
Franchise cheated? You may step into a big pit, and these three 300,000 experiences can allow you to successfully avoid it

author:Liu Ke
Franchise cheated? You may step into a big pit, and these three 300,000 experiences can allow you to successfully avoid it

Can I join?

What's good to join?

Which one is reliable?

What brand of grilled fish is good to join?

Newbies find ways to join and make money,

Veterans scoffed when they heard the franchise,

Someone tasted the sweetness in the franchise,

Someone was joined by the pit and jumped the Yellow River without return.

Nothing can be killed with a stick, everything has two sides, multi-faceted, comprehensive like a blind man touching an elephant, who touches it is right, but is it what you want?

Cars bring convenience and speed, but car accidents also make many people lose their loved ones, is the car this thing not ok? A few days ago, a new energy vehicle ran out of power on the road, and was rear-ended and caused the death of one person, so from then on, it is necessary to completely ban the development of electric vehicles? Even if you don't accept it, in a few years the road will be running electric cars.

One of my students joined a (fork and fork) I don't say, as long as I wrote it, someone asked, where did the teacher join this, I went to join it, I will definitely be paid to spend money, some go out of the cold wind blowing regret, some regret back home, some regret not earning money after opening.

Then, some people, at first glance, confessed; some people couldn't let me go to look for it; some came with relatives, some came with banners, some came with pesticides, some came with ropes, some came with machetes, some came with detonator explosives, and some came with covers...

If you have been in the franchise team, seen more than this, just go in and ask, do not get any insider information, stay in it for a year, you will find...

One of my trainees is a management member of the largest franchise team in China, he said, a year advertising cost of tens of millions, operating income of several hundred million, bonuses of several million...

I opened the window and said, let Jing Jing come in and stay for a while.

At the beginning, the students who joined the franchise came back to do it themselves, did a good job, and now the business is hot, is it the reason for joining?

You tell me?

Many people think that this franchise brand is bullish, and then the surrounding counties and cities have run to join, they think that joining can be as hot as his business, and then, now they form a group to pull banners downstairs of franchisees.

My students are still doing this brand, or the same as before, or do the hot, not whose trust, is their own good work, the inside of the pay, you must not see, the front investment to open a store without a little experience expected 200,000 stores finally spent more than 400,000 to open.

Later, his cousin in his hometown asked him how much he had to open this shop, and he said it truthfully, and his cousin ignored him after listening to an expression. Later, in Fa Xiao, he learned that his cousin had opened a shop with the same brand as him, and then, he lost the essence.

It turned out that he did not tell the truth, obviously the franchisee said 28,800 can open a store, what do you mean by 400,000, deceive your own family to go down, I went to find it myself.

Now, cut, what's great, this brand is obviously not good, can't make money, you don't say, ask you to lie to people that the cost is 400,000, obviously to make black money, now I have closed the door and closed down, he is still open to the black heart to join as a trust to collect money, such relatives want to be, I want to expose his ugly face in the family group.

Joining successfully made money, drinking to celebrate; joining failed to lose money, rights protection pull banners.

The trainee told me, how many detours to take, how many pits, I was deceived and there are various misunderstandings, and finally until I was deceived more experience, I had my own set of experience, the result I said to whom, who does not believe, so simple is your way to make money, don't fool children, they firmly walk towards the big pit, poof!

Franchise cheated? You may step into a big pit, and these three 300,000 experiences can allow you to successfully avoid it

The same franchise brand, different people open, different results, and nothing to do with the brand.

If a brand can be done well, the best one that sells coffee in the whole world, why close more than 150 stores, a total of only 2400 stores will be close to 10%, this is worth pondering...

What you see is what you see.

So, speaking of which, can you join in the end?

Do you remember me saying that one of my trainees is a franchisee? Once we chatted together, talking about his original work, now he has stopped doing it, he opened a shop to do catering, he said, we at that time, in addition to advertising promotion, is to buy information, buy the information to be fine, according to the customer into different categories, and then the telephone invitation to visit the field trip, as long as it is invited to come, the transaction is the least 80%.

Some of them I won't say, just say something in detail, and you'll know why you're here to be sold.

Cars, what means of transportation you do when you come, judge your income according to your circle of friends, and then arrange different cars according to different people, you will say, how many? I also have this question, he said, from bentley to Toyota minibus, all kinds of models have a variety of prices, and the details are far more than that.

Who goes to pick up, says anything, does not come to the phone in the car, what is said on the phone is something that needs to be practiced many times in advance, and the attitude and content of the speech are scripts.

To which company do you think is a place? Ha, more than three, different locations and grades, after entering the company, you will meet satisfied with the people who joined and left at the door, came in and asked the people who joined, and even the health aunts encountered in the corridor, are prepared in advance, and the time is not bad. You'd think it's impossible, and yes, I thought so simply.

Then show you the company brochure and image video demonstration during the period, there will be a special arrangement of waiters, cleaning personnel to accompany the departure of the room, if you quietly ask something, the answer given to you will definitely make you make up your mind quickly.

If you drink too much drink and drink tea to go to the bathroom, they will randomly point out the door to the right, you go, there will be a cleaner bending down to work, if you are very clever to inquire, I am sure you will know what answer you will get now.

Then, the back is to taste, you rest assured, will not let you eat the taste of the bad taste, must be amazing taste, you should never have eaten such a delicious (chicken, fish, cattle and sheep and other franchise products) Why is it so delicious?

My trainees said so, the chef with a monthly salary of 20,000 yuan is specially here to use the cost of 100 ingredients to make dishes for 18.8 yuan for franchisees, do you think it will be delicious?

That kind of franchisee still do the taste is very bad I am the most despised, do things so unprofessional, how can I immediately receive the franchise fee, my customers are basically after eating, put down the knife and fork on the card, eat the place can also be? Swipers are all portable, as long as you nod, the swipe machine will be on the desktop, there are obstacles to collecting money, that is a person who will not do business.

Why do you swipe your card right away?

Delicious, can make money, can easily make big money, invest in small profits, zero investment monthly income of 500,000 are you willing to play?

But is this all fake?

Is it really so profitable to open a restaurant? Those old birds who have been driving for more than ten years are still busy every day, why do you invest 28,800 yuan to earn 500,000 yuan in January, are you stupid or those old birds are stupid?

It's a question that can be answered with your toes, but some people believe it.

Franchise cheated? You may step into a big pit, and these three 300,000 experiences can allow you to successfully avoid it

There is a movie that can give you the answer.

The movie "The Wolf of Wall Street" is not an orthodox film, played by Little Plum, the character archetype is the story of Jordan Belfort, and the complex design in it is completely fulfilling all of Di Si's dreams, earning $12 million in 3 minutes, and having hundreds of millions of family properties in her early 30s.

Some people say that this is a vulgar and shameless movie, he takes advantage of the poor's habitual thinking about cheap things, touting a bunch of junk stocks, everyone knows that this is a scam, a pit, everyone knows that the pie will not fall from the sky, but human nature has triumphed, people can't control their desires, they have been deceived.

How come?

Ha, why not, you look around one by one, so-and-so, what 1040 project, we all know that this is a game of drumming and passing flowers, all think that when the drum stops, the flowers must be in the hands of others.

Some say it's comedy, some say it's scum, some say they can't learn anything from it, some say marketing experts can take clips from it and talk about success, and I don't know how many people think that in belfort's way, they can really step on the top of the materialistic kingdom.

What is it like, or you go to see this movie yourself, old film, find it yourself, you can also buy this book to read directly, as to whether it is good or not, whether it is effective or not, what you think is what you think.

After reading this book, this movie you will understand, in your eyes and then the weak to join, as long as you say: zero basic zero risk, no chef can open a store, the month to return the cost, the headquarters of the city's technical coffee support, become a local restaurant famous, open on the hot, count money every day!

When you say this, the card will be in your hand.

Moreover, there are offers and discounts for today's payment, this is the last day, you came by chance!

It is human nature to be lured by high returns to invest in joining, everyone wants to make money lying down, except for the most famous Cang-sensei I don't know muto ran, Hojo Kaori, Kawahama Nami, Tisha Yaka, Machida Irino, Nijido Hitomi, Iijima Ai, Iida Natsufan, Iizuka Tomoko, Yoshimoto Hazuki, Okazaki Yuyuki, Okada Reina, Takagi Momi, Takada Reiko, Takahara Ryumi, Miyamoto Mami, Miyaji, Koto Hikari, Mitsuki Night, Kawamura Akiko, Kawai Iris, Kurosaki Fan, Red Moon Ryuna, Kagaru, Yoshikawa Moe, Yoshikawa Moe, And Kawa Nayo, Yoshikawa Manami, Yoshizaki Sana, Yoshino Sari, Imai Asuka, Shoko Imaki, Kanazawa Ryoko, Kokura Apricot, Ogawa Ryugo, Shinomiya Chise...

Therefore, such a zero-risk high-income project is naturally loved by the people who join, so they have to pay money, cheap.

After signing the contract is the beginning of the day of regret, when many of the promises were verbally promised by the staff, the contract was not, indeed, which one of the franchisees will be written in the guarantee of making money? Tens of millions of advertising fees, millions of commissions where do they come from, are zero franchise fees, people drink the northwest wind? Long brain, no wonder, with the brain does not come to join.

All kinds of loopholes in the contract, selling materials, selling equipment, selling consumables, door-to-door huge fees, each step is a pit.

In fact, if you think about it, you can also understand that this is obviously a pit, just like the chef comes to you to guide you from January to March, even if you hire a chef in the local area for January, there is no 3,500 can not be found, why do other people's chefs come to you thousands of miles to do the month, just for your zero franchise fee?

At this time, do you understand a lot, field trip, just this field trip to make you completely faster to be deceived. Do you see which one around you was fooled because of the field trip?

What to do?

Franchise cheated? You may step into a big pit, and these three 300,000 experiences can allow you to successfully avoid it

It is best not to go directly, first refer to the following points:

1, to join to have a lot of money, can not spend it, (but this is nonsense, most of them are borrowed to join the family) no money do not join, less money, discounts, zero franchise fees, do not believe, tease you to play, remember such a thing, more than 500,000 franchises also have a lot of cheats on you, and do not dare to guarantee to make money, but one or two thousand are circle your money is not negotiable, think about it yourself.

2, first go to become the surrounding service staff, from the surrounding area to start contact and understand, for example, couriers, food delivery brother. What's the matter, since you have invested all your wealth, you should first explore the truth or what you should do, at least not to hang yourself in the future, but if you have this idea and understanding, you will not join. Oh, I'm blind, this pit should fall or fall. This basically can't be done.

3, check the qualifications, check the brand in other places of the store site, quietly go to see, where to find? Public comments can be ah, go to the local area, see how miserable the guy was pitted, maybe there will be good, just like my student, but, this is a case, do a good job, not to join what brand, but people, just like cutting vegetables and cutting well, not what brand of knife,

4, do not believe that all the franchises out of the online Baidu, (all, all, all) when watching to learn to see people, look at people, looks at the form and demeanor to see, this is a compulsory course before a person starts a business, to learn to know the talent line, come up and ask, how do I believe you? After this question is asked, the liar is happy to blossom.

Regular joining?

Tell you not to make money, dead expensive, do you join?

Regular cheap, all closed,

Anything can not be killed with a stick, join less than 500,000 do not consider, even if there is no record is useless, there is no guarantee that you make money to join, you want to join, the brain must be 100% always sober can be.

Keep a few important points in mind:

1, really make money, no one will let the world know, will hide, one person knows, will never say, will not say, will not say;

2, want to join are do not understand the catering do not understand the franchise, really understand will not join;

3, in the two knife franchisees where learning seven or eight days can exceed the technology of the old store for more than ten years, you can make money, if you believe in this matter, or wash and sleep!

Wash and go to sleep, it's not early!

Copyright belongs to the author Liu Ke, welcome to share, forward! For commercial reprints, please contact the author for authorization, non-commercial reprints please indicate: Author: Liu Ke, screen name: Almighty's brother-in-law. The reprinter's act of reprinting shall be deemed to have agreed to this article, and this article shall be attached to the reprint!

The brother-in-law said: The more afraid the more you lose, the more you pay, the more successful you are, and the more you share, the happier you are!