
The heart hides the spirit, the spleen hides the mind, schizophrenia is the deficiency of the heart and spleen, the phlegm is obsessed, and the phlegm needs to be opened!

author:Brother Pigtail is here

Title: "Peering into the Depths of the Soul: How Does Traditional Chinese Medicine Solve the Mystery of Schizophrenia?"

Every soul that has experienced schizophrenia knows the pain of distracted thinking. Sometimes I feel like my mind is a mess, sometimes my mind jumps and I can't concentrate. These are the hidden symptoms of schizophrenia, like ghosts in the night, which make people fall into deep fear and uneasiness.

The heart hides the spirit, the spleen hides the mind, schizophrenia is the deficiency of the heart and spleen, the phlegm is obsessed, and the phlegm needs to be opened!

Auditory hallucinations, threats, and frame-ups are like an endless nightmare, which not only brings physical suffering, but also makes the Xi ability to study and work plummet, and life is deprived of autonomy. Behind this lies the disorder of the function of the heart and spleen, and it is a discordant symphony in which the heart does not hide its mind and the spleen does not keep its mind.

From the perspective of TCM, the heart is the main spirit, while the spleen is responsible for material transport and immune function. Long-term emotional repression and stimulation can damage the tacit cooperation between the two, leading to a lack of qi and blood, and inducing various schizophrenic symptoms.

In terms of treatment, I firmly believe that traditional Chinese medicine methods such as Guizhi Peony Medicine, Shu Lacquer Keel Oyster Rescue Reverse Soup, Hedang Soup, Ganmai Jujube Soup, etc., can be described as a savior of the soul. The synergy of these three parties aims to dissolve the confusion of thinking and restore the harmony of the heart and spleen.

The heart hides the spirit, the spleen hides the mind, schizophrenia is the deficiency of the heart and spleen, the phlegm is obsessed, and the phlegm needs to be opened!

Cinnamon sticks to peony and Shu lacquer keel oysters save the reverse soup and warm the heart and yang, and fight against symptoms such as palpitations and panic. Ganmai jujube soup soothes the mind and relieves restlessness. The soup is more effective in invigorating blood and removing blood stasis, solving problems such as blood stasis and internal knots, abdominal pain, etc.

During the treatment, I deeply felt the wonderful use of peony, which not only helps to astringent liver qi, soften the liver and nourish blood, but also improves the treatment effect. However, it needs to be used on a case-by-case basis to ensure that there is no further loss of yang energy.

Every soul that goes through schizophrenia is unique and deserves to be understood and cared for. The wisdom of Chinese medicine provides a path to peace of mind for these souls, let us explore together, and dissolve the chaos of the mind with a warm hand. #Mind Decoding# #中医心得#

The heart hides the spirit, the spleen hides the mind, schizophrenia is the deficiency of the heart and spleen, the phlegm is obsessed, and the phlegm needs to be opened!