
How to keep the potted plants growing vigorously for many years? 3 methods are simple and practical.

author:Blue Demon Garden

It's time to change the pot and fertilize the moon season again, and some flower friends asked: "There is no bigger pot to change in the moon season of potted plants, what should I do? Can I not change the pot?" If you also have such troubles, then the Blue Demon's article today will definitely make you suddenly brighter.

What should I do if there are no bigger pots to replace in the winter potted season?

How to keep the potted plants growing vigorously for many years? 3 methods are simple and practical.

Flower friends who raise pots in the moon season will basically encounter the situation that there are no pots to replace, it may be that the space does not allow the use of larger pots, or the original pots are already very large, and there are no larger pots to replace. In this case, we can only change the soil without changing the pot, or only fertilize without changing the pot. The specific operation can be divided into the following three situations.

1. Only change the soil and not the pot

If our potted plants have not been repotted for a year or two, and there is no bigger pot to change, at this time, we can only change the soil without changing the pot, remove half of the old soil or remove 2/3, retain a part of the heart soil, and then prune the root system, cut off the withered root system, cut the root system that is too long, and then add enough fermented organic fertilizer to the bottom of the pot as the base fertilizer, and then use the fertile new soil to replant in the original pot, which is a more conventional method of operation.

2. Add fertilizer at the bottom of the pot without changing the soil

How to keep the potted plants growing vigorously for many years? 3 methods are simple and practical.

If our potted plants are not very long away from the last soil change, then we don't want to change the soil, at this time, we can directly add enough long-lasting fertilizer to the bottom of the pot to supplement soil fertility.

Here's how:

If the potting soil of the potted plant is seriously lost and is now in the state of half potting soil, then we can directly depot the moon, and then use 1 part + 2 parts of fermented organic fertilizer with the moon-season nutrient soil, mix evenly and add it to the bottom of the pot, and the total amount added is 8-9 points full after the moon-season is put back.

How to keep the potted plants growing vigorously for many years? 3 methods are simple and practical.

If there is no obvious coiling of the root system of the moon, you can put the moon season directly back into the pot with a complete original soil mass, if the root system of the moon season has obvious coiling, you can cut off a part of the root system of the bottom coiled directly, and then put it back into the pot, and finally fill the gap on the side of the pot with new soil.

After planting, you can water it once, or you can follow the usual watering frequency to water, anyway, during the dormant period in winter, there is little demand for water, and if the original soil is not dry, there is no need to deliberately water.

3. Remove part of the topsoil and then add fertilizer

How to keep the potted plants growing vigorously for many years? 3 methods are simple and practical.

We have a lot of flower friends, is to use a pot-bellied clay pot or planting box to plant the moon, especially the planting of large vines this month, in this case, it is not realistic to want to add fertilizer at the bottom. It is very difficult to change the potted pot, either dig up the soil little by little, or smash the pot, if you don't want to dig it out, and you don't want to smash the pot, then you can only add fertilizer to the pot surface.

Here's how

How to keep the potted plants growing vigorously for many years? 3 methods are simple and practical.

Big belly flower pots, pot soil is relatively full, you need to dig out some of the pot soil on the surface first, dig out the 8-10cm thick soil, use a small amount of original soil or new soil, add 2 times of fermented organic fertilizer and an appropriate amount of slow-release fertilizer, mix evenly, and then fill back the pot, fill to eight or nine points full.

If the soil has been lost a lot, the soil is not satisfied, it is recommended to loosen the topsoil in the planting box, and then, directly add the new soil mixed with fermented organic fertilizer to the surface.

So what is the difference between fertilizing at the bottom of the pot and fertilizing on the surface of the pot?

If you often add organic fertilizer to the potting surface, you can peel off the surface of the potting soil and take a look, you will find that it is easy to pick up the root system.

How to keep the potted plants growing vigorously for many years? 3 methods are simple and practical.

Originally, the root system of the moon season is growing downward, and the root system will be fertilizing, and fertilizing at the bottom of the pot is more in line with the growth Xi of the root system of the moon season. If we fertilize the surface of the potting soil for a long time, there will be sufficient fertilizer and water on the surface of the potting soil, but the soil at the bottom of the pot lacks nutrients. The root system below will gradually lose its activity due to the lack of sufficient fertilizer and water for a long time.

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But for Yueji, it is better to eat than to starve, so when you can't add fertilizer to the bottom of the pot, it is also good to add fertilizer to the surface of the pot.

(Some of the pictures are from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to replace)

This article is the original sharing of the Blue Demon Garden. In my official account: Blue Demon Garden (ilanyao), I have collected thousands of articles on flower raising experience to help you avoid flower raising pits!

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