
The years are quiet, life is like a song - a dialogue with the life of the elderly in the neighborhood

author:0o Serious Mango O0

The sunlight shone through the dappled shadows of the trees on the bluestone slabs of the Zhejiang courtyard house, and I pushed open the window to see the old neighbor carefully pruning his flowers and plants on the balcony. He is eighty years old this year, with a pension of 8,000 yuan a month, and lives a leisurely life. I often think that maybe the older you get, the more you know how to enjoy life.

The years are quiet, life is like a song - a dialogue with the life of the elderly in the neighborhood

That afternoon, I carried a pot of tea and walked to the old man's house. He greeted me warmly and we started our conversation on the balcony.

"Sir, I see that you are happy every day, can you share your secret?" I asked curiously.

The old man smiled, picked up the scissors in his hand, and gently cut off a withered petal: "Actually, it's very simple, that is, know how to find happiness in ordinary life." You see these flowers, although they are ordinary, they bring endless joy to my life. ”

The years are quiet, life is like a song - a dialogue with the life of the elderly in the neighborhood

I nodded and asked, "Are you satisfied with your current life?"

The old man looked at me with a glint of wisdom in his eyes: "Satisfied, of course satisfied." I have enough pension that will allow me to live comfortably. I can do what I love every day, talk to my neighbors, help people in need, and what else can I not be satisfied with in this life?"

The years are quiet, life is like a song - a dialogue with the life of the elderly in the neighborhood

I was deeply moved by the old man's words, and I admired his attitude to life. I think maybe we young people should really learn from them Xi and learn how Xi find their own happiness in the complicated life.

For the next few days, I would go to the old man's home every day and listen to him tell his story. I found that his life, although ordinary, was full of fun and meaning. He told me that life is like a cup of tea, there are bitter and sweet, and the key is how to taste it.

The years are quiet, life is like a song - a dialogue with the life of the elderly in the neighborhood

One day, the old man invited me to dinner. He cooked the dishes himself, cooking a table of delicious dishes. We chatted and laughed while eating. That night, I felt the warmth of home and understood the true meaning of life.

The years are quiet, life is like a song - a dialogue with the life of the elderly in the neighborhood
The years are quiet, life is like a song - a dialogue with the life of the elderly in the neighborhood
The years are quiet, life is like a song - a dialogue with the life of the elderly in the neighborhood

Time flowed like water, and in the blink of an eye, I had known the old man for a week. That day, I said goodbye to him on the balcony, and he gave me a sentence: "Life is like a journey, I don't care about the destination, I care about the scenery along the way and the mood of seeing the scenery." ”

I left the old man's home, and my heart was full of emotion. I think maybe we should really be like the elderly, feel every moment of life with our hearts, and enjoy every minute and second of life.

The years are quiet, life is like a song - a dialogue with the life of the elderly in the neighborhood

Nowadays, whenever I encounter difficulties, I will think of the old man's words and his indifferent attitude towards life. I think maybe this is the biggest revelation he gave me, and the most precious gift he gave me.

Life, perhaps, does not need too much glitz and glory, as long as you can maintain a calm and grateful heart, you can find the extraordinary in the ordinary.