of stomach nourishment
Persist for two months, my stomach has improved, and I am in a good mood - my magic weapon to nourish my stomach for 80 days

From the beginning of stomach nourishment after the National Day holiday to today, it has been insisted on for 80 days. Although there was a little episode in the middle, I obviously felt that my stomach was comfortable, and it turned out that the stomach pain that I had almost every weekend had not moved for a long time.

Sensing the comfort of the small stomach, I suddenly breathed freely, felt that even the air was sweet, and my heart was about to fly happily, yes, only people who have suffered from stomach pain for many years know the happy feeling of having a good stomach.

For more than two months, I have figured out a set of my own appetite formulas, 6-7 full + good mood + eat on time + chew slowly + refuse to be cold + more pasta + control fruit strong tea and coffee + stay up late + exercise more, each of which is very important, and it is a mutual agreement for me to live peacefully with my stomach. In this two-way rush with the stomach, maintaining a good mood is the magic weapon for me to nourish my stomach, and it is the best choice.

Persist for two months, my stomach has improved, and I am in a good mood - my magic weapon to nourish my stomach for 80 days

1. The stomach is a barometer of emotions.

Stomach function is very, very sensitive to emotions, and I feel that very much.

I used to be very busy at work, 365 days a year, my mobile phone was on call 24 hours a day, and I often had one major activity after another, each of which did not allow any mistakes, and I was a person who pursued perfection very much, which led to a high degree of tension in my brain and great mental pressure. Often, as soon as I receive the activity task of my superior, my small stomach will suddenly throb faintly. It was a terrible feeling. Now that I think about it, I suffered from stomach problems due to long-term mental stress and excessive mental pressure under the accumulation of bad emotions of high tension and anxiety in those years.

I remember what the doctor said when I went for a gastroscopy in March, stomach disease is actually a disease of worry. Indeed, when you are very aggrieved, sad or angry, you will "not think about tea and dinner", and your heart will be particularly "panicked", you will lose your appetite, you don't want to eat, and you have no appetite, which is what we often call fullness. After a long time, stomach problems will naturally come to the door.

Behind every patient with stomach problems, there is often long-term mental stress, or work pressure, or life is not going well.

Persist for two months, my stomach has improved, and I am in a good mood - my magic weapon to nourish my stomach for 80 days

2. Why emotions affect the stomach.

After the gastroscopy results came out in March, I started to seriously think about the cause of my stomach problems. I found that I couldn't keep my mouth shut on the one hand, and the root cause was the huge pressure on my work for a long time.

When a person is in a state of nervousness, anxiety, sadness, or anger, the body secretes stress hormones. The excessive secretion of these hormones will affect the normal digestive function of the stomach, cause gastrointestinal peristalsis disorders, and bad mood will lead to autonomic nervous disorders in the body, affecting gastrointestinal function, and gastric flatulence is the most direct manifestation.

Once the work pressure or bad mood causes gastric juice secretion disorder, for a long time, it will destroy the gastric mucosal barrier, thereby damaging the gastric mucosa and causing gastric ulcers. Most stomach pains are caused by varying degrees of damage to the gastric mucosa. Bad mood leads to stomach problems, stomach discomfort, and it will affect the mood, repeatedly, endlessly.

Persist for two months, my stomach has improved, and I am in a good mood - my magic weapon to nourish my stomach for 80 days

3. Give the stomach a good mood.

I found the root cause of my stomach problems, and I knew I couldn't go on like this. The "fuss" of the stomach is actually a signal to your body, it tells you that you are tired and now you need to stop, slow down, and love yourself. So for nothing else, for the stomach, but also to maintain a good mood, so I began to grope a little bit to nourish the stomach.

1. Begin to reconcile with yourself at work. I no longer held on, no longer pursued perfection, no longer worked hard, took the initiative to apply for a job change, and began to keep more time for myself.

2. Find a way to adjust your mood. In the past few days, I have picked up my camera again to record my life, resumed jogging, went for a walk in a nearby park, went outdoors to bask in the sun, went to the suburbs to pick on weekends, traveled by car around the area, and participated in more public welfare activities, all of which will make me feel comfortable.

3. Nourish the stomach in a comfortable state both physically and mentally. Nourishing the stomach is not about being an ascetic. To nourish the stomach, we must control our diet, but also follow our hearts, slowly explore the foods that are suitable for you, and notice which foods and how much foods you eat will make you feel more comfortable, and your heart will be more satisfied and happy. The process of nourishing the stomach should not be painful and tormenting, but happy and enjoyable.

4. Eat with a cheerful mood. Try to relax and focus on the food when eating, starting with each bite of food, feel the gift of nature with your heart, slowly enjoy the taste of the food, and enjoy the pleasure brought by the food.

Persist for two months, my stomach has improved, and I am in a good mood - my magic weapon to nourish my stomach for 80 days

Finally, give yourself a word, slow down, relax, give the stomach a good mood, give the stomach time, believe in the stomach's self-repair ability, start with every bite of food, start from every meal, start from every day, take care of your stomach, and love yourself well.

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