
Children get sick at two ends in three days, there may be these two reasons, which need to be paid attention to by parents!

author:YTY Jin Yujing Director 6071

Children get sick frequently during kindergarten, and this problem has become a headache for many parents. Parents reported that their children rarely got sick before, but since they started kindergarten, they are very worried about the frequent illness.

In the outpatient clinic, parents complain that their children's health during kindergarten is not as good as they were at home, with frequent colds, coughs, diarrhea and sometimes even fevers.

Children get sick at two ends in three days, there may be these two reasons, which need to be paid attention to by parents!

This phenomenon is indeed a big challenge for parents, who need to pay extra energy to care for and treat their children, and it also brings difficulties to the management and education of kindergartens.

The kindergarten environment is a large group environment, and once a child is sick, bacteria and viruses may be transmitted through the air, objects, utensils, etc.

For example, in kindergarten, children need to come into contact with toys, utensils, books, beds, etc., which can be a way to spread bacteria and viruses.

If a child is sick, then the children around him can be infected with the virus.

Therefore, the problem of cross-infection in kindergartens deserves our vigilance.

Children get sick at two ends in three days, there may be these two reasons, which need to be paid attention to by parents!

In order to effectively prevent cross-infection, childcare facilities need to pay attention to hand hygiene and cough etiquette to reduce the spread of bacteria or viruses.

At the same time, we should also educate children to wash their hands frequently and avoid touching their mouth, nose or public facilities to further reduce the risk of infection.

There is also a possibility that the child has a bad spleen and stomach and is very prone to illness.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the spleen and stomach are the acquired foundation of the human body, and if the spleen and stomach are weak, the child's growth and development and health quality will be seriously affected, and a variety of problems may occur.

For example, swollen eye bags, blue complexion, thick tongue, poor spirit, pale complexion, thin body, lack of eating, constipation, sweating, etc. In this case, the child's physical fitness will be very poor, easy to get sick, and it will also affect the development of height.

Therefore, we should pay attention to the health of the child's spleen and stomach and regulate it in time.

Children get sick at two ends in three days, there may be these two reasons, which need to be paid attention to by parents!

If the child is found to have the following symptoms, it may indicate a bad spleen and stomach: First, the child may have obvious picky eating and anorexia, and has a special preference for food choices.

Children tend to accumulate food, lose appetite and have poor appetite, and their ability to absorb nutrients decreases, resulting in emaciation.

Finally, the child's sleep quality is poor, sleep is insufficient, or the child wakes up easily during sleep, dreams, etc.

In response to these symptoms, parents can take some methods to regulate their children's spleen and stomach, such as eating more warm foods, such as yams, seeds, pork belly, chicken gold, etc.

Children get sick at two ends in three days, there may be these two reasons, which need to be paid attention to by parents!

At the same time, properly nourish the spleen and stomach for children, cultivate good dietary Xi habits, avoid eating too much cold food, and regulate by massaging the spleen meridian, rubbing the abdomen clockwise, kneading the feet for three miles and pinching the chiropractic, 1-2 times a day, and persist for a period of time, can achieve good results.

These treatments are especially suitable for children under 3 years of age.

Therefore, we should pay attention to the health of the child's spleen and stomach in time, and help the child to regulate the body as much as possible, so that they can grow up healthily.

Children must pay attention to their own hygiene after the kindergarten meeting, so as to reduce the risk of disease, not to get sick, and not to pass on germs to other children.