
If the bank lowers the deposit rate to zero, or even negative, will you still deposit in the bank?

author:Brother Nan's sharing

If the bank lowers the interest rate on deposits to zero and there is no interest on deposits, then are you still willing to keep your money in the banks? Only when the people's deposits have negative interest rates can the economy be saved.

If the bank lowers the deposit rate to zero, or even negative, will you still deposit in the bank?

Wu Xiaoping, a well-known economic expert, once again made a statement, which instantly spread throughout the Internet; some time ago, someone just said that only zero interest rates on deposits can stimulate consumption and invigorate the market economy. Wu Xiaoping said that if zero interest rates cannot save the market, and the people still have to deposit, then the interest rate should be adjusted to negative and management fees will be charged, and only in this way can China's economy be saved.

If the bank lowers the deposit rate to zero, or even negative, will you still deposit in the bank?

What does this mean? I believe everyone should understand that, according to what he said, it is that we ordinary people want to keep their money in the bank. Then not only will the bank not give us any interest, but it will also charge us a management fee, the purpose of which is not to let us save our money, but also want us to spend it. If this happens, will people still keep their money in the bank? Or will they take it out and keep it in their own homes, or take it out to invest in consumption?

If the bank lowers the deposit rate to zero, or even negative, will you still deposit in the bank?

If the policy is really implemented in this way, it is possible that in a short period of time, it can play a role in stimulating consumption, and some people will take out money to buy some light assets, but this will not solve the fundamental problem, I think first of all, we should understand, why are the people unwilling to spend money? Is it not because it is becoming more and more difficult for ordinary people to make money, and those who can't make money have no money in their hands, so what else can they use to consume? After the epidemic in the past few years, I have understood a truth, the taste of no money is really uncomfortable, so I dare not spend it.

If the bank lowers the deposit rate to zero, or even negative, will you still deposit in the bank?

There are also the four major headaches for all Chinese, housing, medical care, education, and pension. If ordinary people can buy a house with five years' salary, this is called a real price reduction. If your child does not need to buy a school district house, she can go to school in any city in the country and can take the college entrance examination. In this way, we, as parents, don't have to worry about our children's schooling. If we ordinary people get sick, we don't have to queue up overnight to register, so that it is no longer so difficult for us to see a doctor, of course, if we can achieve it, free medical treatment for all, it will be better. If we can have a good nursing home in our old age, and then give us a retirement fee, then we will not put too much burden on our children.

If the bank lowers the deposit rate to zero, or even negative, will you still deposit in the bank?

If this is the case, then basically, all the big problems of our ordinary people have been solved. Then we won't, so there are no worries. Why do we need so much money in this way? Will we be reluctant to spend money, and want to keep it in the bank if we have two dollars? It's hard to make money, but it's easy to spend money. Who doesn't want to spend money? No, because people are worried about a lot of things, they don't want to spend, of course, we, as ordinary people, can't change anything, we can only carry it out.

If the bank lowers the deposit rate to zero, or even negative, will you still deposit in the bank?

If one day the deposit interest rate really becomes negative, do you consider the following ways to manage your finances?

First, stock investment: If the bank deposit rate becomes negative, then the stock market may come in a large number of shareholders, and at the same time, there will be a large amount of cash investment, so that the stock market will also be active. If you like to play with stocks, you can consider it.

If the bank lowers the deposit rate to zero, or even negative, will you still deposit in the bank?

Second, bond investment: In a negative interest rate environment, the price of some bonds may rise, we can find more to compare, and finally choose some high-quality bonds to invest, so that we can obtain a certain amount of interest income.

If the bank lowers the deposit rate to zero, or even negative, will you still deposit in the bank?

Third, real estate investment: real estate is a relatively stable way of investment, you can consider buying a property with stable rental income, but buying a house is a big deal, everyone must keep their eyes open, because now developers are also in a recession. So as not to buy an unfinished building, it will be troublesome.

If the bank lowers the deposit rate to zero, or even negative, will you still deposit in the bank?

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