
The "white young and thin" female star can't support the queen of the world, and the mother of the main palace has become a concubine

author:Distant mountains talk about history

After years of martial arts training and accumulation, Liu Shishi has shown a strong foundation in the new drama "Yi Nian Guan Mountain". Her elongated figure swayed nimbly across the edge of the cliff, sword in both hands, and her eyes were resolute and resolute.

The confrontation with the actor Liu Yuning is thrilling, the green muscles are bursting out, the sword moves are continuous, you come and go, it is very exciting. Every blow and every move has been repeatedly scrutinized, and more than 800 shots and flying lenses are quickly switched, pushing the shocking effect of the fight to a climax.

The "white young and thin" female star can't support the queen of the world, and the mother of the main palace has become a concubine

Liu Shishi revealed that they filmed for half a month just for this scene, which shows the professionalism and dedication of their actors. I haven't seen her for many years, but she is still dedicated and consistent, and her martial arts skills have been perfected, adding highlights to the series.

Chen Turin plays the queen Xiao Yan in "Yi Nian Guan Mountain", a strong woman with great political acumen and decisiveness. After her husband was in distress, she was not afraid of danger, stabilized the situation, and designed the little princess to rescue the driver, which shows that she is scheming.

But when she put on the exaggerated and complicated queen costume, this petite melon seed face suddenly revealed a sense of incongruity. She may lack the temperament cultivation that royal blood should have, and she has not been trained in advance to redress her manners, and the contrast between her gorgeous appearance and inner quality aura is too great, making it difficult for the audience to associate a majestic and dignified queen image with her.

Netizens commented that she was more like a demon concubine than the queen of the main palace. We should not criticize a certain actor, but should give time to run in and grow. It is expected that Chen Turin will gradually integrate into the role through follow-up interpretation, reduce contrast, and present a three-dimensional and plump image of the queen.

The "white young and thin" female star can't support the queen of the world, and the mother of the main palace has become a concubine

Bai Lu challenged the role of a crazy demon queen in "Ning An Like a Dream", but unfortunately her sweet and delicate girlish curves were incompatible with the complicated and exaggerated queen costume.

The hairstyle with golden hairpins and beads on her head should have been graceful and luxurious, coupled with Bailu's petite figure, but her whole person was set off by heavy clothes and aged ten years old.

She may lack the royal demeanor that she has cultivated since she was a child, and she has not experienced the training test of complicated dressing, and once she wears it, she exposes her incongruity. The audience ruthlessly complained that she was like a "grandma who stole the queen's clothes".

The "white young and thin" female star can't support the queen of the world, and the mother of the main palace has become a concubine

We shouldn't judge the role by appearance, actors need time to adapt and run in. It is expected that Bailu can improve his royal temperament through training and integrate into the role in the follow-up works. Maybe in the future, she can try a light role that is more suitable for her age and play to her strengths.

There are many classic queen images in our memory, and they have interpreted this role to the extreme, both in terms of temperament and acting skills. For example, Dai Chunrong in "Huanzhu Gege", from his speech and demeanor to his dress, he exudes a kind of lofty arrogance, full of competitive personality and domineering, and interprets a complex queen very layered.

Da Zheng Shuang is full of aura in "Wu Zetian", and the hairpin hair ornament is the icing on the cake for her, and she also controls this rich outfit with ease, exuding a cold and dignified royal temperament.

The "white young and thin" female star can't support the queen of the world, and the mother of the main palace has become a concubine

Tong Ailing is only 22 years old, but she successfully performed a gentle and elegant eldest grandson queen in "Tang Taizong Li Shimin". These outstanding actors present the audience with a different image of a multi-faceted beauty queen, not just a dignified and demure in the traditional sense.

The conditions of the actor himself are important, but what is more critical is the long-term accumulation of internal cultivation, which can support the gorgeous external decoration. These queens are worth revisiting again and again.

Nowadays, "white and thin" has become the mainstream of aesthetics, and many female stars have shaped themselves in this direction in order to appear playful and lovely. But these petite and delicate body types don't quite match the aura of a character like the queen.

The "white young and thin" female star can't support the queen of the world, and the mother of the main palace has become a concubine

They are bright and moving, wearing exaggerated and complicated queen costumes and heavy jewelry, the contrast is too great to make people imagine a majestic and dignified image. No matter how luxurious the headdress is, it can only give people a sense of doubt that they are overdressed.

This is mainly because they may lack the royal upbringing since childhood, and have not experienced the etiquette training of complicated costumes, and once they are clothed, they expose incongruity. We can't simply criticize an actor, but we should give them time to improve.

Perhaps they can accumulate through private observation, pay attention to inner cultivation, and challenge this kind of role again. You can also start with a light and lovely concubine and gradually transition.

I believe that as long as they are unswerving, they will one day successfully interpret the image of the queen who has been handed down to the world.

The "white young and thin" female star can't support the queen of the world, and the mother of the main palace has become a concubine

A successful role requires an organic combination of the outside and the inside. The innate conditions of an actor are important, but the acquired experience and acting skills cannot be ignored. We can't criticize one actor's interpretation of the role in isolation, but look at the progress of the entire group of actors.

The role of the queen itself carries too many traditional concepts and stereotypes, which require actors to constantly break through and introspect. Let's give time and encouragement to those young actors who are still groping on the road of growth, and also give actors who have been successful but want to break through again to give them the opportunity to try.

The "white young and thin" female star can't support the queen of the world, and the mother of the main palace has become a concubine

As long as they remain enthusiastic, they will one day perfectly interpret a new image of the queen. An image of a queen who integrates the inner and outer aura, warm atmosphere and does not lose her style.

Let us be patient and supportive, and look forward to that day.