
Experts say that there are about 30 years to live after retirement, and it is recommended to delay retirement. The comment section fell

author:Ah Zhong's side affairs

Recently, the talk of delaying the retirement of Chinese experts has once again been pushed to the forefront

The expert who put forward this suggestion is Peng Xizhe, a professor at the Population and Development Policy Research Center at Fudan University and dean of the Institute on Aging at Fudan University. His research interests are demographics, sociology, and ageing.

Experts say that there are about 30 years to live after retirement, and it is recommended to delay retirement. The comment section fell

He pointed out that China's current retirement age is relatively early, with the average retirement age for men and women being less than 56 years old, while the average life expectancy has reached 78.2 years and is expected to continue to increase. This means that many retirees will have almost 30 years to receive their pension after retirement.

Experts say that there are about 30 years to live after retirement, and it is recommended to delay retirement. The comment section fell

In this case, the current pension system is difficult to maintain in the long term. Therefore, he stressed the importance of delaying retirement to address the pension gap and cope with the aging population.

The retirement age stipulated in the mainland

The current retirement age for mainland workers is 60 for men, 55 for female cadres, and 50 for female workers.

Female cadres at the principal and deputy county and department levels and corresponding post levels in Party and government organs and people's organizations, female cadres equivalent to the principal and deputy department levels in public institutions who are engaged in Party affairs and administrative management, and female professional and technical personnel with senior professional titles shall retire at the age of 60. The above-mentioned female cadres and female professional and technical personnel with senior professional titles may voluntarily retire when they reach the age of 55 if they apply in person.

Obviously, these suggestions were come up with by experts sitting in their offices scratching their heads. They sit in the office and drink tea, of course, the longer they work, the better, and they will not experience the hardships of migrant workers, and it is obviously unreasonable to use an average life expectancy to determine the retirement age

Experts say that there are about 30 years to live after retirement, and it is recommended to delay retirement. The comment section fell

Netizens fried the pot in its comment area

Netizen: Professor Peng Xizhe, hello! My grandmother is 85 years old, do you still need to return to work?

Experts say that there are about 30 years to live after retirement, and it is recommended to delay retirement. The comment section fell

Netizen: My dad has a pension of more than 1,000 for a lifetime, so how much is it for you to be offended?

Experts say that there are about 30 years to live after retirement, and it is recommended to delay retirement. The comment section fell

I have always felt that scolding and cursing others on the Internet is very unqualified, but now when I see this news, I feel that some people deserve to be scolded

Experts say that there are about 30 years to live after retirement, and it is recommended to delay retirement. The comment section fell

Netizen: I can only say that this Fudan professor is lucky to live in China's peaceful society today

Experts say that there are about 30 years to live after retirement, and it is recommended to delay retirement. The comment section fell

Netizen: Professor-level people can retire without receiving a pension, which can alleviate the pension problem

Experts say that there are about 30 years to live after retirement, and it is recommended to delay retirement. The comment section fell

There are several reasons why people are increasingly hating experts:

Expert advice is out of context: Some experts may be too theoretical or lack practical understanding when making recommendations, resulting in recommendations that are out of touch with reality and cannot effectively solve problems. This can lead to less trust in the experts.

Lack of scientific basis for expert statements: Some experts may not have sufficient scientific or factual support when making their statements, and may even mislead the public. This raises questions about the professionalism of the experts.

Expert conflicts of interest: Some experts may have conflicts of interest, such as having interests with certain companies or institutions, and therefore may be biased or advocate when making statements or providing advice. This can make people question the impartiality and objectivity of the experts.

Complication of social issues: As society develops and progresses, many issues become more and more complex. Some experts may oversimplify or overcomplicate the problem when explaining it, resulting in less trust in the expert.
