
This "winter artifact" may cause pneumonia!

author:Shangguan News

Winters are cold and dry

Many citizens will choose it

Use a humidifier while using air conditioning or heating

Think of it as a "winter artifact"


Be sure to take extra care when using a humidifier

Otherwise, it is easy to get "humidifier pneumonia"

Recently, a man in Huai'an, Jiangsu Province was recruited

The humidifier will not be turned off overnight

"Humidifier" pneumonia on men

In winter, the weather is cold, and Mr. Huang, a citizen of Huai'an, has the heating on 24 hours a day at home. Worried that the indoor air would be too dry, Mr. Huang used a humidifier at home and often stayed overnight.

This "winter artifact" may cause pneumonia!

In the past few days, Mr. Huang always felt tightness in his chest, his throat was also very uncomfortable, and he often coughed. When I went to the hospital for a check-up, I found out that I had pneumonia.

This "winter artifact" may cause pneumonia!

"After the examination, the doctor said that I may have pneumonia, which may be caused by using a humidifier at home and not cleaning it regularly. Mr. Huang said.

This "winter artifact" may cause pneumonia!

Doctors said that the most comfortable air humidity for the human body is generally 40% to 60%, but if the humidifier is used for a long time to improve the air humidity, and the water source in the humidifier is not clean, or the humidifier is not cleaned frequently, it will lead to the breeding of germs and bring health risks to the human body.

This "winter artifact" may cause pneumonia!

"Humidifier pneumonia means that after using a humidifier, the humidifier will bring some microbial particles into the human body, and if the person's resistance decreases at this time, it will cause a series of diseases such as upper respiratory tract infection, bronchitis, pneumonia or bronchial asthma. Wang Zaikai, a resident physician in the Department of Internal Medicine of the Ecological New Town Branch of the First People's Hospital of Huai'an City, said.

The doctor reminded that the humidifier itself is not the "culprit" that causes "humidifier pneumonia", but the negligence of cleaning the humidifier. To avoid the occurrence of diseases, the most important thing is to master the correct use of humidifiers:

• Do not turn on the humidifier 24 hours a day, preferably with an intermittent period

• Humidifiers should be filled with cold or purified water

• The humidifier itself must be disinfected, preferably once a week

Add a biocide to the humidifier

It can have serious consequences

Since cleaning the humidifier is so important, someone may add some "ingredients", and pour essential oils, lemon juice, and even disinfectants into the humidifier, which is absolutely unacceptable.

This "winter artifact" may cause pneumonia!

Some people may still remember the "humidifier death" public safety incident in South Korea in 2011, which directly caused 670,000 South Koreans to suffer from upper respiratory, lung and skin diseases, and even death. After investigation, the relevant departments in South Korea found that the main reason for the incident was the addition of disinfectants to the humidifier.

Sun Yongchang, Director of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Peking University Third Hospital: This situation is due to the addition of a disinfectant to the water in the humidifier, which is a disinfectant, and I hope that the water will be kept clean and will not grow microorganisms. In fact, after the fungicide is inhaled, the damage it causes in the lungs will be more serious, this situation is also known as humidifier bactericide pneumonia, some will become chronic, and even pulmonary fibrosis occurs, causing lung function to decrease, so it is particularly emphasized that when you use a humidifier, do not add disinfectant to the water, wash it regularly, and keep the water clean is the most important.

At the same time, experts reminded that some humidifiers on the market claim to have their own sterilization function, and most of them are installed with ultraviolet lamps in the sink, which has a certain sterilization effect, but cannot completely replace the regular cleaning of humidifiers.

Source: Morning News

Editor: Cheng Jiayu

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