
I hope all mothers can remember this sentence: love is not a shackle, but a mutual fulfillment.

author:Dream Mommy Baby

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I hope all mothers can remember this sentence: love is not a shackle, but a mutual fulfillment.

Recently, a speech by Fan Deng has attracted a lot of attention. In his speech, he profoundly touched on some psychological hidden dangers in the relationship between mother and daughter, and guided us to reflect on the influence of mothers in the growth of daughters.

In this article, we will start from Fan Deng's speech, explore key words such as mother-daughter relationship, psychotherapy, family relationship, etc., and draw on psychology and personal growth experience to analyze how daughters absorb their mother's emotions and grow in them.

I hope all mothers can remember this sentence: love is not a shackle, but a mutual fulfillment.

Emotional transmission in the mother-daughter relationship

Fan Deng's speech mentioned that a woman's biggest enemy in this life may not be external pressure, but from her own mother. The mother-daughter relationship plays a crucial role in growing up, and a mother's emotions and behaviors often directly affect her daughter's mental health. In the case of a daughter who has been hurt by her mother all her life, even though the daughter is over 60 years old, the mother-daughter relationship is still full of control and negative emotions.

I hope all mothers can remember this sentence: love is not a shackle, but a mutual fulfillment.

Emotional Injury and Psychotherapy

In the field of psychotherapy, emotional damage is an important concept. Carell, a psychotherapy professional for 28 years, has found that many women have been emotionally hurt by their mothers growing up, causing them to become emotionally sensitive, inferior, anxious, and even insecure. This emotional damage often becomes a shadow for daughters' lives, affecting their relationships, career development, and self-perception.

I hope all mothers can remember this sentence: love is not a shackle, but a mutual fulfillment.

Daughter's emotional absorption

Daughters are natural followers of their mother's emotions, and they not only learn language and behavior in the process of growing up, but also absorb their mother's emotions at the emotional level. In the case mentioned by Fan Deng, the mother kidnapped her daughter morally, manipulating her daughter through complaints and guilt, so that her daughter's emotions were in a state of passive acceptance. In this situation, the daughter learns to control her emotions and try to hide her inner pain in order to adapt to her mother's expectations.

I hope all mothers can remember this sentence: love is not a shackle, but a mutual fulfillment.

Mother's desire for control and influence

The desire to control is a common but dangerous factor in family relationships. In the case mentioned in Fan Deng's speech, the mother controlled her daughter's school and life in order to achieve the goals she had set. This desire for control not only affects the free development of the daughter, but also deepens the conflict between the mother and daughter. The desire to control often manifests itself in high expectations and strict demands on the daughter, which puts her under heavy pressure as she grows up.

I hope all mothers can remember this sentence: love is not a shackle, but a mutual fulfillment.

Domestic violence in mother-daughter relationships

In his speech, Fan Deng mentioned a more extreme situation, namely domestic violence. In some families, mothers may use violence to control their daughters, causing them to grow up in fear and insecurity. This kind of domestic violence not only directly harms the daughter's body, but also leaves a profound psychological wound, affecting their lifelong interpersonal relationships and emotional health.

I hope all mothers can remember this sentence: love is not a shackle, but a mutual fulfillment.

Raising a daughter requires self-cultivation

After exploring some of the issues in the mother-daughter relationship, we had to think about how to improve the situation. Raising daughters requires mothers to pay attention not only to the material needs of their children, but also to their mental health. Mothers should be aware of the impact of their emotions and behaviors on their daughters, and carry out self-cultivation in the process of parenting, get rid of negative emotions, and face family life with a more positive and healthy attitude.

I hope all mothers can remember this sentence: love is not a shackle, but a mutual fulfillment.


The mother-daughter relationship is a complex and delicate topic that concerns the growth of the daughter and the harmony of the whole family. Fan Deng's speech reminded us that a mother's emotions and behaviors have a profound impact on her daughter, and that this influence can stay with her for the rest of her life. Through psychotherapy, self-cultivation, etc., we can better understand and improve the mother-daughter relationship, and create a healthier and more positive environment for growth.

I hope that every mother can pay attention to her emotional state in the process of raising her daughter, and create a warm and safe space for her daughter to grow up.

I hope all mothers can remember this sentence: love is not a shackle, but a mutual fulfillment.
I hope all mothers can remember this sentence: love is not a shackle, but a mutual fulfillment.

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