
Who destroyed the Vulture Palace? Zhou Bo came up with the answer, do you see which evil sect has dominated the martial arts



In a desolate valley, the once majestic Vulture Palace is now only ruined. This former martial arts holy place is now eroded by wind and rain, as if telling an unknown secret. And about its decay, there is a shocking mystery that has been unsolved: who destroyed the Vulture Palace?

According to legend, Zhou Botong, the former hero, knows this secret. He is a legend in the rivers and lakes, proficient in every nook and cranny of martial arts. On a dark and windy night, Zhou Botong was in a dilapidated teahouse, facing a group of curious young warriors, about to reveal the mystery.

Who destroyed the Vulture Palace? Zhou Bo came up with the answer, do you see which evil sect has dominated the martial arts

1. The retreat of the Void Bamboo and the changes of the Vulture Palace

In Jin Yong's martial arts world, the Vulture Palace was once a dazzling star in the rivers and lakes. The palace master Xuzhu is known for his unfathomable internal strength and profound understanding of the wisdom of Buddhism. His reputation is like dew in the morning light, fresh and transparent.

However, as the story progresses, Xuzhu's figure gradually fades from the center of the rivers and lakes, and the former palace master chooses a path that is different from ordinary people - traveling to practice and seek spiritual purification.

The changes on the rivers and lakes are like a flowing picture. The news of Xuzhu's departure was like a gust of wind, and it quickly spread throughout the entire martial arts. Many people wondered why Xuzhu chose to leave when the influence of the Vulture Palace was growing? In a secret teahouse, several people from the rivers and lakes sat around a table and talked about this major event that shocked the martial arts.

Who destroyed the Vulture Palace? Zhou Bo came up with the answer, do you see which evil sect has dominated the martial arts

"I heard that Xuzhu has left the Vulture Palace, is it true?" a young martial artist asked incredulously. "Indeed, I have heard caravans from the Western Regions talk about this. Another middle-aged swordsman replied in a deep voice. "Why did he leave, didn't the Vulture Palace grow stronger and stronger under his leadership?" the young warrior looked puzzled.

The middle-aged swordsman sighed: "Perhaps, this is the heart of the master outside the world." "After Xuzhu left, the life of the Vulture Palace was not easy. Without Xuzhu's leadership, the disciples in the palace began to disagree. Some advocated continuing to follow the line of valuing peace and valuing peace, while others believed that they should take the opportunity to expand their power and even fight with other sects.

The internal contradictions in the Vulture Palace became increasingly intensified, and for a while, this once great faction began to falter. At the same time, the power of Mingjiao gradually rose in the rivers and lakes. The development of the Ming Sect has put pressure on many sects, and the Vulture Palace has obviously lost its ability to resist after Xuzhu left.

The decline of the Vulture Palace did not happen overnight. It was like a lantern that had run out of oil, and its light became dimmer and dimmer until it was finally extinguished completely. Some of the younger disciples, after seeing the situation clearly, chose to leave and find a new home.

Who destroyed the Vulture Palace? Zhou Bo came up with the answer, do you see which evil sect has dominated the martial arts

2. The revelation of Zhou Botong

Zhou Botong, the hero who once roamed the rivers and lakes, now has a sense of presence in the martial arts more like a legend. He has rich experience and a deep understanding of the rivers and lakes, and he can always gain insight into the changes in the martial arts. In his opinion, everything on the rivers and lakes is floating clouds, and only strength is the last word.

One casual afternoon, Zhou Botong met a group of young martial arts juniors in a remote town. They are either fledgling, or they still have a longing for the affairs of the rivers and lakes, and they are naturally full of curiosity about this old chivalrous guest. Zhou Botong, although the years have left traces on his face, those sharp eyes still reveal the edge of his youth.

In a dilapidated teahouse, Mr. Zhou sat around with the young men. It was surrounded by muffled conversations and occasional laughter. The young people were full of curiosity about the rise and fall of the Vulture Palace, and they asked Zhou Botong for advice.

Who destroyed the Vulture Palace? Zhou Bo came up with the answer, do you see which evil sect has dominated the martial arts

"Did you know? After Xuzhu left, the Vulture Palace began to go downhill. In the end, it was even destroyed by Mingjiao. Zhou Botong said leisurely, with a bit of emotion in his voice. "Mingjiao, how is it possible!" exclaimed a young man. Zhou Botong looked at them, and a deep light flashed in his eyes: "Yes, the rivers and lakes are unpredictable, and the strong are kings." ”

The young people were shocked by Zhou Botong's words. Some of them have not really experienced the cruelty of the rivers and lakes, and they only know a little about this rise and fall. Zhou Botong's words seemed to open a window and let them see the other side of the rivers and lakes.

In Zhou Botong's account, the rise and fall of the Vulture Palace is not just a simple history. It is the epitome of the changes in the rivers and lakes, and it is also an illustration of the unpredictability of people's hearts. At that time, the Vulture Palace gradually lost its soul due to the departure of Xuzhu. Xuzhu's otherworldly temperament and profound internal strength are the core of supporting the Vulture Palace. His departure has deprived the Vulture Palace of its most important pillar.

Who destroyed the Vulture Palace? Zhou Bo came up with the answer, do you see which evil sect has dominated the martial arts

The rise of Mingjiao is a manifestation of another kind of power. Under the leadership of Zhang Wuji, Mingjiao occupied a place in the rivers and lakes with its powerful power and influence. And when the Vulture Palace gradually weakened, it became the target of the Ming Sect's expanding power.

The young people listened to Zhou Botong's narration, and their hearts were full of mixed emotions. Their understanding of the rivers and lakes began to slowly deepen, and they realized all kinds of cruelty and ruthlessness in martial arts. The story of the Vulture Palace is like a mirror, reflecting the true face of the rivers and lakes.

Zhou Botong's words seemed to tell them that no matter which sect, no matter how arrogant the palace master was, they could not escape the iron law of the rivers and lakes - the strong survive, and the weak eliminated. The decline of the Vulture Palace is not only because of Xuzhu's departure, but also because it failed to adapt to the changes in the rivers and lakes and the cruel competition.

Who destroyed the Vulture Palace? Zhou Bo came up with the answer, do you see which evil sect has dominated the martial arts

3. The rise and competition of Mingjiao

In Jin Yong's martial arts rivers and lakes, Mingjiao first appeared as a cult, relying on the increasing influence of powerful religious forces in the martial arts, and gradually grew from a marginal force to an important role in the martial arts.

At the same time, the once powerful sect Vulture Palace fell into a leadership vacuum after Xuzhu left. The departure of Xuzhu has caused this once powerful sect to lose its soul and core. Although the disciples of the Vulture Palace are strong in martial arts, they are gradually unable to do so in the absence of unified leadership and direction.

On a spring afternoon, the disciples of the Ming Sect and the Vulture Palace had a fierce battle in a chance encounter. This contest is not only a comparison of the strength of the two factions, but also reflects the current situation of the two factions. The disciples of Mingjiao are not only strong in martial arts, but also have firm beliefs and the power of unity.

Who destroyed the Vulture Palace? Zhou Bo came up with the answer, do you see which evil sect has dominated the martial arts

And the disciples of the Vulture Palace, although they all have unique skills, they seem to be fighting separately due to the lack of a unified leader, and they cannot form a joint force. In this contest, a disciple of the Ming Sect bravely challenged the master of the Vulture Palace. The duel between the two was extremely fierce, and the moves were swift and exquisite, which attracted the amazement of the onlookers of martial arts.

In the end, after a fierce battle, the Mingjiao disciples defeated their opponents with the support of their team and strong will. After the game, the disciples of the Vulture Palace said to the disciples of the Ming Sect with emotion: "Your unity and belief are indeed very admirable. The Mingjiao disciple replied, "This is all because our teachings are Wuji, and he is our spiritual pillar." ”

The disciple of the Vulture Palace sighed, "Since the departure of the Xuzhu senior, we have not had such a leader again. The Mingjiao disciple comforted: "The rivers and lakes are changing, and each sect has its own ups and downs. The important thing is to find the path that suits you. ”

Who destroyed the Vulture Palace? Zhou Bo came up with the answer, do you see which evil sect has dominated the martial arts

4. The fall of the Vulture Palace

With the passage of time, the once majestic Vulture Palace has gradually shown signs of decay. This sect, which was once famous in the rivers and lakes, is now experiencing unprecedented difficulties. The internal discord and external pressure of the Vulture Palace, like two invisible forces, are slowly eroding this former martial arts giant.

In the main hall of the Vulture Palace, the once hustle and bustle has disappeared. The hall was empty, and only a few elderly masters were left sitting silently, their eyes full of melancholy and helplessness. Over the years, due to the vacancy of the leadership and internal contradictions, the young disciples left the Vulture Palace one by one to find a new home.

Some of them joined other sects, while others chose to live in seclusion and never ask questions about the affairs of the rivers and lakes again. On a cold night, several disciples of the Ming Sect inadvertently broke into the realm of the Vulture Palace. They inspected the palace and found that the building was empty, and only a few elderly disciples were left to maintain daily order.

Who destroyed the Vulture Palace? Zhou Bo came up with the answer, do you see which evil sect has dominated the martial arts

Seeing such a situation, the disciples of the Ming Sect felt a little surprised and a little emotional. "Is this what the Vulture Palace used to be?" a young Ming Sect disciple whispered. An elderly disciple of the Vulture Palace replied, "Yes, there are only a few of us old people left. ”

"Why don't you join other sects?" another Mingjiao disciple asked curiously. The old disciple shook his head: "Although the Vulture Palace has been defeated, our hearts are still here. Although this conversation was short, it revealed the loyalty and reluctance of the Vulture Palace disciples to their sect. Even in the vicissitudes of the rivers and lakes, they still stick to their beliefs and honors.

In the end, under the attack of the Ming Sect, the Vulture Palace gradually disappeared from the stage of martial arts. This once glorious sect only left a few elderly disciples and a legendary history in the end. They silently guarded the ruins until the last moment of their lives.

Who destroyed the Vulture Palace? Zhou Bo came up with the answer, do you see which evil sect has dominated the martial arts

5. The return of the bamboo and a new beginning

Many years later, there is no longer a Vulture Palace. The once glorious palace is now in ruins, and the prosperity of the past has disappeared. Xuzhu, the palace master who once made people in awe of the rivers and lakes, has also completely disappeared from the rivers and lakes. What is left behind are only those legends and memories that have been circulated in the rivers and lakes.

In the ruins of the Vulture Palace, the grass is overgrown, and the walls of the palace are mottled, showing the traces of time. Occasionally, a few people passing by will stop here, reminiscing about the past glory of the Vulture Palace. They may have heard of the name of Master Xuzhu, or they may have studied here, but now, everything is a thing of the past.

On an autumn afternoon, several young martial arts rookies strayed into the ruins. They looked around curiously, feeling the last breath of this once great faction left in the world. "Is this the legendary Vulture Palace?" asked a young man softly.

Who destroyed the Vulture Palace? Zhou Bo came up with the answer, do you see which evil sect has dominated the martial arts

"Yes, the former martial arts overlord, now only these broken walls remain. Another young man replied with emotion. "I heard that Master Xuzhu used to be the palace master here. A third young man chimed in. "Yes, but he's been gone for years, and now he can't even be found. The last young man sighed.

These young martial arts rookies wander through the ruins of the Vulture Palace, filled with curiosity and awe about the past. They explored the ruins, as if they wanted to read the dusty history from the dilapidated stone bricks.


"The Condor Heroes"