
In 1998, because of a sentence: Diaoyu Dao is China, it was blocked for 20 years, and now it is back to shine

author:Penguin Quest

Sun Yaowei wrote a legend in the Chinese music scene in his early years

In 1973, an ordinary boy Sun Yaowei was born in an ordinary family in Hong Kong, although the conditions of all parties are not good, but his parents have high hopes for this only son.

In 1998, because of a sentence: Diaoyu Dao is China, it was blocked for 20 years, and now it is back to shine

Sun Yaowei did not live up to his parents' expectations, and showed his talent for intelligence since he was a child. At the age of 18, Sun Yaowei was successfully admitted to the Department of Electronic Engineering of Chinese University of Hong Kong and was admitted to the school with excellent results.

During his college years, Sun Yaowei did not just immerse himself in engineering expertise, he also dabbled in a wide range of interests and participated in various interest groups on campus. In a campus singer competition, Sun Yaowei signed up with the mentality of giving it a try, but unexpectedly found that he had a good talent in singing.

On stage, Sun Yaowei played well, with a clear voice and skillful skills, and became famous on campus for a while, and began his acting career.

In order to pursue his music dream with all his might, Sun Yaowei decisively gave up his glamorous career as an engineer after graduation and went to Japan to develop alone. Locally, Sun Yaowei signed a contract with a well-known brokerage company and received rigorous training from the company.

In 1998, because of a sentence: Diaoyu Dao is China, it was blocked for 20 years, and now it is back to shine

Sun Yaowei, who experienced hard training in the early days, soon released a solo album in Japan, and his popularity rose rapidly for a while with his beautiful voice, and his career reached its peak.

In his spare time, Sun Yaowei also met Japanese female singer Noriko Sakai in the recording studio, and the two had similar interests and gradually fell in love. Sakai Noriko is not only sweet and generous, but also has a penetrating voice, and cooperates with Sun Yaowei seamlessly.

Their relationship has also gradually warmed up from work partners to lovers, and they have won the recognition and blessings of both families.

Patriotic rhetoric provokes trouble

However, in 1998, Sun Yaowei, who had a bumper harvest in career and love, caused a big disaster because of a statement that "Diaoyu Islands belong to China" during the recording of a Taiwanese entertainment program.

In 1998, because of a sentence: Diaoyu Dao is China, it was blocked for 20 years, and now it is back to shine

When the host suddenly asked, "Which country do you think the Diaoyu Islands belong to?" Sun Yaowei blurted out his opinion that the Diaoyu Islands undoubtedly belong to Chinese territory.

His patriotic statement was unintentional, but it directly angered the senior management of the Japanese-funded company who supported him behind him. In their eyes, Sun Yaowei's patriotic words and deeds are simply a disgrace to the company.

The company's executives were furious, believing that Mr. Sun had seriously affected the company's interests and reputation through the incident. In order to punish him, the company deliberately arranged for Sun Yaowei to perform a complicated and difficult Japanese concert just three days later, with the intention of killing him.

In 1998, because of a sentence: Diaoyu Dao is China, it was blocked for 20 years, and now it is back to shine

In the face of the menacing suppression, although Sun Yaowei was angry in his heart, he still maintained a rational judgment. He knew he could have coped with the show with ease, but the company deliberately stumbled in an attempt to embarrass him.

Sun Yaowei would rather have the jade burned, rather than let the company succeed and play with it. So, he resolutely chose to withdraw from the competition, return to Hong Kong, and leave this Japanese-funded company that regards his compatriots as grass mustard.

encountered a trough of the whole network blockade

However, Sun Yaowei didn't realize that this was just the beginning. His withdrawal from the competition and his return to Hong Kong completely angered the Japanese companies, making them determined to punish Sun Yaowei and ruin his career and future.

Under the manipulation of the company's top management, Sun Yaowei suffered a brutal ban on the whole network. His songs and MVs were instantly deleted from major digital platforms and banned from playback; All performance plans are cancelled and no stage is allowed; Fellow artists were also forbidden to have any cooperation with him, and he was completely isolated.

In 1998, because of a sentence: Diaoyu Dao is China, it was blocked for 20 years, and now it is back to shine

In just a few days, Sun Yaowei's hard-working career fell to the bottom, and his future was ruined.

Faced with the bleakness of his career and the bleak prospects, Sun Yaowei once fell into a trough of despair. He can barely make ends meet with his job as a singer-in-residence, and he has to face financial pressure all the time.

In the few program interviews that can still appear, when asked about the encounter, Sun Yaowei complained about the indifference and ruthlessness in the circle with red eyes, and could not hide the pain and sadness of the impermanence of the star's fate.

However, even in the darkest and most difficult moment of his life, Sun Yaowei's heart has never wavered in his love for the motherland, and he will never forget that he has the blood of the Chinese nation flowing in his bones

In 1998, because of a sentence: Diaoyu Dao is China, it was blocked for 20 years, and now it is back to shine

For a heartfelt patriotic remark, Sun Yaowei did not regret it, and never chose to bow his head and compromise.

Switched to the film and television industry and started again

In 2000, when Sun Yaowei was struggling in the trough, a turning point appeared. Under the introduction of a friend, he got an audition for the leading actor in a large-scale costume TV series "Princess Huaiyu".

In this regard, Sun Yaowei was both surprised and nervous. This is the opportunity for him to step onto the stage again since the banning incident, and it will also determine the direction of his life. In order to go all out, Sun Yaowei made sufficient preparations in advance, exercised his skills, and memorized rehearsals.

At the audition scene, he played well, and successfully defeated many opponents with his outstanding appearance and superb acting skills, and won the important role of the actor in one fell swoop.

In 1998, because of a sentence: Diaoyu Dao is China, it was blocked for 20 years, and now it is back to shine

Since then, Sun Yaowei has officially switched to the film and television industry, opening a new chapter in his life. In the filming of the TV series, Sun Yaowei was diligent and dedicated, giving full play to his talents, which was affirmed by the director and loved by the audience.

Career success also rebuilt his self-confidence. After that, Sun Yaowei successively participated in the filming of many well-known works, and gradually revived his career in the entertainment industry.

During the development of the film and television industry, Sun Yaowei was also fortunate to meet a bosom friend. The two quickly came together with their common language and finally entered the marriage hall. The husband and wife are in extraordinary love and have become a good story in the art circle.

Since then, Sun Yaowei has often been able to create a stable and reliable father image in the play, which is deeply liked by the audience.

In 1998, because of a sentence: Diaoyu Dao is China, it was blocked for 20 years, and now it is back to shine

Brilliant again

Today, Sun Yaowei has successfully come out of the difficult moment when he fell into a trough, and through his unremitting efforts, he has re-established his popularity and popularity, and has grown into an outstanding representative of the Hong Kong entertainment industry.

In recent years, Sun Yaowei will share his life on his video self-media platform, and occasionally upload some classic songs from his youth. These videos instantly evoked the long-lost memories of old fans, and they left messages saying that time has passed, but Sun Yaowei's voice and singing skills are still so beautiful and have not faded at all.

And when asked about the blocking incident in the early years, Sun Yaowei also showed a more mature and stable mentality. He said that he never regretted and never retracted his heartfelt patriotic remarks.

During the turbulent period in Hong Kong, Sun Yaowei disregarded his personal safety, stood up to say no to violence, and used his influence to call for rationality and restraint, fully demonstrating the responsibility of a public figure.

In 1998, because of a sentence: Diaoyu Dao is China, it was blocked for 20 years, and now it is back to shine

Sun Yaowei's words and deeds are conveying positive energy to the world. He is not only an excellent actor, but also practices the responsibility of a patriot with his own practical actions.

It is this spirit that has allowed Sun Yaowei to win more recognition from the industry and the public. His successful comeback from the trough is the best portrayal of a righteous man.

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