
What should I do if I want to give my parents the master bedroom with bathroom in the marital room and my fiancée doesn't accept it?

author:Sunflower W22


Have you ever encountered such a thing: you are getting married, and the wedding house is bought, and the man feels that he has to be filial to his parents, and his parents also paid for the house when they bought the house, so they should live in the master bedroom with a bathroom.

Regardless of the rest, let go of the matter of filial piety to parents first, it is really inconvenient for young couples not to live in a bedroom with a bathroom. After all, it is the marriage room of the young couple, and the young couple should still live in the master bedroom, if you want to be filial to your parents, you can be filial through other things.

This happened to this young man:

(The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted.) )

What should I do if I want to give my parents the master bedroom with bathroom in the marital room and my fiancée doesn't accept it?

A netizen pointed out the problem pointedly:

What should I do if I want to give my parents the master bedroom with bathroom in the marital room and my fiancée doesn't accept it?

This netizen also said very well, in fact, for the young daughter-in-law to live in the master bedroom with a bathroom, one of the biggest benefits is convenience, and convenience is very important in life:

What should I do if I want to give my parents the master bedroom with bathroom in the marital room and my fiancée doesn't accept it?

This netizen's analysis is also in place, in fact, the girl is willing to make up the bride price together, so I know that this girl is also a reasonable and good girl, and the days still have to be operated together:

What should I do if I want to give my parents the master bedroom with bathroom in the marital room and my fiancée doesn't accept it?