
The balcony was converted into a bathroom, and the bath water overflowed to the residents downstairs...... The representative called for the strengthening of the supervision of house decoration

author:Shangguan News
The balcony was converted into a bathroom, and the bath water overflowed to the residents downstairs...... The representative called for the strengthening of the supervision of house decoration

"You knocked on the wall to turn the kitchen balcony into a bathroom, and the balcony of my kitchen overflowed with your bath water, it's so dirty!" complained the owner of the second floor in the group of owners.

The owner on the third floor replied: "In the future, I will report to you every time I take a bath, and you will see if there is any water leakage." But the owner of the second floor didn't buy it: "The balcony is not a place to take a bath, it is recommended not to change the function of the house, the balcony is the balcony!"

This conversation among the owners of the community is thought-provoking. "A considerable part of the contradictions in today's residential communities are neighborhood disputes and public safety issues caused by non-standard housing decoration. Xu Pubao, deputy to the Municipal People's Congress, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Quyang Road Street, and director of the Working Committee of the National People's Congress, said.

When I opened the door to see the toilet, I changed the direction of the bathroom door at will, installed the central air conditioner, and penetrated the load-bearing beam...... With the continuous improvement of people's demand for living quality, housing decoration activities are increasing. Subsequently, there were also some barbaric decoration behaviors, which left hidden dangers to the structural safety of the house. In Xu Pubao's view, the owner is the first person responsible for the decoration of residential houses, and the related property and regulatory departments should also fulfill their corresponding responsibilities, and strengthening the supervision of residential housing decoration should be put on the agenda.

Load-bearing beams, unbearable weight

"Once the structure of the house is changed and damaged, it will endanger the safety of the house structure. Xu Pubao said that some owners do not have the concept of housing structure diagrams, in order to achieve their desired spatial pattern, regardless of the safety of the building structure, arbitrarily remove the beams and columns and walls with load-bearing functions, or smash the door at the load-bearing wall, which will cause neighborhood conflicts and disputes, and cause safety accidents in large areas.

The reporter found that many commercial houses and after-sales public housing do not have a unified drainage pipe, in order to decorate the air conditioning, some owners hang a pipe in mid-air, and the air conditioning drips some to the green belt of the community, and some drip to the barrier-free passage. "It's okay in summer, but in the cold winter, the air conditioner drips, and it may freeze. Liu Miao, deputy to the Municipal People's Congress and secretary of the general party branch of Hong Kong Liyuan residential area in Jiaxing Road Street, said. Residents go to the property to report the problem, but the property often adopts an evasive attitude, the reason is: decoration is a personal behavior, it is impossible to require all owners to choose the same direction for drainage, if you want to install drainage pipes in a unified way, you also need to use the maintenance funds of the community......

The contradictions caused by the decoration of air conditioning also involve "load-bearing beams". Load-bearing beams are beams that are used in houses to carry loads. Liu Miao noticed that more and more families are choosing to install central air conditioning and fresh air systems, which requires the distribution of ventilation pipes and water pipes on the roof. In order to save the space of the floor height, the decoration company does not go under the beam when installing the air conditioner, water pipe and fresh air pipe, but punches holes and pierces the beam.

The balcony was converted into a bathroom, and the bath water overflowed to the residents downstairs...... The representative called for the strengthening of the supervision of house decoration
The balcony was converted into a bathroom, and the bath water overflowed to the residents downstairs...... The representative called for the strengthening of the supervision of house decoration

For the installation of the air conditioner, the hole was punched through the beam, and the hole was very large

"This beam is the 'load-bearing beam', we all know the load-bearing wall, the load-bearing wall includes the load-bearing beam, and the load-bearing beam in addition to the upper and lower load-bearing, but also plays the role of left and right tensile support. Liu Miao said that the diameter of some air conditioning and fresh air pipes reaches more than ten centimeters, and such a large-diameter hole is worn on the top beam, which is bound to cause great damage to the load-bearing capacity of the load-bearing beam, and cannot be repaired.

"During the renovation process, the owner rebuilt and relocated water pipes and gas pipes without authorization, which not only affected the lives of other residents, but also caused great safety hazards. Liu Miao said that changes to kitchens and bathrooms usually involve changes to sewer pipes, affecting the upstairs owners to discharge sewage, and in reality, disputes between upstairs and downstairs neighbors caused by such changes are not uncommon.

There is also a crushing electric toilet on the market today that breaks up the feces and flushes them down the pipe. For example, some owners arbitrarily change the functional structure of the suite, transform the kitchen balcony into a bathroom, and use this kind of toilet. Balcony pipes are generally designed to collect rainwater, and this kind of toilet will be used for a period of time, which will clog the water pipes and emit bursts of odors, which will cause conflicts in the neighborhood and is not conducive to the maintenance of facilities in the entire residential area.

The new version of the title deed lacks a house structure plan

"If a load-bearing wall or load-bearing beam is damaged, it is very difficult to restore it to its original state. Liu Miao said that these safety hazards in the renovation of residents' houses are often discovered when neighbors complain.

In Deputy Liu Miao's view, the accumulation of contradictions in decoration is first of all the failure of the housing construction unit to fulfill its obligation to inform. "The old real estate registration certificate, with a structural drawing of the house attached to the attached page, has a black line on the load-bearing walls. The new version of the real estate registration certificate only has a certificate of distinguishing the ownership of the house, and there is no schematic diagram of the structure of the house. ”

The reporter learned that there are no mandatory regulations on whether the housing construction unit should provide a housing structure drawing. "Some residents will take the initiative to consult with the property or the former owner when decorating, but most of the owners do not have this awareness, the housing construction unit after the owner buys the house, does not inform the owner of the house structure or the notice is not clear, and there is no drawing of the house structure, resulting in many owners are not clear which are the load-bearing walls and load-bearing beams of the house, and which are the structures that cannot be changed in the decoration. ”

The balcony was converted into a bathroom, and the bath water overflowed to the residents downstairs...... The representative called for the strengthening of the supervision of house decoration

The bath water on the 3rd floor overflowed into the homes of the residents downstairs

Xu Pubao believes that functional departments and property service companies lack the correct publicity and guidance for the owner's house decoration, and there is also a lack of accountability mechanism for decoration companies, designers and builders, resulting in many owners being misguided and not having a strong awareness of housing decoration safety. In order to save money, some owners do not go through professional design, do not strictly follow the drawings of construction, modify the layout of the house at will, or even forcibly change the location of the bathroom or the direction of the door because of feng shui superstition, etc.;

The delegates believe that the "Shanghai Residential Property Management Regulations", "Shanghai Municipal Housing Use Safety Management Regulations", "Shanghai Municipal Housing Administration on Strengthening the Residential Property Management Area Property Service Enterprises to Perform Decoration Management Responsibilities" and other regulations and documents, although targeted housing decoration record management, daily supervision, illegal disposal and other related content, but not in place.

"Some property service companies have failed to take responsibility for management and are not in place to supervise. Xu Pubao said that property service companies, as the most front-line regulatory force in the process of decoration of the owners, are easy to find and grasp the decoration violations, and have the responsibility to dissuade, stop or reflect to the functional departments, but many times fail to assume the front-line supervision responsibility for various reasons. At the same time, the law enforcement department did not deal with the illegal decoration in a timely manner. There are functional conflicts and prevarication between departments, which makes it difficult to deal with many illegal decorations after they become a fait accompli.

Strengthen supervision and reduce blind changes to pipelines at the source

Xu Pubao believes that it is necessary to pay close attention to the management of the source, and for the newly built commercial housing, the relevant state departments should introduce relevant laws, clearly stipulating that the housing construction units should reserve space for the renewal and installation of water pipes and gas, sewage and other pipelines during the construction process, so as to reduce the problem of blindly changing pipelines from the source.

In the view of the delegates, the role of the building plan in the decoration is particularly important. Liu Miao believes that housing construction units should be required to provide property owners and property service companies with housing structure drawings, as well as road maps for water, electricity, coal and related pipelines for housing. "For stock houses, if there is a housing structure diagram, the property service company should be responsible for printing it and handing it over to the owner. If there is no housing structure diagram, the housing management department should rearrange the structure of the house, and do a good job of entering, and the property service company will print it and hand it to the owner. ”

Xu Pubao suggested that property service enterprises should be guided to effectively play the role of front-line management in decoration and decoration, and do a good job in the behavior management of owners in the decoration process. When signing a residential interior decoration management service agreement with the decorator, the property management enterprise shall clearly inform the prohibited behaviors and precautions for residential interior decoration. In the course of daily management services and housing safety inspections, if there is a housing transaction or renovation behavior, the new home owner must immediately provide the structure plan, the owner's covenant and the renovation regulations. Property service enterprises should strictly implement the relevant laws and regulations on residential interior decoration, as well as the "Residential Decoration Service Agreement" signed with the owner or property user and decoration enterprise, and conscientiously perform the obligation to inform and inspect, supervise and manage the duties.

At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen the self-discipline of the owners, improve the corresponding policies and regulations, and make it clear that the owners must provide decoration drawings or load-bearing structures and concealed engineering construction drawings when handling decoration registration in property service enterprises, and after being reviewed by property service enterprises, they shall strictly follow the construction drawings for construction. At the same time, the owner registers with the territorial management department through the information system, and the territorial management department strengthens the supervision and inspection of decoration activities according to the filing situation. At the same time, it can fully mobilize the enthusiasm of residents to participate, timely detect and report, and form a good atmosphere for jointly maintaining housing safety.

Editor-in-chief: Zhang Jun

Source: Author: Wang Haiyan

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