
Come to Xitang to welcome the New Year together......

author:Jiangsu Traffic Broadcasting Network

New Year's Eve

It was supposed to be a matter of a second

However, more people

Hopefully a more formal farewell to the past

The welcome to the future is more grand

So I wanted to do something full of rituals

Come to Xitang to welcome the New Year together......

No matter what posture you want to take on New Year's Eve

Joy, romance, happiness


Xitang Ancient Town can give it to you

Come to Xitang to welcome the New Year together......

New Year's Day 2024

Gather your family and friends

Meet in Xitang

Embark on an immersive experience that has been carefully prepared for a long time

Come to Xitang to welcome the New Year together......

There are mysteries and immersive scenarios to explore

A red-hot welcome ceremony

Wedding boat parade in red and color

Ten miles of red makeup in the Jiangnan water town wedding

There is also the Xitang Hanfu Market


Are you ready?

During the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty

The ancient town of Xitang is prosperous

The rich party

The Zhu family and the Ni family are two famous pearls

It will bloom in this rich land to tell a story

With New Year's Day approaching

The two families celebrated this grand wedding

Guests from all over the world are invited to participate in the grand event

Come to Xitang to welcome the New Year together......

"Three Books and Six Rites" immersive scene exploration

Come to Xitang to welcome the New Year together......

Back in time

Participate in the "Three Books and Six Rites"

Feel the romance of the ancients

Come to Xitang to welcome the New Year together......





(1) Players receive invitations in the ticket hall at the main entrance, and the host explains the rules of the event;

(2) Players are at the main entrance and watch the welcome ceremony

(3) Players complete the "Three Books and Six Rites" tasks in turn, and stamp the auspicious seal;

(4) Players arrive at the "Yuelao Office" in the West Garden, cancel the invitation stamped with the auspicious language, and take their seats in turn;

(5) Players watch the wedding in Xitang Garden;

(6) The newlyweds will distribute candy and Xitang cultural and creative gifts as souvenirs;

(7) Wedding ceremony.

Come to Xitang to welcome the New Year together......





Come to Xitang to welcome the New Year together......

Garden weddings

Come to Xitang to welcome the New Year together......

On the banks of clear water

Beautiful weddings in ancient Chinese memories

Recreated in the ancient town of Xitang

Solemn and atmospheric music

A dignified and solemn ceremony

Take everyone back to tradition again

Savor the unique sense of heaviness brought by that long history

Wedding boat cruise

Come to Xitang to welcome the New Year together......

The groom's hairpin is red, and the bride's coat is draped

The newlyweds take a wedding boat unique to the water town

Walk slowly in the river and enjoy the atmosphere of the ancient town

Listen to the thousand-year-old flowing water and oars singing in the ancient town





Do you want to cruise with the wedding boat team? The opportunity is here! Pay attention to the Douyin account of Xitang Ancient Town Scenic Area and enter the group purchase window to make an appointment. (Make-up is mainly by appointment)

Charter boat (limited to 6 people): 398 yuan

Charter boat (limited to 6 people, including Hanfu makeup): 1280 yuan

Individual passengers: 50 yuan

Individual passenger carpooling (including Hanfu makeup): 198 yuan

Come to Xitang to welcome the New Year together......

Welcome prayers

Come to Xitang to welcome the New Year together......

New Year, New Weather!

Beat the drums to arrange shifts and open the door to the ceremony

Welcome salute, welcome and pray for blessings

Welcome guests from all over the world

Promote traditional Chinese etiquette and culture

Hanfu Market in Xitang Ancient Town

Come to Xitang to welcome the New Year together......

"The fireworks of the city are the most soothing to the hearts of mortals"

Xitang Hanfu Market

With its unique creativity and charm

Witnessing the tolerance and feelings that belong to this ancient town

Say goodbye to the old and welcome the new, Xitang tour ceremony

The editor has put together a schedule of events for you

Arrange your time wisely

Come to Xitang to welcome the New Year together......

The above activity schedule is for reference only, and the details are subject to the site

Let's embark on this journey through time

Welcome the first rays of sunshine of the new year in Xitang Ancient Town

Feel the blend of history and modernity

Experience an unforgettable experience

New Year's Eve New Year's Eve Gift Feast

Come to Xitang to welcome the New Year together......