
After the death of the fifth elder brother Yongqi, why was his only son Mianyi sent by Jiaqing to guard the imperial mausoleum?



Against the backdrop of the Qing Dynasty's prosperous empire, a story full of suspense unfolds quietly. It revolves around a character who has been forgotten by history - Mianyi, the only son of the fifth elder brother Yongqi. Yongqi's death brought a major turning point in Mianyi's life, especially after Jiaqing Emperor Yanyan ascended the throne, Mianyi's fate seemed to be re-woven.

What is puzzling is why Mianyi, the descendant of the imperial family who was once addicted to lust and indulgence in life, was chosen by Emperor Jiaqing to protect the imperial tomb?

In the game of Imperial Power, each character has its own specific position and meaning, and Mianyi's task may not be accidental. What kind of considerations made Emperor Jiaqing make such a decision? was it a trust in Mianyi's personal character, or was there another deep motive?

After the death of the fifth elder brother Yongqi, why was his only son Mianyi sent by Jiaqing to guard the imperial mausoleum?

The Lonely Shadow in the Palace: Mianyi's Childhood

In the context of the prosperity of the Qing Dynasty, the world of the little prince is gloomy. His father, Aisin Jueluo Yongqi, as a member of the royal family, was supposed to be his powerful backer, but the cruelty of fate deprived him of this support early. In this way, the young Mianyi grew up lonely in the golden and sinister place of the Imperial Palace.

In the palace, his status is special - he is not only a member of the royal family, but also because he is a concubine, his situation is particularly delicate. The princes and nobles around him often looked at him with curiosity and even contempt, which made Mianyi feel extremely stressed. He learned to find security in these gazes, to hide his emotions so as not to appear vulnerable.

Mianyi often wandered alone in the corners of the court, and those ornate palaces and corridors were just cold stone walls to him. He craves love, but in this strict hierarchy, he can't find a sense of belonging. His mother did her best to provide him with warmth, but in the shadow of imperial power, there was only so much she could do.

After the death of the fifth elder brother Yongqi, why was his only son Mianyi sent by Jiaqing to guard the imperial mausoleum?

"Why are you always alone?" An elderly eunuch once asked him. Mianyi lowered his head and replied softly: "Here, I don't know how to get along with people. The eunuch sighed and shook his head: "In the palace, everyone is lonely. ”

This brief conversation has become a lingering sorrow in Mianyi's heart. He began to realize that even in the Imperial Palace, not everyone enjoyed the so-called glory and wealth. Behind all this splendor lies a myriad of loneliness and pain.

After the death of the fifth elder brother Yongqi, why was his only son Mianyi sent by Jiaqing to guard the imperial mausoleum?

Numb mediocre youth

As the years passed, Mianyi's life in the depths of the palace became more and more dull and hopeless. The dreams and ambitions he had had were peeled off layer by layer by the ornate walls of the palace, and finally turned into nothingness. The ambitions of the past slowly faded in the deep palace compound of the imperial palace and finally dissipated.

Mianyi gradually discovers that the world he lives in is full of invisible constraints and restrictions. He began to realize that, as a member of the royal family, the trajectory of his life seemed to have been predetermined, and his choice and freedom were severely restricted. This realization made him feel extremely frustrated and dissatisfied.

Driven by this emotion, the adult Mianyi began to indulge herself and indulge in lustful dogs and horses. He finds pleasure in the feasts of the night, trying to numb his feelings with alcohol and laughter. He often danced late into the night with the dancers in the candlelit court halls, trying to escape reality in this brief revelry.

After the death of the fifth elder brother Yongqi, why was his only son Mianyi sent by Jiaqing to guard the imperial mausoleum?

However, this method did not bring real satisfaction to Mianyi. In the morning after the feast, when he returned to his dormitory alone, all the hustle and bustle was gone, leaving only a deep emptiness and loneliness. He often lies in bed, staring at the delicate paintings on the roof, but his heart is turbulent.

"Are you really happy?" An old minister asked him one day. Mianyi paused and replied lightly: "Happiness is short-lived, I'm just looking for relief." The old minister sighed and said, "The real liberation is not in the wine glass and the song and dance. Mianyi smiled slightly, but stopped talking. He knew that the old minister's words were reasonable, but he was Xi using this way to comfort his soul.

Over time, Mianyi's health began to suffer. His face grew haggard and his body became weak. He began to realize that this indulgent lifestyle was draining his life force. But he had sunk too deep to get out easily.

After the death of the fifth elder brother Yongqi, why was his only son Mianyi sent by Jiaqing to guard the imperial mausoleum?

Mianyi spent many years in loneliness and indulgence. He seems to enjoy the glory and wealth of the royal family, but in fact, his heart is full of endless emptiness and pain. His life is like a gorgeous drama, glamorous on the surface, but tragic on the inside.

Over the years, Mianyi has gradually lost her enthusiasm for life. He began to doubt the value of his existence and felt lost about the future. His mind was gradually lost in the loneliness and pain behind this prosperity.

After the death of the fifth elder brother Yongqi, why was his only son Mianyi sent by Jiaqing to guard the imperial mausoleum?

Transformation during the Jiaqing period

In 1796, when Emperor Jiaqing ascended the throne, Mianyi's life trajectory ushered in an important turning point. At this critical moment, Emperor Jiaqing gave Mianyi a meaningful task - to protect the imperial tomb. This task is not only a test for Mianyi, but also a rare opportunity.

Guarding the imperial tomb was an extremely important duty in the Qing Dynasty. Usually, such a task was given only to those of good character who had the trust of the emperor. However, this was not the case in Mianyi's past life.

Although he was obsessed with the sound of dogs and horses, he never had serious immoral behavior. In the eyes of Emperor Jiaqing, although Mianyi is not a perfect choice, it is not disrespectful to the first emperor. Therefore, he was chosen to guard the Imperial Mausoleum, both as a trust in him and as an opportunity to change himself.

After the death of the fifth elder brother Yongqi, why was his only son Mianyi sent by Jiaqing to guard the imperial mausoleum?

Mianyi's acceptance of this task was accompanied by mixed feelings. He understood that this meant that he would leave the palace he loved and hated at the same time, and go to a more lonely and silent place. But at the same time, it is also an opportunity for him to escape from the past and start a new life.

"Are you really ready?" Before he was about to leave, an old minister asked him. Mianyi stared at Lao Chen, was silent for a moment, and then said, "Perhaps, this is exactly what I need." Lao Chen nodded and said earnestly: "This may be a new beginning in your life." ”

Mianyi smiled slightly, but there was an indescribable emotion in her heart. In the days of guarding the imperial tomb, Mianyi's life has undergone significant changes. He was away from the hustle and bustle of the palace, and his life became simple and peaceful. Every day, most of his time is spent on guarding the Imperial Tomb. Although this job is monotonous, it gives Mianyi a lot of time to think and reflect.

After the death of the fifth elder brother Yongqi, why was his only son Mianyi sent by Jiaqing to guard the imperial mausoleum?

In those quiet nights, Mianyi will walk alone in the moonlit cemetery, feeling the tranquility and solemnity of the surroundings. In these moments, he would think back to his past life, and those laughter and indulgences that once seemed so distant and illusory now.

Gradually, Mianyi began to realize that true happiness is not found in the sound of dogs and horses. True satisfaction comes from the realization of one's own self-awareness and self-worth. He began to desire to do something meaningful, hoping to leave his mark on the world.

After the death of the fifth elder brother Yongqi, why was his only son Mianyi sent by Jiaqing to guard the imperial mausoleum?

Tomb Guarding Years: Regaining Dignity

In the quiet years of guarding the imperial tomb, Mianyi began a profound journey of self-exploration. Although this mission may not have a prominent position in the palace, it has become a spiritual salvation for Mianyi, who has lost his way. He gradually let go of the indulgence and confusion of the past, and began to find new purpose and value in life in this lonely but meaningful job.

In the tranquility of the imperial mausoleum, Mianyi began to recall his past. The joy and prosperity of the past now seem like a dream. He realized that true happiness is not sought in fleeting pleasures, but in the realization of self-worth and contribution. He began to learn Xi stories of the previous emperors, drawing wisdom and inspiration from them.

Mianyi sometimes talked to other tomb keepers, and from their mouths, he learned a lot about history and culture. These conversations made him realize more deeply that everyone has a role and a mission, whether in the splendor of the palace or in the silence of the cemetery.

After the death of the fifth elder brother Yongqi, why was his only son Mianyi sent by Jiaqing to guard the imperial mausoleum?

"Have you found your peace here?" An old monk happened to talk to him in the cemetery. Mianyi smiled and replied, "Yes, I found my own peace. The old monk nodded and said, "Tranquility is the home of the soul, I hope you can find your true self here." ”

"Thank you, I will. Mianyi's heart was full of gratitude. Through communication with these ordinary but wise people, Mianyi began to realize that true wisdom and strength come from inner peace and perseverance. He began to focus more on his inner practice and spiritual upliftment, and his life became more fulfilling and meaningful.

In the days of guarding the imperial tomb, Mianyi's mentality has undergone a huge change. He no longer pursued external prosperity and excitement, but began to pursue inner peace and self-realization. His life became simple and fulfilling, and every day was spent in peace.

After the death of the fifth elder brother Yongqi, why was his only son Mianyi sent by Jiaqing to guard the imperial mausoleum?

Mianyi gradually became a thoughtful and peaceful person. He was no longer swayed by the distractions of the outside world, but found peace in his inner world. He began to write down his thoughts and experiences, and these words were full of philosophy and wisdom of life.

His health has also improved significantly. The body that used to be tormented by indulgence is now healthier and stronger. His countenance also changed from haggard to full of life. In these quiet years, Mianyi not only found his health, but more importantly, he found his inner peace and the meaning of life.

After the death of the fifth elder brother Yongqi, why was his only son Mianyi sent by Jiaqing to guard the imperial mausoleum?

The end chapter of life: Mianyi's farewell

The year 1815 was the end of Mianyi's life's journey. In that quiet room, Mianyi lay on the sickbed, looking back on his magnificent but tragic life. At this moment, his heart was both calm and unfinished.

Mianyi's existence may be just a small footnote in the long history of the Qing Dynasty, but his life reflects the complex fate of the royal family members of that era. His life is full of ups and downs, from the confusion and indulgence of his youth, to the reflection and realization of his later years, his story is a mirror that reflects the profound connotations of humanity, power and responsibility.

In the last few days of his life, Mianyi often lay quietly, his eyes deep, as if he was recalling every stage he had walked. His face bears the marks of time, but there is an indescribable brightness and depth in his eyes. "Do you regret it?" An old servant waiting for him asked cautiously.

After the death of the fifth elder brother Yongqi, why was his only son Mianyi sent by Jiaqing to guard the imperial mausoleum?

Mianyi smiled slightly and said softly: "There is no if in life, I just follow the path in my heart." "Have you found the answer?" The old servant asked again. The answer has always been in my heart. Mianyi closed her eyes, as if immersed in endless thoughts.

His life is a legend and a philosophical. From the luxury and indulgence of his youth to the purity of his heart and lack of desire in his later years, Mianyi has experienced the transformation from loss to awakening. Throughout his life's journey, he explored the boundaries of power, experienced the many facets of humanity, and finally found his answer in serenity and deep reflection.


  1. Lan Lina Qingrong County Wang Mianyi's calligraphy and painting appreciation and creation[J].Painting and Calligraphy World,2021(9):81-82