
Glory of Kings V10 new skin revelations: Erin fairy skin, a double feast of vision and story

author:The game drags together

Recently, Honor of Kings officially revealed a new skin, designed for V10 players, which has aroused strong attention from players. This Erin skin is not only unique in design and full of cards, but also gives players an unprecedented visual impact in terms of skill effects. It seems to transport players into a fairy world full of magic and wonders, which is a sight to behold.

Skin Design: Inspired by "A Butterfly Demon's Thoughts"

This Erin's skin design is inspired by "A Butterfly Demon's Thoughts", with a fugitive elf princess as the character's backstory. The designer skillfully integrated butterflies, fans and other elements into the skin design, which not only retains Erin's original elf temperament, but also adds a bit of mystery and nobility.

Glory of Kings V10 new skin revelations: Erin fairy skin, a double feast of vision and story

In terms of clothing design, the designer changed the sleeves to the shape of two petals. When Erin stands and hangs her hands, the sleeves look like half of a leaf on one side from a distance, forming a complete leaf shape, symbolizing the deep emotion of the flower and leaf. This design is not only creative, but also makes Erin's image more vivid.

Color matching: pink-based, highlighting delicate and resolute

The overall color of this skin is predominantly pink, giving the impression of a delicate little girl. However, when Erin picks up the bow and arrow to unleash the power of the butterfly, she shows her perseverance again. This clever use of color not only highlights Erin's multifaceted personality, but also complements the skin's backstory.

Glory of Kings V10 new skin revelations: Erin fairy skin, a double feast of vision and story

When activating the skill, Erin seems to have broken out of a cocoon and is reborn, fighting with the thoughts of her former friends. And this thought turned into a thread of energy that lingered on the wrist of the old friend, adding a bit of warmth and emotion to the battle.

Skill Effects: A perfect blend of visuals and story

In terms of skill effects, this skin also performs well. The first is the passive skill, Erin will fire an arrow with a particle trailing effect when she draws A, and the visual effect is very good. This design not only enhances the game's sense of impact, but also makes Erin's attacks more enjoyable.

Glory of Kings V10 new skin revelations: Erin fairy skin, a double feast of vision and story

When a skill is cast, Erin will fire a shockwave in front of her. After hitting an enemy, the shockwave spreads out over a small area. The colors of the field are mainly pink and purple, and there are quaint fans and butterflies fluttering around. This special effect is not only beautiful, but also closely related to the theme and backstory of the skin, so that players can also feel the deep cultural heritage and story emotion in the game.

Glory of Kings V10 new skin revelations: Erin fairy skin, a double feast of vision and story

The release of the second skill causes Erin to perform a period of displacement, and a butterfly phantom rises at the end of the displacement. The design seems to symbolize Erin's rebirth from a cocoon, or the awakening of some mysterious power. Subsequently, Erin gets a chance to strengthen the basic attack, and the basic attack range has obvious butterfly patterns. The edges of these silver butterfly patterns shine brightly, as if to announce the coexistence of Irene's domineering and elegant.

Glory of Kings V10 new skin revelations: Erin fairy skin, a double feast of vision and story

The three skills are one of the most gorgeous special effects of this skin. When Erin unleashes her ultimate, special effects of flowers blooming and wings spreading appear around her. This is followed by ripples like flowers blooming underneath. These ripples seem to possess magical power, engulfing enemies in them and inflicting damage. Within her skill range, Erin will also frantically unleash energy storms at her targets, which also have particle trailing effects, leaving enemies with nowhere to escape under flashy attacks. And when Erin moves, the trailing effect with starlight behind her is as stunning as if a real fairy descended to earth.

Glory of Kings V10 new skin revelations: Erin fairy skin, a double feast of vision and story

Summary: A double feast of visuals and stories

Overall, this V10-exclusive Erin skin is undoubtedly a feast for both visuals and stories. From design inspiration to color matching to technical special effects, everything is full of ingenuity and ingenuity of designers. It is not only a game skin, but also a fairy world full of magic and wonders, so that players can also feel the charm of beauty, existence and culture in the game. For players who like the hero Erin, this skin is undoubtedly a rare choice, which will bring players a new game experience and visual enjoyment, so that players can be more engaged and enjoy the game.

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