
The three major posts may be abolished, and medical and nursing positions will also be affected

author:Unknown Miao
The three major posts may be abolished, and medical and nursing positions will also be affected

Hello everyone, I'm Ah Miao, the editor of Toutiao. Today I would like to bring you a blockbuster news, about the three major positions and the issue of "establishment", they will face huge changes and adjustments!

As the core of the civil service system, establishment posts have always been regarded as a stable golden job. However, the news that has recently come out has shocked many people -- the establishment posts may be abolished! What does this mean? It means that those establishment posts that were once glorious will no longer exist, and the situation of being able to provide a stable pension will become a thing of the past.

Not only staffing posts, but also healthcare posts will be affected. The pandemic has been a wake-up call, and the weaknesses of the healthcare system have been revealed. In order to improve the quality and efficiency of health care, the government plans to restructure and re-evaluate health care workers. This means that previously stable health care jobs may also be adjusted and compressed.

The three major posts may be abolished, and medical and nursing positions will also be affected

Why is there such a big change? In fact, this is an adjustment made by the state in the process of promoting the governance system and management reform. It is undeniable that for a long time, the shortcomings of the establishment system have gradually been revealed. First of all, the number of posts is too large, resulting in an uneven distribution of resources. Second, the rigidity and guarantee of the establishment system are not conducive to stimulating the vitality and innovation ability of talents. As for medical and nursing positions, although they are engaged in important work, they cannot ignore the problems of the existing system.

So what are the implications of such adjustments?

First of all, the cancellation of the establishment position may cause some people to lose their original job security. But we might as well look at this issue from another angle, and the adjustment of the establishment system also means new opportunities for career development. I believe that those who have strength and talent can always find a new way out of development, but they need to put in more effort and wisdom.

Secondly, although there will be a period of uncertainty and transition in the adjustment of medical positions, it is also aimed at improving the service quality and efficiency of the entire medical system. It is foreseeable that the responsibilities and treatment of medical staff will be clearer and more reasonable. In this process, we also need to give them more understanding and support, so that they can smoothly adapt to the new working environment.

The three major posts may be abolished, and medical and nursing positions will also be affected

For job seekers, the new employment situation also brings new challenges and opportunities. No longer relying on the constraints of the establishment system, we can pay more attention to personal ability and development potential, and prove our value with strength. The competition in the workplace will be more intense, but as long as you have strength and professionalism, you will definitely be able to get more opportunities in the workplace.

In the face of such reforms and adjustments, we need to maintain an optimistic and open attitude. The process of change may be accompanied by some contradictions and pains, but only through such adjustments can we make our society more fair and efficient, and allow more people to have the opportunity to show their talents and values.

The above is the sharing of this time, the adjustment of the three major posts and the "establishment" issue will have an impact on the establishment of posts and medical posts. We need to recognise that change is inevitable and that what matters is how we respond and adapt. I hope you can face the future with a positive attitude, bravely deal with changes, and show your strength and value!