
How to prevent dry skin in winter? Dermatologist answers: When moisturizing, this step cannot be omitted

author:Dr. Tian looks at the heart

As winter approaches, our skin seems to be starting to feel the change of seasons. Imagine waking up on a cold morning and looking in the mirror only to find that your cheeks are no longer the familiar smooth skin, but covered with dry fine lines. Yes, winter not only brings snowy romance, but also a challenge for our skin: dryness.

During this season, our skin is like a desert craving moisture, in desperate need of our attention and care. But did you know that there is one crucial step in your skin routine that can be wasted if you neglect it. This step not only locks in moisture from the skin, but also protects our skin from the harsh winter cold.

How to prevent dry skin in winter? Dermatologist answers: When moisturizing, this step cannot be omitted

Winter Skin Enemy: Demystifying the root cause of dryness

During the winter months, dry skin seems to be a problem for many people. But why is winter particularly prone to dry skin? Understanding the root causes of dryness is the first step in effective prevention and treatment.

The effects of low humidity

First of all, the low humidity in winter is one of the main reasons. When there is less moisture in the air, the moisture on the surface of the skin also evaporates more easily. Especially when heating is used indoors, the air humidity will further decrease, exacerbating the loss of moisture from the skin.

The action of cold and wind

Cold climates and biting cold winds can also have a direct effect on the skin. Low temperatures cause blood vessels on the skin's surface to constrict, reducing the amount of blood flowing to the skin, which in turn reduces the supply of nutrients and moisture to the skin's surface.

Side effects of hot baths

Many people prefer to use hot water for bathing during the winter months, but this can actually be bad for the skin. Hot water destroys the skin's natural oil layer, which acts as a natural moisturizer for the skin, and once destroyed, the skin is more likely to become dry.

Lifestyle factors

In addition to environmental factors, an individual's lifestyle can also affect the skin's moisture levels. For example, not drinking enough water, eating an unbalanced diet, overusing skin care products, or certain medications can all cause dry skin.

The effects of age

As we age, the skin's ability to retain moisture gradually declines. Older people are more likely to suffer from dry skin.

By understanding these factors that contribute to dry skin, we can take more targeted preventive and maintenance measures. For example, appropriately increasing indoor humidity, avoiding prolonged exposure to cold wind, using mild bath products, and maintaining good living Xi are all effective protective measures.

How to prevent dry skin in winter? Dermatologist answers: When moisturizing, this step cannot be omitted

Skin Hydration: Protecting Your "Second Coat" in Winter

In winter, the skin is like a delicate plant exposed to the cold wind, requiring extra care and maintenance. In this season, moisturizing is not only a skin care, but also a necessary health maintenance. Here are a few key points of the importance of moisturizing:

Maintain skin barrier function

The skin is the body's first line of defense, preventing the invasion of harmful microorganisms and external pollutants. When the skin is dry, this barrier is compromised, which can lead to bacterial infections and inflammation. Proper hydration maintains the integrity of the skin barrier and protects the skin from external aggressors.

Reduces skin symptoms

Dry skin is often accompanied by discomfort such as itching, peeling, etc., which not only affects the appearance but can also lead to skin breakdowns and infections. By using moisturizing products regularly, these symptoms can be reduced, leaving the skin smooth and healthy.

Delay skin aging

The skin's moisture and elasticity decline with age, and moisturizing helps slow down this process. Keeping your skin hydrated helps reduce the formation of fine lines and wrinkles, making your skin look younger and more vibrant.

Strengthens skin resistance

Healthy skin is better able to resist environmental stressors, such as extreme temperatures and dry air. The nutrients in moisturizers help the skin resist these stressors and maintain its natural balance and health.

Boost personal comfort and self-confidence

Keeping your skin moisturized and healthy is not just a reflection of your external beauty, it also enhances your personal comfort and self-confidence. Healthy skin improves quality of life by feeling more comfortable and reducing daily discomfort.

Key skincare steps: The secret to preventing dry skin

Dry skin is especially problematic during the winter months, and there's one key skincare step that is often overlooked: the right time to moisturize your skin. This step is no less important than choosing the right moisturizer.

The importance of immediate hydration

After the skin is cleansed, the pores are in an open state, and the skin is most absorbent of moisturizing products at this time. Therefore, it is crucial to use a moisturizer immediately after washing your face or bath. Delaying the application of moisturizers can lead to a rapid loss of moisture from the skin, which can increase feelings of dryness and tightness.

How to prevent dry skin in winter? Dermatologist answers: When moisturizing, this step cannot be omitted

Choose the right product

Choosing the right moisturizer is also crucial. Different skin types (dry, oily, combination) should use the appropriate product. For example, dry skin is better suited to heavy creams, while oily skin should opt for a lightweight, pore-clogging moisturizer.

Proper application of moisturizing products

Moisturizers should be applied evenly over the face and neck. Focus on dry areas such as the cheeks and eye area. When applied, gently massage into the skin to promote circulation and product absorption.


Internal hydration is also key to preventing dry skin. Maintaining adequate daily hydration intake can help maintain the skin's hydrated state.

Avoid washing your face with hot water

Overheated water can strip the skin of its natural oils and increase dryness. Therefore, washing your face with a gentle water temperature is another important factor in keeping your skin hydrated.

Timely and correct skin hydration is key to preventing dry skin in winter, and by following these simple yet effective steps, you can significantly improve the health of your skin.