
The "iron buddies" are breaking up? Putin did not panic at all, and the situation set up in China in advance came in handy

author:铁血 Outpost
The "iron buddies" are breaking up? Putin did not panic at all, and the situation set up in China in advance came in handy

After the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the economy, energy, and diplomacy are all key areas for the West to suppress Russia, but now more than a year has passed, has the West succeeded? No, even a "fiasco", Russia's economy has increased instead of decreasing, and the oil and gas business is also quite popular, in the field of diplomacy, Putin's "whirlwind visit" to the Middle East some time ago is enough to show that the West's plan to isolate Russia has failed. However, the international situation has always been ever-changing, and the West has been thinking about tricks for a long time to no avail, but unexpectedly waited for the news that Russia and the "iron buddies" broke up. Recently, a diplomatic dispute broke out between Russia and Iran, which began with a joint statement issued by Russia and Arab countries.

The "iron buddies" are breaking up? Putin did not panic at all, and the situation set up in China in advance came in handy

Iran believes the statement questioned Iran's claim to the disputed islands, and then summoned Russian diplomats to express its protest and displeasure. In fact, this is not the first time that Iran has summoned the Russian ambassador, I remember that in July, Iran also summoned the Russian ambassador because of a statement, but this does not prevent the outside world from thinking that the outbreak of diplomatic friction between Russia and Iran is quite a rare situation. Judging from the statements made by Russia and the Arab countries themselves, there is no big problem, because Russia's statement is still rather ambiguous, and it supports the settlement of the disputed island issue through consultation, which is also a method generally accepted by the international community. So why is Iran still dissatisfied? Because Iran believes that it actually controls these islands, which belongs to it, and there is no need to discuss them at all.

The "iron buddies" are breaking up? Putin did not panic at all, and the situation set up in China in advance came in handy

You must know that the relationship between countries has always been complicated, and the relationship between Russia and Iran is indeed good, but this does not mean that Russia is willing to offend Arab countries, so a vague statement is indeed the best solution. Now, Russia has not yet emerged from the war, and has been stabbed in the back by its allies, which can be described as even more tragic, and after the incident, Putin also met separately with Iranian officials who came to Russia to attend the meeting. As for how much damage this incident will cause to Russian-Iranian relations, it will take time to explain everything, but judging from Putin's reaction, it is indeed a little surprising about the development of things, but he is not panicking at all, because Putin has already laid out in advance. Not long ago, the Russian Prime Minister's visit to China has brought Sino-Russian relations to a higher level, but what does this have to do with the diplomatic friction between Russia and Iran?

The "iron buddies" are breaking up? Putin did not panic at all, and the situation set up in China in advance came in handy

Because Russia has a desperate chance to survive, here in China, to put it simply, it is the bureau that Russia has laid out in China before, which comes in handy. You must know that when many people mention China, Russia and Iran, they will think of the "China-Russia-Iran triangle", and if there is a rift in the relations between Russia and Iran, China can naturally play the role of a mediator, and the words "China-Russia-Iran triangle" have pointed out a direction. China, Russia, and Iran are important anti-hegemonic forces in the world, because if there is a gap between the three countries because of the anti-hegemony, it will not only affect the cooperation between the three countries, but also give the United States a bad opportunity, and I believe this is not what Iran wants to see. (Palin)

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