
The word-of-mouth collapse of "Flowers" is too unjust, and only by understanding the three-layer subtle narrative can you understand Wong Kar-wai

author:Your circle beep beep


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The word-of-mouth collapse of "Flowers" is too unjust, and only by understanding the three-layer subtle narrative can you understand Wong Kar-wai

Text: Your circle beep beep

Editor|Guiquan beep Ji

The online drama "Flowers" set off a heated discussion in the entertainment industry as soon as it was broadcast! After only one day of broadcasting, it rushed to the first place on the hot search list, and the Douban comments broke 3,000, which shows how high the audience's attention is! But the comments are very polarized, saying that the work of the movie master Lao Wang is very visual, and on the other hand, he says that he can't understand it, and the plot is stinky and long.

The word-of-mouth collapse of "Flowers" is too unjust, and only by understanding the three-layer subtle narrative can you understand Wong Kar-wai

As a loyal fan of Lao Wang, I think we should stand in the perspective of understanding, think more about the director's good intentions, and don't judge a work by whether it is easy to understand. I hope you will be patient, I believe that with the advancement of the plot, "Flowers" will become another pinnacle of Lao Wang!

Lao Wang recreates the aesthetics of Shanghai in his heart

This time, "Flowers" Lao Wang tried to create a TV series for the first time, and made every effort to create the appearance of Shanghai in the 90s in his mind. Although as a foreigner, it is impossible for Lao Wang to completely restore the historical scene at that time, he chose to focus on the upper class, and worked clothing, makeup, hair, and temperament, basically restoring the style of Shanghai at that time.

With the backdrop of various old Shanghai landmark buildings, the overall visual effect is amazing, successfully creating the atmosphere of old Shanghai. It can be said that Lao Wang has put a lot of effort into visual aesthetics, and every frame is a blockbuster and can't stop.

The word-of-mouth collapse of "Flowers" is too unjust, and only by understanding the three-layer subtle narrative can you understand Wong Kar-wai

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet, and some netizens thought that the Shanghai aesthetics created by Lao Wang were very beautiful and unique, which made people shine. Some netizens also think that the color is too dark, unlike the sunny Shanghai.

Some netizens think that although this tone is depressing, it brings a sense of absurdity and tension, which is very cinematic. It can be seen that Lao Wang's re-enactment of the aesthetic style of old Shanghai has fascinated the audience, and even if there are different interpretations, it proves that the visual effect meets expectations and successfully ignites the enthusiasm of the audience.

With the history of the stock market as the background, it reflects the close-up of the business war in the 90s

As a main theme drama, "Flowers" is based on the historical background of the early 90s when the stock market was just starting, and reflects the speculative and capricious social phenomenon at that time through the protagonist of successful stock speculation from scratch. The stock market is just starting, the regulation is not perfect, and many people are watching the market day and night, trying to get rich overnight through stocks, but most people follow the stock market turmoil and finally get nothing.

The word-of-mouth collapse of "Flowers" is too unjust, and only by understanding the three-layer subtle narrative can you understand Wong Kar-wai

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet, and some netizens thought that the TV series vividly showed the situation when people had high hopes for the stock market but often failed to do so. Some netizens also think that the positive cases of successful people are inspiring.

Some netizens think that this kind of modeled shaping is too idealistic and should show a richer historical picture. Whether praised or criticized, the restoration of the development of the stock market in the early 90s in the play has sparked extensive discussions among netizens and successfully outlined the historical background at that time.

Drawing on martial arts techniques to depict the relationship between characters

In terms of character relationships, Lao Wang unabashedly applied skillful martial arts techniques. The relationship between the protagonist and the master is like father and son, and the protagonist and his siblings help each other, which is highly consistent with the description of the relationship between the characters in traditional martial arts dramas. Coupled with the competition in business wars, "Flowers" has both fashion elements and the atmosphere of rivers and lakes, and the pattern is more grandiose.

The word-of-mouth collapse of "Flowers" is too unjust, and only by understanding the three-layer subtle narrative can you understand Wong Kar-wai

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet, and some netizens thought that this bold cross-border fusion of business warfare and martial arts was novel and bold, and very shocking. Some netizens think that this fusion is not natural enough, and the style is a bit blunt.

Some netizens believe that highlighting the relationship and emotions of the characters with martial arts techniques is Lao Wang's strength, showing a unique language charm. In any case, Lao Wang's new attempts in character portrayal have opened the audience's eyes and made them feel his infinite creative possibilities.

The word-of-mouth collapse of "Flowers" is too unjust, and only by understanding the three-layer subtle narrative can you understand Wong Kar-wai

To sum up, "Flowers", as Lao Wang's new work, has made bold attempts and innovations in visual aesthetics, historical background restoration and character portrayal language, which is eye-catching. We should not use the inherent theatrical aesthetic standards to demand Lao Wang, but from the perspective of understanding and tolerance, we should discover his intentions and innovation.

I believe that with the advancement of the plot, "Flowers" will bring us more surprises! It will become a sublimation of Lao Wang's film aesthetic language in the field of TV dramas, and I hope everyone will witness the growth of this film and television work!