
Ding Ning: Mei cries! After retiring, Hua Mei turned around, making her like a blooming rose

author:A duck who loves to entertain

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Text/Editor|The duck who loves entertainment

Ding Ning: Mei cries! After retiring, Hua Mei turned around, making her like a blooming rose

After retiring, Olympic table tennis champion Ding Ning has recently won everyone's attention with her more dazzling style. She once shocked the world with her ball skills, but now she seems to have redefined herself in another way, which is eye-catching. Some people were amazed by her changes, and even jokingly asked: "Did Ding Ning find any beauty secrets, how did he become so charming overnight?"

Ding Ning: Mei cries! After retiring, Hua Mei turned around, making her like a blooming rose

On September 6, 2021, Ding Ning, the women's world champion in table tennis, announced her decision to retire. The news, while a little surprising, was not entirely unexpected for those who followed her. Ding Ning missed out on qualifying for the Tokyo Olympics that year, and her form was significantly lower than before, which seemed to signal a turning point in the champion's career.

As an outstanding representative of the "Xia Ning Jujube" era of the national table tennis women's team, Ding Ning's career is full of highlight moments. Despite the painful defeat at the World Table Tennis Championships in Moscow, Ding Ning never gave up, but showed amazing resilience and combat effectiveness in the next international competition with a more tenacious psychological quality. At the 2016 Rio Olympics, Ding Ning fought hard in the women's singles final after seven rounds and finally defeated teammate Li Xiaoxia with a score of 4-3, which was not only the pinnacle of her career, but also engraved her name in the history of national table tennis.

Ding Ning: Mei cries! After retiring, Hua Mei turned around, making her like a blooming rose

Time is unforgiving, and it doesn't stand still because of anyone. As he gets older and a new generation of fighters rises, Ding Ning faces challenges both in terms of technique and form. In particular, young players such as Chen Meng, Sun Yingsha and Wang Manyu are growing rapidly and showing what they can do on the international stage. Ding Ning realizes that her times are quietly changing, her experience and wisdom can be passed on to the next generation, and she can also find different possibilities in the new stage of life.

On September 6, 2021, she announced her retirement to the world on social media, while also showing her vision for a new life in the future: "From today, my table tennis career will come to an end. In the future, I will work hard towards new dreams and challenge new possibilities. This passage not only heralded the end of an era, but also heralded a new beginning.

Ding Ning: Mei cries! After retiring, Hua Mei turned around, making her like a blooming rose

In the trajectory of Ding Ning's life, there was another important event on this day - she became a full-time graduate student at Peking University. The moment she arrived at the campus to check in, she was in a mixed mood and full of expectations. Although to the outside world, she seems to always be the champion full of fighting spirit and courage, but in the face of a new academic environment and challenges, Ding Ning also has her doubts and worries.

Ding Ning: Mei cries! After retiring, Hua Mei turned around, making her like a blooming rose

"From the stadium to the campus, I will be surrounded by outstanding students from all over the world. This transformation is full of unknowns for me. Ding Ning candidly shared his concerns. She knows that the competition and challenges in this new environment are completely different from what she has experienced on the court in the past, but that's why she chose to continue studying Xi – to take on new challenges and open up new horizons.

Despite all the uncertainties in his heart, Ding Ning still chose to take this step bravely. She believes that the value of life lies in constantly exploring and challenging oneself. On social media, she used the nickname "Learning Xi Ning" to encourage herself and encourage everyone not to be afraid of the unknown and move forward bravely. "There's no end to learning," she says, as a reminder not only to herself, but also to everyone.

In the 2021 graduate class of the Department of Physical Education and Research of Peking University, Ding Ning restarted his Xi journey as a student.

Ding Ning: Mei cries! After retiring, Hua Mei turned around, making her like a blooming rose

When Ding Ning announced that he would go to Peking University to further his studies as a graduate student, the former table tennis champion ushered in a new chapter in his life. Ding Ning, who walked into the campus of Peking University, seemed to have changed the stage, losing her frankness and "tomboy" temperament as an athlete, and adding the tranquility and brightness of a mature woman. In that bookish place, she is like a rose blooming in the sun, dazzlingly beautiful, exuding the charm of knowledge and elegance.

In July 2023, she received her master's degree certificate with joy at the graduation ceremony of Peking University. This certificate not only represents her academic achievements, but also testimonies of her continuous self-challenge.

Ding Ning: Mei cries! After retiring, Hua Mei turned around, making her like a blooming rose

At the graduation ceremony on the 5th, Ding Ning stood on the stage and reviewed his challenging and rewarding academic career in the past two years. Her experience may have been more colorful than that of her peers, but she has experienced the same pressures and difficulties as everyone else on her academic journey. Staying up late and finishing her dissertation and research overnight is also a common thing for her. It is these ups and downs that constitute the true taste of her student life, and also allow her to experience the unique tacit understanding and happiness with her classmates.

In the table tennis class of Peking University, Ding Ning is not only a student, but also a teaching assistant. She teaches techniques, shares experiences, and even occasionally encounters faces who have been cheering her on the sidelines. These familiar and intimate memories fill her teaching life with special meaning.

Ding Ning: Mei cries! After retiring, Hua Mei turned around, making her like a blooming rose

Ding Ning said in the sharing that this time allowed her to think deeply about the value of sports competition from another perspective. She realised that despite the brutality and challenges of competitive sports, it is also a bridge between people and sports, and is the starting point for many people to love sports. She hopes that as a teacher, she can guide students to understand and appreciate the deep value behind sports competition.

When Ding Ning's name appears on Peking University's list again in August 2023, this time she returns as an in-service teacher. She will focus on research in the field of athletic training and set up table tennis courses to continue to contribute to this field where she once excelled.

Ding Ning: Mei cries! After retiring, Hua Mei turned around, making her like a blooming rose

The former Ding Ning impressed with her signature short hair and the unpretentious dress of an athlete. She is heroic on the court, like a little warrior who is not afraid of difficulties. As time passed, Ding Ning gradually showed more feminine charm. She began to experiment with different looks, and the lady-style makeup made her appear more elegant and gentle, as if a female warrior who had taken off her battle robe and changed into a light skirt, appearing in the public eye with a new image.

Ding Ning: Mei cries! After retiring, Hua Mei turned around, making her like a blooming rose

Although Ding Ning has stopped frequently appearing in major table tennis competitions over the years, her popularity and influence have not diminished at all. Every time she changes, it will become the focus of people's attention and discussion. In particular, the transformation of her appearance and temperament is even more amazing. Now she has long soft black hair, with simple but fashionable clothes, every time she appears, she looks like a fairy out of a painting, and her temperament is refined.

Ding Ning: Mei cries! After retiring, Hua Mei turned around, making her like a blooming rose

Ding Ning's fair skin, tall figure, and delicate facial features, these natural conditions, coupled with her careful care of her appearance, make her the focus wherever she goes. Many people began to speculate that with Ding Ning's conditions and popularity, if she wants, she can try new challenges in the entertainment industry or other fields, and may even have new achievements.

Ding Ning's life is like a wonderful movie, from the age of 5 to the age of 31 when she announced her retirement, she flew over the peak and fell to the bottom. But no matter what stage she is, she has never given up chasing her dreams. She is a true dreamer who constantly surpasses herself in her own way, whether on the table tennis court or in every area of life. Such a Ding Ning, no matter what stage he is in, is worthy of our respect and appreciation.


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