
Before getting married, a silly woman wants a house and a bride price, and a smart woman wants 3 things more

author:Xiaoqi Life Meeting

Marriage is a major event in life, and for every girl, it is the most important moment in life. On this special day, every girl fantasizes about having a good marriage and living a happy life. However, in real life, marriage is not all smooth sailing, and it is full of many unknowns that may affect your life. So, before getting married, we need to know what we want so that we can better cope with the challenges in our marriage.

Before getting married, a silly woman wants a house and a bride price, and a smart woman wants 3 things more

Before getting married, silly women tend to focus only on superficial things, such as the house and the bride price. They regard these things as the guarantee of their married life, but they ignore the most important internal factors in marriage. Before getting married, a smart woman will focus on something more practical, such as love, communication, and trust. They know that married life is not only material security, but also needs spiritual support and love.

In this story, we take a look at the premarital courtship of a silly woman and a smart woman.

Silly woman: Before I got married, I wanted a house and a certain amount of bride price. I feel like that's how I can really have this man. However, after getting married, I found that although I had a house and a bride price, my married life was not happy. The house and the bride price became a source of conflict between us, and we often quarreled over these things. I realized that marriage is not a material transaction, but requires spiritual dedication and love from both parties.

Smart Woman: Before I get married, I want love, communication, and trust. In my opinion, these three things are the most important things in married life. Love is the foundation of our married life, communication is a tool for us to understand each other and solve problems, and trust is the key to trusting each other and being honest with each other. With these three things, our married life will be better.

Before getting married, a silly woman wants a house and a bride price, and a smart woman wants 3 things more

In the days after I got married, I realized that I had made the right choice. While the house and bride price did put a certain amount of stress on us, they didn't affect our happy life. The love between us grew deeper and deeper, and we solved all the problems through communication and trust. Our married life has become better, we have contributed to each other and to the family together.

Before getting married, a smart woman will focus on love, communication, and trust, while a silly woman will only focus on the house and the bride price. However, in real life, the wise woman made the right choice. Married life is not only material security, but also needs spiritual support and love. Only with love, communication and trust will our married life be better. Therefore, before getting married, we should learn to be smart and know what we want, so that we can better cope with the challenges in marriage. Before getting married, smart women pay more attention to the intrinsic quality of marriage, and they know that a good marriage is not a material exchange, but requires spiritual dedication and love from both parties. Before getting married, smart women will try to understand each other's character, character and values, and they pay more attention to the long-term and stability of their marriage. Silly women, on the other hand, are more concerned about the short-term benefits of marriage, and they tend to focus only on superficial things, such as the house and the bride price.

After getting married, there is also a noticeable difference in the performance of smart women and silly women. Silly women may be satisfied with the house and the bride price, but they ignore the most important inner factor in marriage. Smart women, on the other hand, are more focused on love, communication, and trust, and they are more confident, calm, and happy in their married life.

Before getting married, a silly woman wants a house and a bride price, and a smart woman wants 3 things more

A wise woman knows that marriage is not a material transaction, but requires spiritual dedication and love from both parties. They cherish each other more in their married life and understand each other's needs and feelings better. They pay more attention to the long-term and stability of their marriage, and as a result, their married life is happier and better.

Silly women, on the other hand, tend to focus only on the short-term interests of marriage, and they tend to ignore spiritual needs in married life. They may be satisfied with the house and the bride price, but these things do not bring them true happiness. Smart women pay more attention to the purity and truth of love, and they are more confident, calm and happy in their married life.

Smart women pay attention to the inner qualities of marriage before they get married, and they are more confident, calm, and happy in their married life. Silly women, on the other hand, pay more attention to the short-term benefits of marriage, and they tend to ignore spiritual needs in married life. Therefore, the married life of wise women is happier and better, and they pay more attention to the purity and truth of love. We should learn from Xi wise woman and pay attention to the inner qualities of marriage before marriage in order to be more confident, calm and happy in married life.