
The girl who has made the whole network "break the defense" many times, this time she stood on the stage!

The girl who has made the whole network "break the defense" many times, this time she stood on the stage!

Fellows still remember

A girl named Beanie?

Xiaofang used to be because of her

Broken the defense several times!

The girl who has made the whole network "break the defense" many times, this time she stood on the stage!

At the age of 2, Doudou was diagnosed with cerebral palsy

"Unable to stand for the rest of your life"

"I've spent my whole life in a wheelchair"

But she was accompanied and witnessed by her mother

With your own optimism and persistence

Created a "little miracle"

The girl who has made the whole network "break the defense" many times, this time she stood on the stage!

From October 2018

Parents take Doudou for rehabilitation

She learned to walk independently at the age of 5

and enter kindergarten to learn Xi

Two years ago, Doudou challenged himself to get dressed

Because the movement is very slow

I kept saying sorry to my mom

Sensible let netizens "break the defense"

Click on the image below to see the detailed story ↓↓↓

In June of this year

Doudou learns that he can go to elementary school

Said with a grin

"I thought people didn't want me!"

and made countless netizens instantly "break the defense"

The girl who has made the whole network "break the defense" many times, this time she stood on the stage!

August 30, the first day of school

Doudou walked in step by step

Yucai Experimental School of Jiulongpo District, Chongqing

Classrooms in the primary school of the Huayan campus

She was laughing from beginning to end

The beautiful eyes were bent into small crescents

Click on the image below to watch the detailed report↓↓↓

Both Doudou and Mom were worried

Because of physiological defects

There are many difficulties and inconveniences when going to school

The school was informed of the situation

Doudou's mother was allowed to accompany her to school for a period of time

And renovated one for Doudou

"Barrier-free toilets" with handrails

The teacher took good care of Doudou

Her classmates also liked her

In school

There are always friends holding her hand

Walk with her

The girl who has made the whole network "break the defense" many times, this time she stood on the stage!

Recently, Doudou's mother

A piece of good news was shared

Doudou, who has become an elementary school student

At the end of 2023

For the first time, he was on stage

Successfully completed the show with your friends

The girl who has made the whole network "break the defense" many times, this time she stood on the stage!

Doudou's mother said

I can perform on stage

For my daughter and for her

It's all an unexpected "surprise"

Before the production

She accompanies her children to practice Xi hard

Before playing

and cheered Doudou up in the background

"Come on, baby!"

Doudou also showed a bright smile

Small fists in both hands

Shout "Come on" to yourself out loud

The girl who has made the whole network "break the defense" many times, this time she stood on the stage!

Classmates and teachers hold Doudou

"Dressed up on stage" together

Brilliantly completed the performance

Looking at my confident and happy daughter

Mom said with emotion

"Believing in the 'Power of Believing'

Nothing is impossible

As long as you go for it!"

The girl who has made the whole network "break the defense" many times, this time she stood on the stage!


Seeing Doudou confidently walk onto the stage

Netizens sent her blessings


The school is amazing 👍."

"Come on Beanie"

The girl who has made the whole network "break the defense" many times, this time she stood on the stage!

Watch you grow along the way

We are all proud of you

Doudou, come on!

Sources: People's Daily Online, People's Daily Weibo, Xinhua Daily Telegraph, Chongqing Radio and Television, Hualong Net-New Chongqing Client, @我豆加油一, Chao News, etc

Editor: Sheng Li (Xi)

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